Henri Chopin

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Henri Chopin (1922-2008) was a poet, painter, filmmaker, independent publisher, and cultural organizer who in the 1950s began using early recording systems to produce a wide range of works based on the manipulation of the human voice.




  • Nicholas Zurbrugg, "Electronic Arts in Australia", Continuum 8:1, 1992, pp 129-132. Interview with Henri Chopin. (English)


  • Michael Lentz, "'Musik? Poesie? Eigentlich …': Lautmusik/Poesie nach 1945", Neue Zeitschrift für Musik 157:2, Mar-Apr 1996, pp 47–55. (German)
  • Nicholas Zurbrugg, "Programming Paradise: Haraldo de Campos, Concrete Poetry, and the Postmodern Multimedia Avant-Garde", in Writing Aloud: The Sonics of Language, eds. Brandon LaBelle and Christof Migone, Los Angeles: Errant Bodies, 2001, pp 7–35. (English)
  • Andrew Norris, "Projections of the Pulseless Body: Don van Vliet and Henri Chopin", Chapter & Verse 3, Spring 2005. (English)
  • Reinhard Oehlschlägel, "Henri Chopin gestorben", MusikTexte 116, Feb 2008, p 87. (German)
  • Marc Matter, "Revue OU Disque" (Editorial), Fabrikzeitung 298, Feb 2014, pp 2–3.
