Split Cinema Club

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Split Cinema Club (Kino klub Split) was founded in 1952. With 313 short films produced and four generations of authors, it is also referred to as the "Split Film School". This denomination has two actual meanings, one in terms of continuity of the style of it; and which does not distinguish production from individuals as separate phenomena, but as mere curiosity. Generations of Split authors were also strongly influenced by "editing in the square", advocated along with the concept of pure film of the early avant-garde by Ivan Martinac, a dominant figure in the Split film circle. His films, characterized by contemplative style and strict form, are rhythmic poetic reflections on life and death, space and time, in the search for the pure film and the "film of state". The first generation comprises the founders of the club in the 1950s (Nozica, Bogdanovic), while the second, active in the 1960s, is considered the "golden" one, which saw the most prolific and radical film activity (Zafranović, Verzotti, Nakić, Pivčević, Kursar, Crvelin, Drušković and Buljević). In the following decade the third generation (Karabatić, Tasić, Bošnjak, Bojić) still displayed a recognizable touch, while the last generation, active in the 1980s, introduced some novelties into the filmic expression of the day (Batinović, Bezi, Fradelić, Mustać, Poljak, Stambuk). Kino klub Split is still active. (Ana Janevski)

  • Branka Benčić, Diana Nenadić, Adriana Perojević, Splitska škola filma – 60 godina Kino kluba Split, 2012. With DVD. (in English/Croatian) [1] [2]
See also