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Surf clubs ~ artist-run, invitation-only group animated/image/sound blogs <br>
#REDIRECT [[Surf clubs]]
+ related mess.
* [[Cory Arcangel]], [[Rafaël Rozendaal]], [[Jon Rafman]], [[Parker Koo Ito]], [[Constant Dullaart]], [[Tom Moody]], [[Oliver Laric]], [[Aleksandra Domanović]], [[Marisa Olson]], [[Guthrie Lonergan]], [[Bryan Morello]], [[Martin Kohout]], [[Daniel R Leyva]], [[Nick DeMarco]], [[Michelle Ceja]], [[James Whipple]], [[Petra Cortright]], [[Damon Zucconi]], [[MTAA]], [[Jennifer and Kevin McCoy]], [[Michael Guidetti]], [[Dennis Knopf]], [[Harm van der Dorpel]], [[Pascual Sisto]], [[Schumacher]], [[Artie Vierkant]], [[Eilis McDonald]]
==Online exhibitions==
* ''Montage: Unmonumental Online'', curated by [[Lauren Cornell]] and Marisa Olson, Feb 2008. [http://rhizome.org/art/exhibition/montage]
* ''Jstchillin'', curated by [[Caitlin Denny]] and [[Parker Ito]], Aug 2009. [http://www.jstchillin.org]
* ''Mybiennialisbetterthanyours.com'', curated by [[Tolga Taluy]] for the X Biennale de Lyon, Sep 2009. [http://www.mybiennialisbetterthanyours.com]
* ''NOISEnotNOISE'', curated by [[Western Front]], part of the symposium Noise not Noise, Mar 2010. [http://front.nfshost.com/noisenotnoise/]
==Reponses to net.art==
* Guthrie Lonergan, ''Hacking vrs. defaults chart'' (2007) [http://theageofmammals.com/secret/netart/defaults.html]
* [[Kevin Bewersdorf]], "Spirit Surfing", Mar 2008. Surf clubs via Cornellian wunderkammern. [http://web.archive.org/web/20080521094644/http://www.maximumsorrow.com/writing/spiritsurfing.html]
* [[Marcin Ramocki]], "Surfing Clubs: organized notes and comments", May 2008. Surf clubs via semiotic play. [http://ramocki.net/surfing-clubs.html]
* [[Marisa Olson]], "Lost Not Found: The Circulation of Images in Digital Visual Culture", Sep 2008. Surf clubs via film montage. [http://wordswithoutpictures.org/main.html?id=276]
* [[Tom Moody]], "New Media vs Artists with Computers", Nov 2008. Surf clubs via Duchampian found objects. [http://www.tommoody.us/archives/2008/11/29/new-media-vs-artists-with-computers/]
* [[Curt Cloninger]], "Commodify Your Consumption: Tactical Surfing / Wakes of Resistance", Feb 2009. Artistic surfing from the perspective of de Certeau's 'tactical consumer'. [http://medialab-prado.es/article/mercantiliza_tu_consumo_navegacion_tactica__estelas_de_resistencia?lang=en video lecture] [http://lab404.com/articles/commodify_your_consumption.pdf]
* Post Internet, blog, *2009. [http://122909a.com/]
* [[Cecilia Guida]], "Youtube as a subject. Interview with Constant Dullaart", Sep 2010. [http://networkcultures.org/wpmu/videovortex/archives/690]
== Random / sort through later==
* http://thepulse.tumblr.com, http://pootee.tumblr.com, http://mountolympusblog.blogspot.com
* ''An Immaterial Survey of Our Peers'' presents installation images of an exhibit that never physically took place. [http://animmaterialsurveyofourpeers.tumblr.com/]
* ''the jogging'' is an original content blog that displays immaterial works of art and writing. [http://thejogging.tumblr.com/]
[[Category:Net art]]

Latest revision as of 21:26, 5 April 2012

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