Stevan Vuković
Born in 1968 in Belgrade. Theorist and curator. He studied philosophy and art history and received his BA in philosophy at the Philosophical Faculty in Belgrade. He pursued postgraduate studies at Jan van Eyck Akademie in Maastricht, Bauhaus Dessau, and the Amsterdam School of Cultural Analysis. He won the "Lazar Trifunovic Award" for 'best art criticism' published in YU in 1998. His texts on cultural production are written in a Lacanian and Post-Marxist manner. His approach to art production is workshop based, and he is currently running curatorial workshops with Central-European young upcoming curators, academic workshops with artist and architecture students on art in public space, and media workshops with jouvenille deliquents. His latest curatorial projects include A Dogumentary Approach, in Kunstverein Muenchen, Belgrade Art Inc, in Secession, Vienna, and UFO Belgrade in Urban Drift Gallery in Berlin.