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Electroacoustic Music Studio of the Academy of Music in Cracow (SME). Founded in 1973 and noted for its importance as Poland's main didactic computer music facility, SME is the first major center for electronic music to be established in Poland since the opening of the Warsaw Polish Radio Experimental Studio in 1957. By the end of 1973, the initial purchases of mostly analog E.M.S. equipment had defined the Studio's basic technical orientation.

First director: Jozef Patkowski.

Since 1976, the studio faculty has presented a series of concerts (over 60 to date) which have given an outlet for the performance of the works of excellent composers from Cracow and the world. 1989 witnessed a turning point in the history of the Studio when the American Fulbright Foundation began a program at the Krakow Academy of Music. Between July 3 - 7, 2000 studio was the cooperator of Acanthes workshops realized by IRCAM/Paris - the join-project between 3 European Culture Capitols: Krakow, Helsinki and Avignion. Since 2000 Studio has been arranging series of .Audio Art. lectures and seminars. In 2001 Multimedia Studio was founded opening new significant structure of research, education and artistic activity including video, Internet, audiovisual and experimental activity. In May 2005 SME initiated the procedure of establish The Polish Society for Electroacoustic Music (PSeME).

SME stuff: Ass. prof. Marek Choloniewski (head of SME), Ass. Madgalena Dlugosz, Lec. Barbara Zawadzka, Lec. Mateusz Bien.
Supporters and tudors: Michal Pawelek, Marek Pluta, Marcin Paczkowski.
