Luxus cont.

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luxus cont. was formed in 1995 in Berlin by theorists, artists, writers, and filmmakers from mainly European countries. Since then invited groups and artists engaging in different fields of analogue and digital art, music and theory have produced talks, performances and small art-shows. Such events take place in consciously semi-public spaces but with conceptually wide open doors. Since February 1997 luxus cont. has been editing an electronic magazine named contd.

In Hybrid WorkSpace (a temporary media lab which operated during the 100 days of Documenta X (Kassel, Germany, June-September 1997) luxus cont. aimed to intensify its excursions into the organization, mediation, and function of the technical and social construct 'sound'. The theme was cultural economy and sound together with the technical constitution of sounds as 'data objects'.

luxus cont. was run by Micz Flor and Martin Conrads. They have also created an interactive music making system, it can morph from group entertainment box-set to subtle and sophisticated hybrid-instrument or clunky retro sci-fi prop depending on how and whether people use it.