Sandy Stone
Allucquére Rosanne "Sandy" Stone (c.1936) is an American academic theorist, media theorist, author, and performance artist. She is Associate Professor and Founding Director of the Advanced Communication Technologies Laboratory (ACTLab, 1992) and the New Media Initiative in the department of Radio-TV-Film at the University of Texas at Austin. Concurrently she is Wolfgang Kohler Professor of Media and Performance at the European Graduate School EGS, senior artist at the Banff Centre, and Humanities Research Institute Fellow at the University of California, Irvine. Stone has worked in and written about film, music, experimental neurology, writing, engineering, and computer programming. Stone is transgender and is considered a founder of the academic discipline of transgender studies. (2020)
- The War of Desire and Technology at the Close of the Mechanical Age, MIT Press, Sep 1995, 212 pp, OL; 2nd ed., rev., Jul 1996. Based on the PhD dissertation Presence: The War of Desire and Technology at the Close of the Mechanical Age (University of California, Santa Cruz, 1993). Publisher. Reviews: Sharratt (NY Times), Shade (CMC), Nideffer (Soc Sci Comp R), Sci Tech Soc, Mattison (JASIST), Stephen Doheny-Farina (Tech Comm Q), Patterson (South Central R).
- Desiderio e tecnologia: il problema dell'identità nell'era di Internet, Milan: Feltrinelli, 1996, 213 pp. (Italian)
- Eros vs. Technos, trans. Karin Lindelöf, forew. Ana L. Valdés, Stockholm: Norstedts, 1997, 208 pp. (Swedish)
- Denshi media jidai no taju jinkaku: Yokubo to tekunoroji no tatakai [電子メディア時代の多重人格: 欲望とテクノロジーの戦い], trans. Motohisa Handa and Hisae Kato, Tokyo: Shinyosha, 1999, 275 pp. (Japanese)
- trans., 1997. (Chinese)
- trans. (Bulgarian)
- La guerra de deseo y tecnologia: y otras historias de sexo, muerte y máquinas, intro. Toni Navarro, Madrid: Holobionte, 2020, 320 pp. [1] (Spanish)
Book chapters, essays[edit]
- "Will the Real Body Please Stand Up? Boundary Stories About Virtual Cultures", in Cyberspace: First Steps, ed. Michael Benedikt, MIT Press, Oct 1991, pp 81-118, IA. [2]
- "¿Podría ponerse de pie el cuerpo verdadero? Historia en el límite sobre las culturas virtuales", in Ciberespacio: los primeros pasos, ed. Michael Benedikt, México: Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (Conacyt), 1993. (Spanish)
- in Saibāsupēsu [サイバースペース], ed. Michael Benedikt, Tokyo: NTT, 1994, pp 84-120. (Japanese)
- "Würde sich der wirkliche Körper bitte erheben? Grenzgeschichten über virtuelle Kulturen", trans. Florian Rotzer, Kunstforum 133: "Die Zukunft des Körpers II", 1996, pp 68-83; repr. in Gender & Medien-Reader, eds. Kathrin Peters and Andrea Seier, Zurich: Diaphanes, 2016, pp 225-248. [3] [4] (German)
- "Neka stvarno tijelo ustane, molim!", in Cyberfeminizam, ed. Igor Marković, Zagreb: Centar za ženske studije, 1999, pp 99-120. (Croatian)
- "¿Puede levantarse el cuerpo real, por favor?", in Ciberfeminismo. De VNS Matrix a Laboria Cuboniks, eds. Remedios Zafra and Teresa López-Pellisa, Madrid: Holobionte, 2019. [5] (Spanish)
- "The Empire Strikes Back: A Posttranssexual Manifesto", in Body Guards: The Cultural Politics of Sexual Ambiguity, eds. Kristina Straub and Julia Epstein, New York: Routledge, Oct 1991, pp 280-304; repr., rev. & upd. with afterw., Camera Obscura 10:2, May 1992, pp 150-176; repr. in The Transgender Studies Reader, eds. Susan Stryker and Stephen Whittle, Routledge, 2006, pp 221-235; upd., 2014. On identity, power, and authentic voice; first presented at Other Voices, Other Worlds: Questioning Gender and Ethnicity, Santa Cruz, CA, 1988.
