Tina Frank

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Tina Frank is a visual artist, designer and professor at the University of Art and Design Linz where she is heading the Department Visual Communication at the Institute for Media.

Since the early 1990s she has been collaborating with musicians to create audio-visual performances and installations presented all around the world. Frank's visualizations are characterized by an abstract formal language and an intense colorfulness that playfully explores the limits of perception and the materiality of images on screens.

As a graphic designer she has established three design companies, which have worked for a wide range of clients. She received the Diagonale Prize for Innovative Cinema, was awarded Winner of the Digital Products from the International Cartographic Conference and together with her students they received the IIID Award.

Her current focus in teaching is on digital publications, data visualisations and synaesthetic experimentation. Together with Marianne Pührerfellner and Sabine Kienzer she established splace-magazine.at for the University of Art and Design Linz as an explorative and playful communication tool, that investigates into possibilities of publications, exhibition and media formats. Tina Frank lives and works in Linz and Vienna. (2024)
