Suzanne Briet
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Renée-Marie-Hélène-Suzanne Briet (1894-1989), known as "Madame Documentation," was a librarian, author, historian, poet, and visionary best known for her treatise Qu'est-ce que la documentation? [What is Documentation?], a foundational text in the modern study of information science.
- Qu'est-ce que la documentation?, Paris: EDIT, 1951, 48 pp; with notes by Ron Day and Laurent Martinet, 2008, HTML.
- What is Documentation? English Translation of the Classic French Text, trans. & eds. Ronald E. Day, Laurent Martinet and Hermina G. B. Anghelescu, Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Pr., 2006, 84 pp. (English)
- Rimbaud notre prochain, Paris: Nouvelles Éditions latines, 1956.
- Le maréchal de Schulemberg, Jean III, comte de Montdejeux, 1598-1671, Mezières: Société d'études ardennaises, 1960.
- Madame Rimbaud, essai de biographie, suivi de la correspondance de Vitalie Rimbaud-Cuif dont treize lettres inédites, Paris: Minard, 1967.
- Bibliography, compiled by Michael Buckland, 2005.
- Renée Lemaître, Roux-Fouillet, "Paul. Suzanne Briet (1894-1989)", Bulletin d'Informations de l'Association des bibliothècaires français 144 (1989), pp 55-56.
- Michael Buckland, "The centenary of 'Madame Documentation': Suzanne Briet, 1894-1989", Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 46:3 (April 1995), pp 235-237. (English)
- "Le centenaire de 'Madame Documentation': Suzanne Briet, 1894-1989", Documentaliste: Sciences de l'information, 32:3 (1995), pp 179-181.
- Ronald E. Day, "Beyond the Oedipus Age: Professionalism and Information", Journal of Education for Library and Information Science 38:1 (Winter 1997), pp 54-63. (English)
- Ronald E. Day, "Tropes, History, and Ethics in Professional Discourse and Information Science", Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 51:5 (2000), pp 469-475. (English)
- Sylvie Fayet-Scribe, Histoire de la documentation en France: culture, science et technologie de l’information: 1895-1937, Paris: CNRS, 2000.
- Michele Tourney, "Caging Virtual Antelopes: Suzanne Briet's Definition of Documents in the Context of The Digital Age", Archival Science 3 (2003), pp 291-311. (English)
- Michael Hearns Bishop, "Briet's Antelope: Some Thoughts on Suzanne Briet (1894-1989) and Conservation Documentation", WAAC Newsletter 25:1 (Jan 2003), pp 12-16. (English)
- Mary Niles Maack, "The Lady and the Antelope: Suzanne Briet's Contribution To The French Documentation Movement", Library Trends 53 (Spring 2004). (English)
- Ronald E. Day, "Suzanne Briet: An Appreciation", Bulletin of ASIST 33:2 (Dec/Jan 2007), pp 21-22. (English)
- Marie-France Blanquet, "Suzanne Briet", Feb 2007.
- Sylvie Fayet-Scribe, La table des matières, Ed. du Panama, 2007. Fictionalized history of information science, incl. S. Briet.
- Sylvie Fayet-Scribe, "Connaissez-vous Suzanne Briet?", Bulletin des Bibliothèques de France 57:1 (2012), pp 40-44.
- Michael K. Buckland, "The Reception of Suzanne Briet in the United States", Bulletin of ASIS 39:4 (Apr-May 2013), pp 40-41. (English)