David Garcia

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David Garcia is an artist, teacher and organizer exploring new forms of critical experiments with art and media.

In 1983 he co-founded Time Based Arts, which went on to become one of the premier venues for international media arts in the Netherlands. From this basis he went on to develop a series of high profile international media arts events the most significant being The Next 5 Minutes (1994-2003), a series of international conferences and exhibitions on electronic communications and political culture. In 2008 co-founded the Tactical Media Files on-line archive and resource connecting new forms of social production based on networks to the rise of new social movements.

He was Professor of Design for Digital Culture University of Portsmouth & Utrecht College of Art in the Netherlands where he launched the (UN)Common Ground: Creative Encounters Across Sectors and Disciplines project and publication (2007). In 2008 he became Dean of Chelsea College of Art and Design and Professor of Media Arts and later seconded as Dean of The CCW Graduate School at the University Arts London. In his current role as Professor of Digital Arts and Media Activism at Bournemouth University, he is focussing on co-editing an Anthology of Tactical Media scheduled for publication in the second half of 2017, in conjunction with co-curating a number of related exhibitions and events. [1]
