Vojin Bakić
Vojin Bakić (Војин Бакић; 5 June 1915 – 18 December 1992) was a Croatian sculptor of Serbian descent. He created monumental modernist sculptures in the territory of former Yugoslavia. At first, his sculptures were figurative, like the moment to Stjepan Filipović (the Communist partisan sentenced to death by the Nazis) in Valjevo. The sculpture was inspired by a photograph taken of Filipović just before his death, his arms raised in the air, riling up the crowd watching the spectacle of his execution. Another iconic work is a bull constructed in a variety of scales and a range of materials. In his later years, he abandoned figurative art for the study of how forms impact their surroundings. He was most interested in the geometry of the circle, creating its either concave or convex center out of steel, which distorts the world contained within its reflections. Such works include a monument to war casualties in Kragujevac. Alas, many of his monumental sculptures were destroyed over the course of the war in Yugoslavia in the 1990s. (Source)
- Vojin Bakić, Zagreb: Galerija suvremene umjetnosti, 1964. (Croatian)
- Vojin Bakić, Belgrade: Moderna galerija, 1965. With text by Vera Horvat Pintarić. (Serbo-Croatian)
- Vojin Bakić, Zagreb: Galerija Nova, 2007. (Croatian)
- Vojin Bakić, ed. What, How and for Whom/WHW, Zagreb: What, How and for Whom/WHW, and Graz: Grazer Kunstverein, Graz, 2008, 61 pp. (English)
- Božidar Gagro, "Kipar Vojin Bakić", Zivot umjetnosti 10, 1969. (Croatian)
- Ivica Župan, "Svjetlosni oblici Vojina Bakića", Ars Adriatica 3, 2013, pp 209-226. (Croatian)