Łukasz Ronduda

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Łukasz Ronduda (1976) is an art historian and curator specializing in Polish contemporary art and film.

He graduated from the Department of Art History at Łódź University in 2001. He was formerly a curator of the Archive of Polish Experimental Film and New Media Project at the CCA Ujazdowski Castle in Warsaw and currently works on the film collection at the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw. He is also currently Assistant Professor at the School of Social Psychology in Warsaw.

Ronduda has curated numerous exhibitions such as Polish Video Art From the '70s and '80s (2006), at the Tate Modern, London, and The Enthusiasts: From Amateur Film Clubs, a project by the artists Marysia Lewandowska and Neil Cummings, first at the CCA Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw, in 2004, then, in 2005, at Whitechapel Gallery, London, and under the title Enthusiasm at Kunst-Werke, Berlin, in 2005.

He has published many catalogues and other publications, including Polish Art of the 70s (2009), where he examines formative aspects of the changes in Polish art, structuring the book around key figures such as Paweł Freisler, Zbigniew Warpechowski, Krzysztof Zarebski, and others, as well as key movements such as Consumption or Soc Art. In Polish Art of the 70s, Ronduda diagrams what he sees as the tension between post-essentialist and pragmatist notions of artistic work. In 2007, Ronduda, along with Florian Zeyfang, co-edited 1,2,3... Avant-Gardes, a volume that juxtaposes the work of Polish avant-garde filmmakers from 1920–70 with contemporary artists who started their practices within the fifteen-year period prior to the publication. The book is organized around six themes—Analytical Strategies, Political Film (Soc Art), Sound and Image, Imagination, Games and Participation, and Consumption—with contributions by artists such as Paweł Althamer and Artur Żmijewski. (2014)

He lives in Warsaw.


  • Strategie subwersywne w sztukach medialnych, Kraków: Rabid, 2006, 223 pp. (Polish)
  • editor, with Florian Zeyfang, 1,2,3... Avant-Gardes: Film/Art Between Experiment and Archive, Warsaw: CCA Ujazdowski Castle, and Berlin: Sternberg, 2007, 221 pp. (English)
  • editor, with Barbara Piwowarska, Polish New Wave: The History of a Phenomenon That Never Existed / Polska Nowa Fala. Historia zjawiska, którego nie było, trans. Marcin Wawrzyńczak, et al., Warsaw: Instytut Adama Mickiewicza & CSW Zamek Ujazdowski, 2008, 224 pp. [1] (English)/(Polish)
  • Sztuka polska lat 70. awangarda, Jelenia Góra: Polski Western, and Warsaw: CSW Zamek Ujazdowski, 2009, 379 pp. Editorial concept: Piotr Uklański. [2] [3] (Polish)
    • Polish Art of the 70s, Jelenia Góra: Polski Western, and Warsaw: CCA Zamek Ujazdowski, 2009, 379 pp. Reviews: Szewczyk (Frieze 2010), Kemp-Welch (ArtMargins 2010). (English)
  • with Łukasz Gorczyca, W połowie puste. Życie i twórczość Oskara Dawickiego Łukasz Gorczyca, Warsaw: Lampa i Iskra Boża, 2010; 2nd ed., Warsaw: Fundacja Raster, and Poznań: Art Stations Foundation, 2013. Novel. [4] (Polish)

