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{{Infobox artist
{{Infobox artist
|image = Maria-riskova.jpg
|image = Maria_Riskova_photo_Petra_Rjabinin.jpg
|imagesize = 250px
|caption = Photo: Petra Rjabinin.
|birth_place = [[Trnava]], [[Slovakia]]
|imagesize = 338px
|based_in = [[Bratislava]], [[Slovakia]]
|birth_place = Dobrá Voda, [[Slovakia]]
|based_in = [[Bratislava]] and Dobrá Voda, [[Slovakia]]
Curator, educator and graphic designer based in [[Bratislava]]. Born 1974 in [[Trnava]]. She holds a Master's Degree in History of Art and Culture from Trnava University where she studied at the Faculty of Humanities in the Department of History of Art and Culture. Mária has coordinated and participated in a number of contemporary art programs, independent spaces and experimental projects across Slovakia and Central Europe. She is a founding member and president of the civic association [[Poster]] which was implementing a cycle of poster events in the public space in Plane, [[Trnava]]. From January [[2001]] to [[2004]] she was as a curator, program co-ordinator and manager of the gallery and club [[Buryzone]] which she initiated together with [[STUPIDesign]]. She coordinated [[Multiplace]] festival for new media culture (2002-2004), and curated for the [[XYZ|XYZ group]] (2001, 2002). In [[2003]] Mária co-started the [[BURUNDI]] media lab, and later in [[2005]] co-founded [[13m3]] organisation devoted to exploring new modes of cultural presentation. She is also a founding member of the group [[NADA]] (*2003). Mária has co-edited publications for a number of projects.
'''Mária Beňačková Rišková''' (1974, Dobrá Voda) is a curator, editor, and independent expert in the field of design, multimedia, and cultural heritage. From 2016-2020 she worked as head of the [http://www.scd.sk Slovak Design Center] in Bratislava.
; Selected articles and interviews
{{TOC limit|3}}
* [http://subsol.c3.hu/subsol_2/contributors3/buryzonetext.html "Buryzone: Maria Riskova & Ivana Moncolova interviewed by Nina Czegledy"], ''Subsol'' 2 (2002).
* Denisa Kera, [http://divus.cz/umelec/article_page.php?set_lang=2&item=1116 "Woman-Network: Mária Rišková, 'Spidergirl from Bratislava'"], Umělec 1 (2005).
** [http://divus.cz/umelec/article_page.php?set_lang=1&item=1116 "Žena – síť, 'Spidergirl z Bratislavy'"]. (in Czech)
* Mária Rišková, [[Media:Riskova_Maria_2008_Agonia_a_extaza_novych_medii.pdf|"Agónia a extáza nových médií"]], ''Flash Art'' 9 (July-October 2008). (in Slovak)
* Mária Rišková, [[Media:Riskova_Maria_2009_Hry_Husakovych_deti_na_Slovensku.pdf|"Hry Husákových detí na Slovensku"]], ''A2'' 13 (2009). (in Slovak)
* Michal Murin, [[Media:Murin_Michal_2012_Maria_Riskova_Vizie_buducich_spomienok.pdf|"Mária Rišková: Vízie budúcich spomienok"]], ''Profil'' 3 (2012). Interview. (in Slovak)
* [http://34.sk/archiv.php Articles in ''3/4'' magazine]. (in Slovak)
; External links
She holds a Master's Degree in History of Art and Culture from Trnava University (1998) where she studied at the Faculty of Humanities in the Department of History of Art and Culture. Mária has coordinated and participated in a number of contemporary art programs, independent spaces and experimental projects across Slovakia and Central Europe. From January [[2001]] to [[2003]] she was as a curator, program co-ordinator and manager of the gallery and club [[Buryzone]] which she initiated together with [[STUPIDesign]]. She coordinated [[Multiplace]] festival for new media culture (2002-2004). In [[2003]], Mária co-started the [[BURUNDI]] media lab, and later in [[2005]] co-founded [[13m3]] organisation devoted to exploring new modes of cultural presentation. In 2013 she co-founded the [http://www.sdc.sk/?slovenske-muzeum-dizajnu Slovak Design Museum] in Bratislava which she led until December 2015. From January [[2016]] to December [[2020]] she worked as a director of the [http://www.scd.sk/ Slovak Design Center] in Bratislava. She has started a reform of the institution and coordinated or curated a number of projects. In [[2016]] Searching for Beauty (a multimedia exhibition and project by the Slovak Design Center and Ové Pictures representing Slovakia during the presidency of the Council of the European Union, Parlamentarium, Brussels) or in [[2019]] Velvet Generation exhibition that took place at The Embassy of the Slovak Republic in London as a part of the celebrations of the 30th anniversary of November '89. From [[2018]] to [[2020]] she was a leader of the project [http://www.scd.sk/?wpd/ Design & Innovation. Cross-border Cooperation of Design Institutions in Digital Age], supported by the cooperation program INTERREG V-A Slovakia-Austria 2014 – 2020. The main aim of this project was to create Slovak-Austrian research cooperation, which was focused on the research of the most recent findings in the field of design and search for answers to the question of
* [http://www.workaholic.sk/ Home page]
the use of technical and digital progress to improve the existence of society as a whole and develop sustainable solutions. As a part of the Design & Innovation project, Mária curated the exhibition titled [https://www.scd.sk/swift_data/source/dizajn_a_inovacie/human_by_design/HbD_katalog.pdf Human by Design, Probing Social and Methodological Innovation in Design]. The exhibition presented concepts, methods, model situations, case studies, innovative solutions that express an urgent desire
* [http://web.archive.org/web/20050802104144/http://maria.nada.sk/ Home page (archived)]
for change and sustainability, as well as examples of practical solutions and ways of thinking of young generations of designers and theorists. The exhibition in Bratislava was realised as a part of the [http://2019.viennabiennale.org/ Vienna Biennale for Change 2019].
Mária taught the history of new media at the [http://www.vsvu.sk Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava] and history of multimedia art at the Faculty of Fine Arts in the University of Technology, Brno. She has edited publications for a number of projects. She lives in [[Bratislava]] and Dobrá Voda.
===Essays, articles===
* "Bienále v Benátkach", ''3/4 revue'' 2, Bratislava: Atrakt Art, 2001. {{sk}}
* "Fínsko - Sauna a taide", ''3/4 revue'' 2, Bratislava: Atrakt Art, 2001. {{sk}}
* "NoD, Praha", ''3/4 revue'' 2, Bratislava: Atrakt Art, 2001. {{sk}}
* with Oliver Rehák, Slávo Krekovič and Zuzana Černáková, [https://34.sk/archiv/text.php?text=3-5 "Who is doing the art of tomorrow? Ars Electronica 2001"], ''3/4 revue'' 3, Bratislava: Atrakt Art, 2001. {{sk}}
* "Metelkova", ''3/4 revue'' 3, Bratislava: Atrakt Art, 2001. {{sk}}
* [http://tpt.sk/en/2003/2003/tpt-2003-text-maria-riskova/ "Poster story"], 2003. Curatorial text for the Trnava Poster Triennial, 2003. {{sk}}
* "Ovocie vizuálnej komunikácie", ''3/4 revue'' 13, Bratislava: Atrakt Art, 2003. {{sk}}
* with Stupid, "Velká grafická lúpež", ''3/4 revue'' 14, Bratislava: Atrakt Art, 2003. {{sk}}
