Tel Quel
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Tel Quel ("as is") was a French avant-garde literary magazine, founded in 1958 in Paris by Philippe Sollers and Jean-Edern Hallier and published by Éditions du Seuil. Important essays working towards post-structuralism and deconstruction appeared here. Publication ceased in 1982, and the journal was succeeded by L'Infini under Sollers's continued editorship.
- The Tel Quel Reader, eds. Patrick French and Roland-François Lack, London: Routledge, 1998, ix+278 pp. (English)
- Mary Ann Caws, About French Poetry From Dada to "Tel Quel": Text and Theory, Wayne State University Press, 1974. (English)
- Marie Gagné, Le mouvement "Tel Quel": neo-avant-garde et postmodernite, Montreal: Université McGill, 1990, 560 pp, ARG. PhD thesis. (French)
- John Mowitt, Text: The Genealogy of an Antidisciplinary Object, Duke University Press, 1992, x+245 pp. (English)
- Niilo Kauppi, The Making of an Avant-Garde: ‘Tel Quel’, Berlin and New York: De Gruyter, 1994. (English)
- Patrick Ffrench, The Time of Theory: A History of Tel Quel (1960-1983), Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995. (English)
- Philippe Forest, Histoire de Tel Quel: 1960-1982, Paris: Seuil, 1995. (French)
- Danielle Marx-Scouras, The Cultural Politics of Tel Quel: Literature and the Left in the Wake of Engagement, Penn State Press, 1996. (English)
- Eric Hayot, Chinese Dreams: Pound, Brecht, Tel Quel, University of Michigan Press, 2003. (English)