Shusha Niederberger
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Shusha Niederberger is an artist, educator and researcher in digital culture and the arts. She has a background in digital arts, has developed and curated the education program for HEK (House of Electronic Arts Basel) for several years, and has been researching digital artistic practices and the commons. She is currently working on her dissertation on user practices in data-driven environments, as part of the research project Latent Spaces – Performing Ambiguous Data at the Zurich University of the Arts. (2024)
- "Zur Performativität von Code", Apr 2013. Lecture given at the research workshop "out of control", Corner College, 20 Apr 2013. (German)
- "Zugang ist nicht genug: die gemeinschaftliche Arbeit an der Kultur", in Share: Medientechnologie und Kulturvermittlung, ed. Haus der elektroninschen Künste, Christoph Merian, 2018. (German)
- "Technologie von unten. Feministische Technologiekritik und algorithmische Gegenwart", Fabrikzeitung, 8 Jul 2019. (German)
- "Feminist Server – Sichtbarkeit und Funktionalität. Digitale Infrastruktur als gemeinschaftliches Projekt", Springerin 4, Vienna, 2019. (German)
- "Feminist Server – Visibility and Functionality: Digital Infrastructure as a Common Project", Springerin 4, Vienna, 2019. [1] (English)
- "Über Codes, Arbeit und Anerkennung. Crashkurs in Technofeminismus", Fabrikzeitung, 29 Oct 2020. (German)
- editor, with Cornelia Sollfrank and Felix Stalder, Aesthetics of the Commons, Zurich: diaphanes, 2021, 275 pp. (English)
- "Radical Care – Shadow Libraries und die Imagination anderer Institutionen", Fabrikzeitung: "Der radikale Katalog", eds. Lucie Kolb and Eva Weinmayr, Zürich: Rote Fabrik, Dec 2021. (German)
- "Minor User: Subjectivity of Small Technology", A Peer-reviewed Newspaper 12(1): "Toward a Minor Tech", Aarhus: Digital Aesthetics Research Center, Aarhus University, Feb 2023, p 4. Toot. (English)
- Gily Kolb, "Shusha Niederberger – Mediating Digital Nowness", The Art Educators Talk, Feb 2020. (English)
- Anthonie de Groot, "«Jetzt haben wir die Cloud und alles ist magic magic»",, Nov 2023. (German)