* [http://web.archive.org/web/20071103024714/http://multiplace.sk/2007/?id=391 "Multiplace - festival-dielo"], ''Multiplace'' brochure, Bratislava: Multiplace, 2007. {{sk}}/{{en}}
* [[Media:Riskova_Maria_2008_Agonia_a_extaza_novych_medii.pdf|"Agónia a extáza nových médií"]], ''Flash Art CZ/SK'' 9, Jul-Oct 2008, [https://flashart.cz/2008/07/11/agonia-a-extaza-umenia-novych-medii/ HTML]. [https://flashart.cz/issue/flash-art-czech-slovak-edition-no-9-volume-ii/] {{sk}}
* [[Media:Riskova_Maria_2009_Hry_Husakovych_deti_na_Slovensku.pdf|"Hry Husákových detí na Slovensku"]], ''A2'' 13 (2009). [http://www.advojka.cz/archiv/2009/13/hry-husakovych-deti-na-slovensku] {{sk}}
* [https://flashart.cz/2009/03/11/pribehy-o-katastrofe-klimaticka-bublina/ "Príbehy o katastrofe: klimatická bublina?"], ''Flash Art CZ/SK'' 11-12, Mar-May 2009. [https://flashart.cz/issue/flash-art-czech-slovak-edition-no-11-12-volume-iii/] {{sk}}
* [https://flashart.cz/2010/06/11/utopia-a-skepsa-v-atmosfere-planety-eden/ "Utópia a skepsa v atmosfére Planety Eden"], ''Flash Art CZ/SK'' 16, Jun-Sep 2010. [https://flashart.cz/issue/flash-art-czech-slovak-edition-no-16-volume-v/] {{sk}}
* with Katarína Hubová and Ľubomír Longauer, [https://www.library.sk/arl-scd/sk/csg/?repo=scdrepo&key=55488324479#page=3 "Potreby reálne a potreby ideálne: Prečo je dôležité založiť zbierkovú inštitúciu pre dizajn?"], ''Designum'' 16:2, Bratislava: Slovenské centrum dizajnu, 2010. [http://www.sdc.sk/?designum-02-2010&clanok=potreby-realne-a-potreby-idealne-preco-je-dolezite-zalozit-zbierkovu-instituciu-pre-dizajn] {{sk}}
* [https://www.library.sk/arl-scd/sk/csg/?repo=scdrepo&key=38172874715#page=14 "Nové o logu"], ''Designum'' 17:2, Bratislava: Slovenské centrum dizajnu, 2011. [http://www.sdc.sk/?designum-2-2011&clanok=nove-o-logu] {{sk}}
** [http://www.sdc.sk/?designum-02-2011&clanok=news-about-the-scd-logo "News about the SCD logo"], ''Designum'' 17:2, Bratislava: Slovenské centrum dizajnu, 2011. {{en}}
* [https://www.library.sk/arl-scd/sk/csg/?repo=scdrepo&key=38172874715#page=16 "Sto percent navyše"], ''Designum'' 17:2, Bratislava: Slovenské centrum dizajnu, 2011. [http://www.sdc.sk/?designum-2-2011&clanok=sto-percent-navyse] {{sk}}
* [https://www.library.sk/arl-scd/sk/csg/?repo=scdrepo&key=88241294034#page=2 "Jozef Dóka ml."], ''Designum'' 17:6, Bratislava: Slovenské centrum dizajnu, 2011. [http://www.sdc.sk/?designum-06-2011&clanok=jozef-doka-ml] {{sk}}
* "Správy o 'múzeu' 4. časť", ''Designum'' 18:1, Bratislava: Slovenské centrum dizajnu, 2012. [http://www.sdc.sk/?designum-01-2012&clanok=spravy-o-muzeu-4-cast] {{sk}}
* [https://www.library.sk/arl-scd/sk/csg/?repo=scdrepo&key=1648570790#page=74 "Správy o 'múzeu' 5. časť"], ''Designum'' 18:2, Bratislava: Slovenské centrum dizajnu, 2012. [http://www.sdc.sk/?designum-02-2012&clanok=spravy-o-muzeu-5-cast] {{sk}}
* [https://flashart-cz.lacolonia.studio/2012/09/11/kratka-sprava-o-zakladani-muzea-dizajnu/ "Krátka správa o zakladaní múzea dizajnu"], ''Flash Art CZ/SK'' 25, Sep-Dec 2012. [https://flashart.cz/issue/flash-art-czech-slovak-edition-no-25-volume-vi/] {{sk}}
* [https://www.library.sk/arl-scd/sk/csg/?repo=scdrepo&key=56410617703#page=46 "Grafický (komunikačný) dizajn na Národnej cene za dizajn 2013"], ''Designum'' 19:2, Bratislava: Slovenské centrum dizajnu, 2013. [http://www.sdc.sk/?designum-02-2013&clanok=graficky-komunikacny-dizajn-na-narodnej-cene-za-dizajn-2013] {{sk}}
