BURUNDI datalab studio displej press was a media lab working between the arts, science and technologies, based in A4 - Zero Space in Bratislava. BURUNDI datalab provided mediatheque and mailing list buryzone.info. BURUNDI studio was bringing together technically-oriented fans and artists in collaborative projects. BURUNDI displej represented a convergence of the new media gallery, cinema and presentation space. The main BURUNDI press 's project was the 'Anthology of New Media Literature' in Slovak.
BURUNDI got together in December 2003 and partly inherited the Buryzone new media direction. Since April 2004 the group organised media art screenings, video art exhibitions, workshops for audiovisual processing and streaming, street events, and the series of Translab evenings exploring the media culture. It also participated at co-organising Multiplace 3 & 4 and co-curating Enter Multimediale 2 festival.
In June 2005 BURUNDI was dissolved, although its various members have continued with the activities they began in BURUNDI, either individually or in other groups such as 13m3, Itchy bit and Citylab. See also the Monoskop research wiki on media art, which has continued in operation since the demise of BURUNDI.
Members: Mária Rišková (Datalab, Displej), Ana Filip (Studio), Mária Čorejová (Displej, Press), Dušan Barok (Translab, Monoskop), gnd (Studio), Michal Čudrnák (Datalab, Studio), Ľubomír Nosko (Citylab)
- Links
- http://burundi.multiplace.org (moved from burundi.sk)
- Archived website
- http://www.slovakia.culturalprofiles.net/?id=7958