Wim van der Plas
Born 1946. Was director of the Stichting Creatieve Computer Applicaties, was connected to the Utrecht Hogeschool voor de Kunsten and coordinater of SCAN (Groningen). Cuurently he is board member of the ISEA.
Studied at the Pedagogical Academy Rotterdam (College for Teacher Training), and Doctorate Social & Cultural Sciences, Erasmus University Rotterdam.
1984-1988 Director, Foundation for Creative Computer Applications (SCCA), Rotterdam. 1987-1988 Staff member, Research & Development Department, Utrecht School of Arts (HKU). 1988-now Coordinator, National Institute for Computer Animation, Groningen. 1989-1991 Executive Director, Second International Symposium on Electronic Art (SISEA), Groningen. Since 1990 Editor, Professional Images Magazine, (PF Publishing, Zoetermeer). Since 1990 Board member, ISEA. 1991-1992 Professor, History and Context of Animation and Electronic Art (at SCAN/Groningen Polytechnic Art Dept).