* [http://techsty.art.pl/m9/m_riskova_publikacje.html "O nowych mediach na Słowacji i w Czechach"], trans. Arkadiusz Wierzba, ''Techsty'' 9:1 (2014). {{pl}}
* [https://www.library.sk/arl-scd/sk/csg/?repo=scdrepo&key=86725324122#page=62 "Kabinet Školy umeleckých remesiel a pokračujúci výskum histórie ŠUR"], ''Designum'' 20:1, Bratislava: Slovenské centrum dizajnu, 2014. [http://www.sdc.sk/?designum-1-2014&clanok=kabinet-skoly-umeleckych-remesiel-a-pokracujuci-vyskum-historie-sur] {{sk}}
* [https://www.library.sk/arl-scd/sk/csg/?repo=scdrepo&key=82976777600#page=50 "Pokus o rehabilitáciu. O knihe Vyzliekanie z kroja"], ''Designum'' 20:2, Bratislava: Slovenské centrum dizajnu, 2014. [http://www.sdc.sk/?designum-2-2014&clanok=pokus-o-rehabilitaciu-o-knihe-vyzliekanie-z-kroja] {{sk}}
* with Maroš Schmidt and Lívia Pemčáková, "Škola základ života?", ''Designum'' 20:4, Bratislava: Slovenské centrum dizajnu, 2014. [http://www.sdc.sk/?designum-4-2014&clanok=skola-zaklad-zivota-1] {{sk}}
* [https://www.snm.sk/swift_data/source/odborna_verejnost/casopis_muzeum/muzeum_pdf/muzeum_2014/MUZEUM_3_2014_vnutro.pdf#page=9 "Boj s predstavou zaprášených políc. Slovenské múzeum dizajnu ako inštitúcia s víziou atraktívnej budúcnosti"], ''Múzeum'' 3, 2014, pp 9-11. {{sk}}
* "[http://dennikn.sk/58523/na-obrazovky-priniesol-modernu-grafiku/ "Na obrazovky priniesol modernú grafiku"], ''Denník N'', 27 Feb 2015. On Pavel Blažo. [http://dennikn.sk/59470/blazo-kravjanskemu-kravjansky-blazovi/ See also]. {{sk}}
* "Terminal:Inferno", ''Enter+'': "Creative Manual for Repurposing in Electronic Literature", eds. Maria Mencía and Zuzana Husárová, Košice: Dive Buki, Mar 2015, pp 82ff. [http://www.facebook.com/DiveBuki/photos/a.829955950417545.1073741877.285911911488621/829957073750766/?type=3&theater] {{en}}
* [http://dennikn.sk/219095/legendarny-casopis-mlada-tvorba-nakoniec-zakazali-komunisti/ "Legendárny časopis Mladá tvorba nakoniec zakázali komunisti"], ''Denník N'', 23 Aug 2015. {{sk}}
* [https://www.library.sk/arl-scd/sk/csg/?repo=scdrepo&key=44973361825#page=64 "Zbierky komunikačného dizajnu v Slovenskom múzeu dizajnu"], ''Designum'' 21:3, Bratislava: Slovenské centrum dizajnu, 2015. [http://www.sdc.sk/?designum-3-2015&clanok=zbierky-komunikacneho-dizajnu-v-slovenskom-muzeu-dizajnu] {{sk}}
** "Collection of Communication Design at the Slovak Design Museum", ''Designum'' 21:3, Bratislava: Slovenské centrum dizajnu, 2015. [http://www.sdc.sk/?designum-03-2015&clanok=collection-of-communication-design-at-the-slovak-design-museum] {{en}}
* [http://dennikn.sk/263294/talent-a-samouk-zastavuje-ludi-plagatmi/ "Talent a samouk zastavuje ľudí plagátmi"], ''Denník N'', 11 Oct 2015. On Milan Mikula. {{sk}}
* [http://dennikn.sk/293278/mohol-byt-maliarom-ci-socharom-je-vsetkym/ "Mohol byť maliarom či sochárom, je všetkým"], ''Denník N'', 12 Nov 2015. On Emil Drličiak. {{sk}}
* [https://edesignum.scd.sk/?udalosti&sprava=nenapadna-reforma-verejnej-institucie-1-cast "Nenápadná reforma verejnej inštitúcie - 1. časť"], ''e-designum'', 27 Jan 2021. {{sk}}
* [https://edesignum.scd.sk/?udalosti&sprava=nenapadna-reforma-verejnej-institucie-2-cast "Nenápadná reforma verejnej inštitúcie - 2. časť"], ''e-designum'', 24 Feb 2021. {{sk}}
* [https://edesignum.scd.sk/?udalosti&sprava=nenapadna-reforma-verejnej-institucie-3-cast "Nenápadná reforma verejnej inštitúcie - 3. časť"], ''e-designum'', 4 Mar 2021. {{sk}}
* [https://34.sk/archiv/archiv.php Articles in ''3/4'' magazine]. {{sk}}
* [http://dennikn.sk/autor/mariariskova/ Articles in ''Denník N'']. {{sk}}
