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Group of Estonian Artists (Eesti Kunstnikkude Rühma), a cubist-constructivists group, was established in 1923 in two nuclei: in Tartu-Võru, whose merit lies in the foundation of the group (Jaan Vahtra - the first chairman of the group [1] [2] [3], Eduard Ole, Friedrich Hist, Felix Johannsen-Randel and the sculptor Juhan Raudsepp [4], who moved in 1925 to Tallinn and served as a connecting link between these two nuclei), and in Tallinn, which made of it an organisation of a more or less certain artistic tendency (Juhan Raudsepp, Märt Laarman, Arnold Akberg, Henrik Olvi). Many artists from Estonia and Latvia had already met earlier in the art schools in Pensa and St. Petersburg. In 1928, the group leaves the UUE Kunsti Raamat (The New Art) from, which is strongly influenced by L'Esprit Nouveau and purism. The last exhibition of the group was held in 1932. In 1940 disbanded by the Germans.