- "Virtual Systems: The Architecture of Elsewhere", in Semiotext(e) Architecture, ed. Hrazten Zeitlian, New York: Semiotext(e), Jan 1992.
- "Virtual Systems", in Incorporations, eds. Jonathan Crary and Sanford Kwinter, New York: Zone, Oct 1992, pp 608-621. [6]
- "Violation and Virtuality: Two Cases of Physical and Psychological Boundary Transgression and Their Implications", 1993; shortened version as "Identity in Oshkosh", in Posthuman Bodies, eds. Judith Halberstam and Ira Livingston, Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1995, pp 23-37. On multiple personality and desire; the basis for Stone's Desire and Technology book.
- "Virtualitet og krenkelser: to tilfeller av fysiske og psykiske grenseoverskridelser og deres konsekvenser", trans. Thomas Gramstad, in Kulturens digitale felt: essays om informasjonsteknologiens betydning [The Digital Field of Culture], eds. Terje Rasmussen and Morten Søby, Oslo: Aventura, 1993, pp 71-107; repr., 2nd ed., 1996. (Norwegian)
- "Split Subjects, Not Atoms; or, How I Fell in Love with My Prosthesis", Configurations 2(1): "Located Knowledges: Intersections", eds. Mario Biagnioli and Roddey Reid, Winter 1994, pp 173-190; repr. as "Sex, Death, and Architecture", ANY: Architecture New York 3: "Electrotecture: Architecture and the Electronic Future", ed. Mark C. Taylor, New York: ANY, Nov/Dec 1993, pp 34-39. [7] [8]
- "What Vampires Know: Transsubjection and Transgender in Cyberspace", in In Control: Mensch-Interface-Maschine, ed. Eva Ursprung, Graz: W.A.S. Kunstverein, 1994. Presented at Kunstlerhaus Graz, May (or October?) 1993.
- "Was Vampire wissen. Von transitiven Subjekten und Geschlechtern in virtuellen Welten", in In Control. Mensch-Interface-Maschine, ed. Eva Ursprung, Graz: W.A.S. Kunstverein, 1994, pp 39-60. (German)
- "Invaginal Imaginal: How to Fill (Or Surround) Virtual Space", Lusitania 6: "Vulva morphia", ed. Lillian Lenox, 1994. [9]
- "Imaginaire Invaginal: comment remplier (ou entourer) l'espace virtuel", Lusitania 6: "Vulvamorphia", ed. Lillian Lenox, 1994, pp 7-12. (French)
- "Sex and Death Among the Disembodied: VR, Cyberspace, and the Nature of Academic Discourse", The Sociological Review 42(1): "The Cultures of Computing", ed. Susan Leigh Star, May 1994, pp 243-255; repr. in The Cultures of Computing, ed. Susan Leigh Star, Blackwell, 1995. [10]
- with Nikhil Sinha, "Computers and Communication", in Questioning the Media: A Critical Introduction, 2nd ed., eds. John Downing, Ali Mohammadi, and Annabelle Sreberny-Mohammadi, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, Mar 1995, pp 255-276.
- "Neural Games: Remapping the Locus of Desire", in Press/Enter: Between Seduction and Disbelief, ed. Louise Dompierre, Toronto: The Power Plant Contemporary Art Gallery at Harbourfront Centre, Apr 1995, pp 131-143.