* [https://www.artalk.info/?authors=588 Articles in ''Artalk'']. {{sk}}
===Interviews (given)===
* [http://subsol.c3.hu/subsol_2/contributors3/buryzonetext.html "Buryzone: Maria Riskova & Ivana Moncolova interviewed by Nina Czegledy"], ''Subsol'' 2 (2002). {{en}}
* Denisa Kera, [http://www.divus.cz/praha/cs/article/optimalization-whiz "Čaro optimalizácie - Rozhovor s Máriou Riškovou"], ''Umělec CZ'' 1 (2005). {{cz}},{{sk}}
** [http://www.divus.cz/praha/en/article/optimalization-whiz "Optimalization Whiz"], ''Umělec EN'' 1 (2005). {{en}}
* Michal Murin, [[Media:Murin_Michal_2012_Maria_Riskova_Vizie_buducich_spomienok.pdf|"Mária Rišková: Vízie budúcich spomienok"]], ''Profil'' 19:3 (2012), pp 100-111. {{sk}}
* Jana Németh, [http://kultura.sme.sk/c/7432728/umenie-buducnosti-funguje-uz-dnes.html "Umenie budúcnosti funguje už dnes"], ''SME'', 10 Oct 2014. {{sk}}
* Elena Akácsová, [http://www.tyzden.sk/casopis/29414/maria-riskova-s-frajerom-sme-sa-stretli-vpocitacovej-hre/ "Mária Rišková: S frajerom sme sa stretli v počítačovej hre"], ''týždeň'', 24 Jan 2016. {{sk}}
* Patrik Garaj, [http://www.etrend.sk/ekonomika/slovensko-by-mohlo-byt-dizajnerska-velmoc.html "Slovensko by mohlo byť dizajnérska veľmoc"], ''Trend'', 27 Jan 2016. {{sk}}
* Klára Peloušková, [http://artalk.cz/2016/06/20/nejlepsi-prezentaci-zeme-je-vyrobek/ "Nejlepší prezentací země je výrobek"], ''Artalk'', 20 Jun 2016. {{cz}}
* Maja Mia Danišová, [http://www.inspire-magazine.sk/redakcne-clanky/vsptnom-zrkadle-smriou-rikovou "V spätnom zrkadle s Máriou Riškovou"], ''Inspire'', 28 Dec 2016. {{sk}}
* Patrik Garaj, [https://dennikn.sk/1299856/ "Nepoznané slasti s Máriou Riškovou: pionier singularity, výtvarné sci-fi a multitalent Drličiak"], ''Denník N'', 19 Nov 2018. {{sk}}
* Jana Močková, [https://dennikn.sk/2224780/ "Kultúre roky chýbajú peniaze, ale najmä dlhodobý plán, hovorí Mária Rišková, odchádzajúca šéfka Slovenského centra dizajnu"], ''Denník N'', 14 Jan 2021. {{sk}}
* Barbora Komarová, [https://artalk.cz/2023/04/21/stale-musime-dokazovat-ze-kultura-ma-vyznam/ "Stále musíme dokazovať, že kultúra má význam"], ''Artalk.cz'', 21 Apr 2023. {{sk}}
* [https://34.sk/archiv/ootext.php?text=3-40 "Dizajnér ako čitateľ. Rozhovor s Petrom Biľakom"], ''3/4 online'', n.d. {{sk}}
* "Zdvihol som každý kameň a pozrel podeň. Rozhovor s Ľubomírom Longauerom", ''Designum'' 15:3, Bratislava: Slovenské centrum dizajnu, 2009. [http://www.sdc.sk/?designum-03-2009&clanok=zdvihol-som-kazdy-kamen-a-pozrel-poden] {{sk}}
* "Pochopená kultúra a kultúrnosť. Múzeum umenie Olomouc", ''Designum'' 16:2, Bratislava: Slovenské centrum dizajnu, 2010. [http://www.sdc.sk/?designum-02-2010&clanok=pochopena-kultura-a-kulturnost-muzeum-umenie-olomouc] {{sk}}
* [https://flashart.cz/2018/03/11/mikro-a-makrokozmy-vedy-a-digitalneho-umenia/ "Mikro – a makrokozmy vedy a digitálneho umenia. Michal Murin a Richard Kitta"], ''Flash Art CZ/SK'' 47, Mar-May 2018. [https://flashart.cz/issue/flash-art-czech-slovak-edition-no-47-volume-xiii/] {{sk}}
* Denisa Kera, [http://www.divus.cz/praha/cs/article/women-network-maria-riskova-quot-spidergirl-from-bratislava-quot "Žena – síť, 'Spidergirl z Bratislavy'"], ''Umělec CZ'' 1 (2005). {{cz}}
** [http://www.divus.cz/praha/en/article/women-network-maria-riskova-quot-spidergirl-from-bratislava-quot "Woman-Network: Mária Rišková, 'Spidergirl from Bratislava'"], ''Umělec EN'' 1 (2005). {{en}}
* Jana Németh, [http://dennikn.sk/331751/dobra-sprava-dizajn/ "Dobrá správa pre dizajn"], ''Denník N'', 3 Jan 2016. {{sk}}
