Tristan Garcia
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Tristan Garcia (5 April 1981, Toulouse) is a French philosopher and novelist. His most formative years were spent in Algeria. He studied philosophy at the École Normale Supérieure and Paris-Sorbonne University, and wrote his dissertation under Sandra Laugier. He currently teaches at Jean Moulin University Lyon 3.
(in French unless noted otherwise)
- Books
- L'Image, Paris: Atlande, 2007, 317 pp.
- Nous, animaux et humains: actualité de Jeremy Bentham, Paris: Bourin, 2011, 203 pp.
- Forme et objet: un traité des choses, Paris: PUF, 2011, 491 pp.
- Form and Object: A Treatise on Things, trans. Jon Cogburn and Mark Allan Ohm, Edinburgh University Press, 2014, 488 pp. Introduction. [1]. Review: Brown (RP). (English)
- Six Feet Under: nos vies sans destin, Paris: PUF, 2012, 164 pp.
- La vie intense: une obsession moderne, Paris Autrement, 2016, 200 pp.
- Das intensive Leben. Eine moderne Obsession, trans. Ulrich Kunzmann, Berlin: Suhrkamp, 2017, 215 pp. [2] (German)
- The Life Intense: A Modern Obsession, trans. Abigail RayAlexander, Christopher RayAlexander, and Jon Cogburn, Edinburgh University Press, 2018, 162 pp. Review: Adams (Guardian). (English)
- Nous, Paris: Grasset, 2016, 320 pp.
- We Ourselves: The Politics of Us, trans. Christopher RayAlexander, Abigail RayAlexander and Jon Cogburn, Edinburgh University Press, 2021. (English)
- Kaléidoscope, I. Images et idées, Léo Scheer, 2019, 402 pp.
- Kaléidoscope, II. Ce qui commence et ce qui finit, Léo Scheer, 2020, 384 pp.
- Journal issues
- editor, with Pierre-Alexandre Fradet, Spirale 255: "Réalisme spéculatif", Montreal, Winter 2016. [3]
- Book chapters, papers
- "Crossing Ways of Thinking: On Graham Harman's System and My Own", Parrhesia 16, 2013, pp 14-25.
- "Un autre ordre du temps. Pour une intensité variable du maintenant", Revue de métaphysique et de morale 72, 2011, pp 469-486.
- "Another Order of Time: Towards a Variable Intensity of the Now", trans. Kris Pender, Parrhesia 19, 2014, pp 1-13. (English)
- La Meilleure Part des hommes, Paris: Gallimard, 2008, 305 pp.
- Der beste Teil der Menschen. Roman, Frankfurt a.M :Frankfurter Verlagsanstalt, 2010, 317 pp. (German)
- Hate: A Romance, London: Faber, 2012. (English)
- La mejor parte de los hombres, trans. Lluís Maria Todó, Barcelona: Anagrama, 2011, 295 pp. (Spanish)
- La parte migliore degli uomini, trans. Marcella Uberti-Bona, Parma: Guanda, 2011, 297 pp. (Italian)
- Mémoires de la jungle, Paris: Gallimard, 2010, 367 pp.
- En l'absence de classement final, Paris: Gallimard, 2012, 205 pp; shortened ed. as Le Saut de Malmö et autres nouvelles, Paris: Folio, 2014, 128 pp.
- Les Cordelettes de Browser, Paris: Denoël, 2012, 288 pp.
- Faber. Le Destructeur, Paris: Gallimard, 2013, 462 pp.
- Faber, trans. Sarah De Sanctis, Milan: Enne Enne, 2016, 403 pp. (Italian)
- 7. Romans, Paris: Gallimard, 2015, 576 pp.
- La Ligne, RVB Books, 2016, 128 pp. With photographs by Alexandre Guirkinger.
- Âmes: Histoire de la souffrance I. Paris: Gallimard, 2019, 720 pp. [4]