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* [http://www.profilart.sk/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/88-105-KATARÍNA-RUSNÁKOVÁ-1.pdf "Reakcia na pandémiu AIDS v USA: nové formy kultúrneho aktivizmu a vizuálne umenie tematizujúce politiku identity, problémy rodu a traumu"] [Response in the AIDS pandemic in the United States: New Forms of Cultural Activism and Visual Art Thematizing Identity Politics, Gender Issues and Trauma], ''Profil'' 4, 2020, pp 88-105. {{sk}}
* [http://www.profilart.sk/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/88-105-KATARÍNA-RUSNÁKOVÁ-1.pdf "Reakcia na pandémiu AIDS v USA: nové formy kultúrneho aktivizmu a vizuálne umenie tematizujúce politiku identity, problémy rodu a traumu"] [Response in the AIDS pandemic in the United States: New Forms of Cultural Activism and Visual Art Thematizing Identity Politics, Gender Issues and Trauma], ''Profil'' 4, 2020, pp 88-105. {{sk}}
* [https://www.academia.edu/100057445/ "Alarm! Klimatická kríza a súčasné vizuálne umenie"] [Alarm! Climate Crisis and Contemporary Visual Art], ''Profil'' 4, 2022, pp 26-45; [https://www.academia.edu/100057629/ 2. časť] [Part Two], ''Profil'' 1, 2023, pp 18-41. {{sk}}
* [https://www.academia.edu/100057445/ "Alarm! Klimatická kríza a súčasné vizuálne umenie"] [Alarm! Climate Crisis and Contemporary Visual Art], ''Profil'' 4, 2022, pp 26-45; [https://www.academia.edu/100057629/ 2. časť] [Part Two], ''Profil'' 1, 2023, pp 18-41. {{sk}}
* [http://www.profilart.sk/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/DEF-Katarina-22-43.pdf "Pamäťové spoje"] [Connections of Memory], ''Profil'' 1, 2024, pp 22-43. {{sk}}
; Selected interviews
; Selected interviews

Latest revision as of 09:06, 11 October 2024

Photo: Martin Marenčin, 1996.

Katarína Rusnáková is a curator, art historian and theoretician. Since 2006, she has been Head of the Department of Theory and History of Art at the Faculty of Fine Arts at the Academy of Arts in Banská Bystrica. She researches global and Slovak visual art of the second half of the 20th century and the 21st century, especially video art, digital art, and gender issues. She published several books devoted to media art and, in its context, also to the reflection on feminist and gender issues, e.g. História a teória mediálneho umenia na Slovensku [History and Theory of Media Art in Slovakia] (2006), Dve štúdie: Rodové aspekty v súčasnom vizuálnom umení na Slovensku / Gilles Deleuze a myslenie o filmovom obraze [Two studies: Gender Aspects in Contemporary Visual Art in Slovakia/Gilles Deleuze and Thinking about Film Image] (2009), Premietané obrazy v digitálnom veku: súčasné videoumenie v múzeu umenia a galérii [Projected Images in the Digital Age. Contemporary Video Art at the Art Museum and Gallery] (2018). She contributed an extensive study to the monography on Pavlína Fichta Čierna (2014). She continuously publishes in professional periodicals and contributes to conference proceedings, e.g. Rodové aspekty súčasného umeleckého diskurzu [Gender Aspects of Contemporary Art Discourse] (2012), "Reakcia na pandémiu AIDS v USA: nové formy kultúrneho aktivizmu a vizuálne umenie tematizujúce politiku identity, problémy rodu a traumu" [Response in the AIDS pandemic in the United States] (2020), "Alarm! Klimatická kríza a súčasné vizuálne umenie" [Alarm! Climate Crisis and Contemporary Visual Art] (2022–2023). (2024)


  • 5 x New York. Mapovanie aktuálnych výtvarných trendov v múzeách umenia, súkromných galériách a neziskových inštitúciách v New Yorku v rokoch 1993 – 1997, Bratislava: Kalligram, 2003, 160 pp. [1] (Slovak)
Selected articles
  • "Contemporary Art in Slovakia", in Positioning – In the New Reality of Europe: Art from Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary, edited by K. Okamura and T. Yabumae, Osaka: The National Museum of Art – Hiroshima: City Museum of Contemporary Art – Tokyo: Museum of Contemporary Art – The Japan Foundation, 2005, pp 114-123.
  • "The Correlation of Image and Text in Contemporary Media Art", Human Affairs. A Postdisciplinary Journal for Humanities & Social Sciences 15:1, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Jun 2005, pp 35-44.
  • "Video a experimentálny film v sivej zóne totality: niekoľko príkladov z (pre)histórie mediálneho umenia v bývalom Československu a po roku 1989 / Video und experimenteller Film in der Grauzone des Totalitarismus: beispiele aus der (Vor)Geschichte der Medienkunst in der ehemaligen Tschechoslowakei und nach 1989", Imaginary Spaces. Raum/Prostor-Medien/Media-Performance/Performace, eds. Barbara Büscher and Jana Horáková, Prague: KLP-Koniasch Latin Press, 2008, pp 185-210. (Slovak)/(German)
  • "Politika tela v súčasnom videoumení na Slovensku", Ars, Časopis Ústavu dejín umenia SAV 42:2 (2008), pp 290-306. (Slovak)
  • "The Visual Representation of Gender and Sexual Identities in the New Media in Slovakia", in Transitland. Video Art from Central and Eastern Europe 1989 – 2009, ed. E. András, Budapest: Ludwig Museum – Museum of Contemporary Art, 2009, pp 137-146.
  • "Moc a násilie z pohľadu rodových vzťahov", in Zborník Akadémie umení v Banskej Bystrici k 15. výročiu založenia, ed. M. Strenáčiková, Banská Bystrica: Akadémia umení, 2012, pp 36-43. (Slovak)
  • "Digitálne umenie na Slovensku v prvej dekáde 21. storočia: perspektívy a frustrácie", Profil 19:3 & 19:4 (2012), pp 10-25 & 8-33. [4] [5] (Slovak)
  • "Reakcia na pandémiu AIDS v USA: nové formy kultúrneho aktivizmu a vizuálne umenie tematizujúce politiku identity, problémy rodu a traumu" [Response in the AIDS pandemic in the United States: New Forms of Cultural Activism and Visual Art Thematizing Identity Politics, Gender Issues and Trauma], Profil 4, 2020, pp 88-105. (Slovak)
  • "Alarm! Klimatická kríza a súčasné vizuálne umenie" [Alarm! Climate Crisis and Contemporary Visual Art], Profil 4, 2022, pp 26-45; 2. časť [Part Two], Profil 1, 2023, pp 18-41. (Slovak)
  • "Pamäťové spoje" [Connections of Memory], Profil 1, 2024, pp 22-43. (Slovak)
Selected interviews

See also[edit]