- "Innocence and Awakening: Cyberdammerung at the Ashibe Research Lab", in Technoscientific Imaginaries: Conversations, Profiles, and Memoirs, ed. George E. Marcus, University of Chicago Press, Apr 1995; repr. in Immersed in Technology: Art and Virtual Environments, eds. Mary Anne Moser and Douglas MacLeod, MIT Press, Jan 1996. [11] [12]
- "Der Blick des Vampirs. Unter den Untoten am Beginn des virtuellen Zeitalters", trans. Gender et alia, in The Body of Gender. Körper. Geschlechter. Identitäten, ed. Marie-Louise Angerer, Berlin: Passagen, 1995, pp 187-202. [13] [14] [15] (German)
- "Cyberdammerung at Wellspring Systems", in Immersed in Technology: Art and Virtual Environments, eds. Mary Ann Moser with Douglas MacLeod, MIT Press, 1996, pp 103-117.
- "Welcome to the Present", in Electronic Culture: Technology and Visual Representation, ed. Timothy Druckrey, New York: Aperture, Sep 1996, pp 6-10.
- "Overhearing Our Own Voices", in Interface 3. Labile Ordnungen. Netze denken, Kunst verkehren, Verbindlichkeiten, ed. Klaus Peter Dencker, Hamburg: Hans-Bredow-Institut, 1997, pp 256-261; exp. as "In the Language of Vampire Speak: Overhearing Our Own Voices", in The Eight Technologies of Otherness, ed. Sue Golding, London: Routledge, 1997, pp 57-63.
- "The Baby or the Bath Water: Being an Inquiry into the Nature of Woman, Womyn, Art, Time, and Timing in Five Thousand Words or Less", in Art, Women, California 1950-2000: Parallels and Intersections, eds. Diana Burgess Fuller and Daniela Salvioni, University of California Press, 2002.
- Jon Lebkowsky, Paco Xander Nathan, Dave Demaris, "Bait and Switch with Sandy Stone", Mondo 2000 11: "Cyberpunk", 1993, pp 53-58. Original version. [16]
- Steven Fong, Suzan Selçuk, "x + y - knots: sideyardBungalow: Allucquere Rosanne Stone", Assemblage: A Critical Journal of Architecture and Design Culture 24: "House Rules", MIT Press, and Wexner Center for the Arts, Aug 1994, pp 68-75. [17]
- Ingamaj Beck, "Sandy Stone. I virtuella vatten", Kulturrådet, 1995, pp 22-26. (Swedish)
- Davina Anne Gabriel, "Interview With the Transsexual Vampire: Sandy Stone's Dark Gift" [Jan 1995], TransSisters: The Journal of Transsexual Feminism 8, Spring 1995, pp 14-27, HTML (with commentary). Full issue PDF.
- Ben Bratton, Laura Grindstaff, Robert Nideffer, "Techno-Prosthetics and Exterior Presence: A Conversation With Sandy Stone", SPEED 1.2: "Science and Re-enchantment", ed. Benjamin Bratton, Spring 1995. [18]
- Thyrza Goodeve, "How Like a Goddess: A Conversation with Allucquére Roseanne Stone", Artforum, Sep 1995, pp 117-121, 125. [19] [20]
- Frances Dyson, "Liquid Identity (on Allucquere Rosanne Stone)", 21-C 1, 1996, pp 69-72.
- Susan Stryker, "Sex and Death among the Cyborgs" [Sep 1995], Wired 4.05, May 1996; exp. as "Another Dream of a Common Language: An Interview with Sandy Stone", TSQ 3:1-2, May 2016, pp 294-305. [21]
- "Sandy Stone interviewed by Lynn Hershman Leeson", in Clicking In: Hot Links to a Digital Culture, ed. Lynn Hershman Leeson, Seattle: Bay Press, 1996, pp 105-115.
- "Speaking of the Medium: Marshall McLuhan Interviews Allucquére Rosanne Stone", in Orlan: This Is My Body, This Is My Software, ed. Duncan McCorquodale, London: Black Dog, 1996, pp 42-51.
- Brita Brenna, Ingunn Moser, "It's the End of the Word! A Conversation with Sandy Stone on Language, Identity, and Desire", ARR: Idehistorisk tidsskfrit 1-2, Apr 1997, pp 72-81. [22]
- Zackary Drucker, "Sandy Stone on Living Among Lesbian Separatists as a Trans Woman in the 70s", Vice, 19 Dec 2018.