Sylvère Lotringer
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Sylvère Lotringer (15 October 1938, Paris, France - 8 November 2021, Ensenada, Baja California) was a French born literary critic and cultural theorist initially based in New York City who lived in Los Angeles and Baja California, Mexico. He is best known for synthesizing French theory with American literary, cultural and architectural avant-garde movements as founder of the journal Semiotext(e).
- Semiotext(e), journal, 1974-
- Semiotext(e) 3(1): "Nietzsche’s Return", ed. Sylvère Lotringer, 1978.
- Semiotext(e) 3(3): "Autonomia: Post-Political Politics", eds. Sylvère Lotringer and Christian Marazzi, 1980.
- Semiotext(e), 3(2): "Schizo-Culture", ed. Sylvère Lotringer, 1978.
- Semiotext(e) 10: "Polysexuality", ed. François Peraldi, 1981; repr., 1995.
- Semiotext(e) 5(2): "SF", eds. Rudy Rucker, Peter Lamborn Wilson, and Robert Anton Wilson, 1989.
- Schizo-Culture event, 1975.
- Henry Schwarz, Anne Balsamo, "Under the Sign of Semiotext(e): The Story According to Sylvere Lotringer and Chris Kraus", Critique 37:3, Spring 1996, pp 205-220.
- "My 80's: Better Than Life", Artforum, Apr 2003.
- David Morris, "Four Decades of Semiotext(e)", Frieze, 9 Sep 2013.
- Jason Demers, "Collecting Intensities: On Semiotext(e) and Schizo-Culture", in Frontières, marges et confins, ed. Corinne Alexandre-Garner, Nanterre: Presses universitaires de Paris Nanterre, 2014, pp 415-423.
- "Sylvère Lotringer Interviewed by Jonathan Tomas", Third Rail 6, 2015.
- Initiales 12: "S.L. (Sylvère Lotringer)", eds. François Aubart and François Piron, Lyon: École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts, Nov 2018, 128 pp. [1] [2] [3] (French)
- "Hedi El Kholti and Chris Kraus on Sylvère Lotringer", Artforum, Feb 2022.
- Obituaries: McKenzie Wark (New Left Review), David L. Ulin (LA Times).