Stephen Partridge
Stephen Partridge is an artist and academic researcher. He was the principal investigator on the four-year AHRC funded research project REWIND|Artists’ Video in the 70s & 80s. He was in the “landmark” video shows of the 1970s including the Video Show at the Serpentine in 1975, the Installation Show at the Tate gallery in 1976, The Paris Biennalle in 1977 and The Kitchen in New York in 1979. During the eighties he exhibited widely and also became interested in works for broadcast television and was commissioned by Channel 4 television to produce Dialogue for Two Players in 1984. With Jane Rigby, he formed Fields and Frames Ltd – an arts projects and television production company – which produced the innovative Television Interventions project for Channel 4 in 1990. He also co-produced a short series of student and artists work, Not Necessarily, with BBC Scotland for BBC2 network television in 1991. He has lectured since 1975 in a number of art colleges, and established the School of Television & Imaging at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design (University of Dundee). He is presently Professor of Media Art and Dean of Research.