==See also==
* [[Buryzone]]
* [[Multiplace]]
* [[13m3]]
* [http://100nazorov.sk/26-dizajneri/189-riskova-maria Mária Rišková in ''100nazorov.sk''], video, 2 min. {{sk}}
[[Series:Art history]] [[Series:Art writers]]
{{DEFAULTSORT:Benackova Riskova, Maria}}

Latest revision as of 15:40, 20 July 2024

Photo: Petra Rjabinin.
Born Dobrá Voda, Slovakia
Lives in Bratislava and Dobrá Voda, Slovakia

Mária Beňačková Rišková (1974, Dobrá Voda) is a curator, editor, and independent expert in the field of design, multimedia, and cultural heritage. From 2016-2020 she worked as head of the Slovak Design Center in Bratislava.

She holds a Master's Degree in History of Art and Culture from Trnava University (1998) where she studied at the Faculty of Humanities in the Department of History of Art and Culture. Mária has coordinated and participated in a number of contemporary art programs, independent spaces and experimental projects across Slovakia and Central Europe. From January 2001 to 2003 she was as a curator, program co-ordinator and manager of the gallery and club Buryzone which she initiated together with STUPIDesign. She coordinated Multiplace festival for new media culture (2002-2004). In 2003, Mária co-started the BURUNDI media lab, and later in 2005 co-founded 13m3 organisation devoted to exploring new modes of cultural presentation. In 2013 she co-founded the Slovak Design Museum in Bratislava which she led until December 2015. From January 2016 to December 2020 she worked as a director of the Slovak Design Center in Bratislava. She has started a reform of the institution and coordinated or curated a number of projects. In 2016 Searching for Beauty (a multimedia exhibition and project by the Slovak Design Center and Ové Pictures representing Slovakia during the presidency of the Council of the European Union, Parlamentarium, Brussels) or in 2019 Velvet Generation exhibition that took place at The Embassy of the Slovak Republic in London as a part of the celebrations of the 30th anniversary of November '89. From 2018 to 2020 she was a leader of the project Design & Innovation. Cross-border Cooperation of Design Institutions in Digital Age, supported by the cooperation program INTERREG V-A Slovakia-Austria 2014 – 2020. The main aim of this project was to create Slovak-Austrian research cooperation, which was focused on the research of the most recent findings in the field of design and search for answers to the question of the use of technical and digital progress to improve the existence of society as a whole and develop sustainable solutions. As a part of the Design & Innovation project, Mária curated the exhibition titled Human by Design, Probing Social and Methodological Innovation in Design. The exhibition presented concepts, methods, model situations, case studies, innovative solutions that express an urgent desire for change and sustainability, as well as examples of practical solutions and ways of thinking of young generations of designers and theorists. The exhibition in Bratislava was realised as a part of the Vienna Biennale for Change 2019. Mária taught the history of new media at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava and history of multimedia art at the Faculty of Fine Arts in the University of Technology, Brno. She has edited publications for a number of projects. She lives in Bratislava and Dobrá Voda.


Essays, articles[edit]

Interviews (given)[edit]



See also[edit]
