Shu Lea Cheang
Born 1954 in Taiwan. 1976, BA in history at the National Taiwan University. 1979, MA in film studies at the New York University. Beginning 1981 she was involved with the media activists’ collective Paper Tiger TV. Cheang first became known with experimental video works, which celebrate lesbian sexuality from the angle of an aggressive and humorously radical Punk-attitude. Among her important multimedia and www works are the projects «Bowling Alley» (1995) for the Online-Gallery of the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis and «Brandon Project» (1996), a collaboration with numerous artists, commissioned by the Guggenheim Museum. Following the production of the cyberporno film «I.K.U.» (2000 she focused on questions of copyrights and economy in media culture, with the projects «Kingdom of Privacy» (collaborating with Armin Medosch, 2002) and «Burn» (2003). Shu Lea Cheang considers herself a cybernomad. She lives and works in different parts of America, Europe, and Asia, depending on her current project.
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