Cooperativa Beato Angelico

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The Cooperativa Beato Angelico was a feminist exhibition space operating Rome from 1976-1978.

In 1976, Carla Accardi, LeoNilde Carabba, Franca Chiabra, Anna Maria Colucci, Nedda Guidi, Regina della Noce, Eva Menzio, Teresa Montemaggiori, Stephanie Oursler, Suzanne Santoro and Silvia Truppi founded the Cooperativa Beato Angelico. This was a space dedicated to women artists in Rome. Some of the founders were feminist activists from the Rivolta Femminile, such as Carla Accardi, Anna Maria Colucci, Stephanie Oursler and Suzanne Santoro. Stephanie Oursler and Suzanne Santoro come from the United States and recently moved to Rome. Eight of the founders are artists and three are art critics.
