Documentation science

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Paul Otlet, Henri La Fontaine, S. R. Ranganathan, Suzanne Briet




Proceedings and journal issues[edit]

  • Journal of the American Society for Information Science 48(4) & 48(9): "History of Documentation and Information Science", pts I & II, eds. Donald H. Kraft, Michael Buckland and Trudi Bellardo Hahn, Apr 1997 & Sep 1997. [2], [3], Day on Otlet
  • Information Processing and Management 32(1): "History of Information Science", ed. W. Boyd Rayward, Jan 1996. [4]
  • Trudi Bellardo Hahn, Michael Buckland (eds.), Historical Studies in Information Science, American Society for Information Science, 1998, 326 pp. Reprints the papers from the special history issues of Information Processing and Management (1996) and the Journal of the American Society for Information Science (Apr & Sep 1997), as well W. B. Rayward's "Visions of Xanadu: Paul Otlet (1868-1944) and Hypertext". Some authors have added new postscripts. New material on the literature on the history of Information Science and pioneers has been added. [5] [6]
  • W. Boyd Rayward (ed.), European Modernism and the Information Society: Informing the Present, Understanding the Past, London: Ashgate, 2008, 343 pp. Based on the conference held 2005. [7] [8]. Reviews: Burke (2009), Weller (2009), Smith (2009), Freeman (2010), Jones (2015).
  • W. Boyd Rayward (ed.), Information Beyond Borders: International Cultural and Intellectual Exchange in the Belle Époque, Ashgate, 2014, 300 pp. Based on the colloquium Transcending Boundaries in the Period of the Belle Époque: Organizing Knowledge, Mobilizing Networks and Effecting Social Change, Mons, Belgium, May 2010. [9] [10] [11] Review: Maceviciute (2014), Straw (2016).
  • The Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Document Academy 1(1), eds. Kiersten F. Latham and Niels Windfeld Lund, 2014.
  • The Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Document Academy 2(1): "Documents Unbounded", eds. Paul Scifleet, Maureen Henninger, and Mary Anne Kennan, 2015.
  • Proceedings from the Document Academy 3(1): "Neo-documentation Around the World: Global Developments", eds. Roswitha Skare and Kiersten F. Latham, 2016.

Book chapters, papers[edit]


See also[edit]
