Daniel Grúň
Daniel Grúň (1977) is an art historian, curator, and writer. He studied art history at Trnava University (Slovakia). In 2009, he completed his Ph.D. thesis on art criticism of the 1960s in Czechoslovakia. He co-curated the international retrospective Július Koller: One Man Anti Show (MSN/Warsaw, mumok/Vienna, Museion/Bolzano), and has been writing on artist archives, self-historicization, and legacy of Neo-avant-gardes. Currently, he is working as Assoc. Prof. at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava and the Institute of Art History, Slovak Academy of Sciences. In addition, he is in charge of the Július Koller Society, lives and works in Bratislava. In 2010, he was awarded the Igor Zabel Prize for Culture and Theory. Recent contributions include What Will Be Already Exists: Temporalities of Cold War Archives in Central-East Europe and Beyond (eds. Emese Kürti, Zsuzsa László, transcript Verlag, 2021). (2024)
- Archeológia výtvarnej kritiky. Slovenské umenie šesťdesiatych rokov a jeho interpretácie, Bratislava: Slovart & Vysoká škola výtvarných umení, 2009, 208 pp. Publisher. [1]. Review: Chlebová (Knižná revue). (Slovak)
- co-editor, Tomáš Štrauss, Beyond the Great Divide: Essays on European Avant-Gardes from East to West, trans. Hayley Haupt and Jonathan Owen, Dijon: Les presses du réel, and AICA International, 2020, 192 pp. Anthology. Review: Arnoux (Critique d'art, FR). [2] [3] (English)
- editor, Subjektívne histórie. Seba-historizácia ako umelecká prax v stredovýchodnej Európe / Subjective Histories: Self-historicization as Artistic Practice in Central-East Europe, Bratislava: VEDA SAV, 2020, 320 pp. Introduction. Publisher. Review: Gadó (ArtMargins). [4] (Slovak)/(English)
- editor, AMA. Ľubomír Ďurček, Květoslava Fulierová, Július Koller a amatérski výtvarníci / Ľubomír Ďurček, Květoslava Fulierová, Július Koller and Amateur Artists, Vienna: Schlebrügge.Editor, Sep 2020, 340 pp. Texts by Ľubomír Ďurček, Květa Fulierová, Daniel Grúň, Július Koller, and interviews between Dagmar Gazdíková and Július Koller. Publisher. Review: Tuka (Artalk). [5] (Slovak)/(English)
- editor, with Alina Șerban, Unpaged. How to Revisit History from a Plural Perspective?, Bucharest: Institute of the Present, 2020. From private inventory to open archives: archival turn in art history of Eastern Europe and Latin America. (English)
- editor, with Christian Höller and Kathrin Rhomberg, White Space in White Space / Biely priestor v bielom priestore, 1973-1982. Stano Filko, Miloš Laky, Ján Zavarský, Vienna: Schlebrügge, 2021, 228 pp. Project archive. Publisher. [6] [7] (English)
- with Tomáš Pospiszyl, Július Koller Archive. Study Room, Prague: tranzit.cz, 2012, 24 pp. (Slovak),(Czech)/(English)
- editor, with Barbora Klímová and Filip Cenek, Mutually: Communities of the 1970s and 1980s / Navzájem: Společenství 70. a 80. let, Prague: tranzitdisplay, and Brno: The House of Arts, 2013, 44 pp. (Slovak)/(Czech)/(English)
- editor, Július Koller. Galéria Ganku, trans. John Minahane, Vienna: Schlebrügge, 2014. [8] (English)/(Slovak)
- editor, with Kathrin Rhomberg and Georg Schöllhammer, Július Koller: One Man Anti Show, Vienna: mumok, and Cologne: Buchhandlung Walter König, 2016, 388 pp. [9] (German)
- Július Koller: One Man Anti Show, Vienna: mumok, and Cologne: Buchhandlung Walter König, 2016, 320 pp. [10] (English)
- editor, Haptická ozvena. Príroda, telo, politika v umení bývalej Juhoslávie a Československa, Bratislava: Galéria mesta Bratislavy, 2024. Exhibition. (Slovak)
Book chapters, Essays, Reviews, Talks
- "Čo znamená cestovať v Bratislave metrom - Metro, Galéria Priestor for Contemporary Arts, Bratislava, 25.6.–1.8.2004", Umělec CZ 2, Prague: Divus, 2004. (Slovak)
- "What it Means to Travel by Metro in Bratislava", Umělec EN 2, Prague: Divus, 2004. (English)
- "Zmysel negácie. Nefiguratívny výtvarný prejav a avantgardné princípy v teórii Oskára Čepana", ARS 39 (2006), pp 93-109. (Slovak)
- "Ľudský rozmer abstraktného obrazu. K interpretácii diel Mariána Čunderlíka a Rudolfa Filu v štúdiách Oskára Čepana", in Obrazy Oskára Čepana, eds. P. Zajac and B. Bodorová, Bratislava: Vydavateľstvo Michala Vaška, 2006, pp 205-208. (Slovak)
- "Chvála banálnych paradoxov", in Paradoxy a hranice racionality, eds. R. Slavkovský, J. Vydrová and A. Vydra, Pusté Úľany: Schola Philosophica, 2007, pp 188-194. (Slovak)
- "Against Demons of Modernity? Towards Interpreting Art of Sculpture in the 1960s Dominik Tatarka's Essays", Acta Historiae Artium 49 (2008), pp 206-214. (English)
