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George Călinescu (19 June 1899, Bucharest – 12 March 1965, Otopeni) was a major Romanian literary critic, historian, novelist, academician, journalist, and writer.


Studies in Foreign Languages[edit]

Alcuni missionari catolici italiani nella Moldavia nella secoli XVII e XVIII (On Some Italian Catholic Missionaries in the Moldavia of the 17th and 18th centuries), 1925.

Studies on Aesthetics and World Literature[edit]

Principii de estetică ("Principles of Aesthetics"), 1939

Impresii asupra literaturii spaniole ("Impressions on Spanish Literature"), 1946

Sensul clasicismului ("The Meaning of Classicism"), 1946

Studii și conferințe ("Studies and Conferences"), 1956

Scriitori străini ("Foreign Writers"), 1967


Poezii ("Poetry"), 1937

Lauda lucrurilor ("In Praise of Things"), 1963

Lauda zăpezii ("In Praise of Snow"), 1965


Șun, mit mongol sau Calea neturburată ("Șun, a Mongol Myth"), 1940

Ludovic al XIX-lea ("Louis XIX"), 1964

Teatru ("Theatre"), 1965


Cartea nunții ("The Wedding Book"), 1933

Enigma Otiliei ("Otilia's Riddle"), 1938

Trei nuvele ("Three Novellas"), 1949

Bietul Ioanide ("Poor Ioanide"), 1953

Scrinul negru ("The Black Chest of Drawers"), 1965

History and literary criticism[edit]

Viața lui Mihai Eminescu ("Mihai Eminescu's Life"), 1932, Academia.edu

Opera lui Mihai Eminescu ("The Works of Mihai Eminescu"), 1934

Viața lui Ion Creangă ("Ion Creangă's Life"), 1938

Istoria literaturii române de la origini pînă în prezent ("The History of Romanian Literature from its Origins to the Present"), 1941, PDF, DJVU

Istoria literaturii române. Compendiu ("The History of Romanian Literature. A Compendium"), 1945, Scribd

Universul poeziei ("The Universe of Poetry"), 1947

Nicolae Filimon, 1959

Gr. M. Alecsandrescu, 1962

Ion Creangă; Viața și opera ("Ion Creangă; His Life and Works"), 1964, PDF

Vasile Alecsandri, 1965


Cronicile optimistului ("The Chronicles of an Optimist"), 1964

Ulysse ("Ulysses"), 1967

Travel journals[edit]

Kiev, Moscova, Leningrad (Kiev, Moscow, Leningrad), 1949

Am fost în China nouă ("I've Been to the New China"), 1953