- "Der Kosmos der Slowakischen Neoavantgarde zwischen Utopie, Fiktion und Politik", in Crossing 68/89, eds. Jürgen Danyel, Jennifer Schevardo and Stephan Kruhl, Berlin: Metropol, 2008, pp 136-155. (German)
- "Red Planet: Cosmic Imagery of the Slovak Neo-Avant-Garde", in Star City: The Future Under Communism, eds. Łukasz Ronduda, Alex Farquarson and Barbara Piwowarska, MAMMAL Foundation, Nottingham Contemporary, and Vienna: tranzit.at, 2011, pp 52-68. (English)
- "Niekoľko poznámok k poetike umenia 60. rokov", Ostium 5:3 (2009). (Slovak)
- "Iva Mojžišová a jej kritika porozumením", in Iva Mojžišová, Giacomettiho smiech?, Bratislava: Vysoká škola výtvarných umení, 2009, pp 357-364. (Slovak)
- "Všetko na čom záleží... máš na dosah ruky: XYZ", Umělec CZ 12:2, Prague: Divus, 2008, pp 28-31. (Slovak)
- "XYZ All that’s Important ... is Within Your Reach", Umělec EN 2, 2008. (English)
- "XYZ Alles, worauf es ankommt… hast du in Reichweite", Umělec DE 2, 2008. (German)
- "XYZ Todo lo importante... está a tu alcance", Umělec ES 2, 2008. (Spanish)
- "Projekt Verejná knižnica v kontexte urbánnej utópie", Flash Art SK 3:10, Nov 2008-Feb 2009. (Slovak)
- "Pracovná pamäť a úder zenovej palice Milana Adamčiaka", Flash Art Czech & Slovak Edition 3:13, Jun-Sep 2009, pp 50-51. [11] (Slovak)
- "Štúdiá vizuálnej kultúry a postkomunistická identita? Skúmanie obrazu v kontexte spoločenskej transformácie", World Literature Studies. Časopis pre výskum svetovej literatúry 2:19 (2010), pp 70-81. (Slovak)
- "Archivovať U.F.O. Július Koller ako zberateľ 'kultúrnych situácií' z tlačových médií", Romboid 7 (2010), pp 56-63. (Slovak)
- "Archív umelca – paralelná inštitúcia alebo prostriedok seba-historizácie?", Sešit pro umění, teorii a příbuzné zóny 11, Prague, 2011, pp 64-83. (Slovak)
- "Július Koller: Dialectics of Self-Identification", trans. Jana Krajnakova, in L'Internationale. Post-War Avant-Gardes between 1957 and 1986, ed. Christian Hoeller, Zurich: JRP Ringier, 2012, pp 196-202. (English)
- "Performatívne písanie Milana Adamčiaka", in Třídit slova. Literatura a konceptuální tendence 1949–2015, eds. Ondřej Buddeus and Markéta Magidová, Prague: tranzit.cz, 2015, pp 122-137. [12] (Slovak)
- "Ideológia Bieleho priestoru", 12 Oct 2016. Talk given at Plusmínusnula Gallery in Žilina, 29 May 2016. (Slovak)
- "Das Leben als Signal. Die kommunikative Provokation von Július Kollers künstlerischer Praxis", in Július Koller: One Man Anti Show, eds. Daniel Grúň, Kathrin Rhomberg, and Georg Schöllhammer, Vienna: mumok, and Cologne: Buchhandlung Walter König, 2016, pp 20-28. (German)
- "Life as Signal. Communicative Challenges of of Július Koller’s Artistic Practice", in Július Koller: One Man Anti Show, eds. Daniel Grúň, Kathrin Rhomberg, and Georg Schöllhammer, Vienna: mumok, and Cologne: Buchhandlung Walter König, 2016, pp 20-28. (English)
- "Viaţa ca semnal. Sfidările comunicaţionale ale arhivei lui Július Koller" / "Life as Signal. Communicative Challenges of of Július Koller’s Archive", Revista Arta 6(20-21): "Conceptualism in Eastern and Central Europe", Bucharest, 2016, pp 49-53. [13] (Romanian)/(English)
- "The Case of Milan Adamčiak: Visual Music between the Acoustic Process, Performance, and the Autonomous Sphere of Writing", in Extending the Dialogue, Berlin: Archive Books, Ljubljana: Igor Zabel Association, and Vienna: ERSTE Foundation, 2016, pp 188-209. (English)
- "Milan Adamciak: Thinking and Seeing Sound, Making the Body Resound", Flash Art CZ/SK, Nov 2016. (English)
- "Monument to a Heroine. Július Koller’s Archive and Processes of Self-Historicisation", trans. John Minahane, Institute of the Present, Sep 2017. (English)
- "Monument în cinstea unei eroine. Arhiva și procesele de autoistoricizare ale lui Július Koller", Institutul Prezentului, Sep 2017. (Romanian)
- "Úvaha o chýbaní. Biele práce Stana Filka a Mladena Stilinovića", in Umění a revoluce. Pro Milenu Bartlovou, eds. Johana Lomová and Jindřich Vybíral, Prague: UMPRUM, 2018, pp 574-595. (Slovak)
- "Amateurism Under Socialism: The Politics of Art Education in the Work of Milan Adamčiak, Július Koller and Jiří Valoch", Third Text 32(4): "Actually Existing Artworlds of Socialism", 2018, pp 434-449. (English)
- "Active Gaps and Absences in Artist Archives: Stano Filko and Dóra Maurer", in What Will Be Already Exists: Temporalities of Cold War Archives in East-Central Europe and Beyond, eds. Emese Kürti and Zsuzsa László, Bielefeld: transcript, 2021, pp 49-96. (English)
- with Tomáš Štrauss, "Aj modernizmus má mnoho smerovaní", Kritika & Kontext 30 (2005), pp 74-84. (Slovak)
- Fantastický konceptualizmus. Neoavantgarda, kritika a politika v letech 1968–1981 na Slovensku, lecture, video, 86 min, 2011. (Slovak)