Jan Sowa

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Jan Sowa is a materialist dialectical social theorist and researcher. He studied at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland and University Paris VIII in Saint-Denis, France. He holds a PhD in sociology and a habilitation in cultural studies. His research and teaching assignments took him to several institutions around the world, including University of São Paulo, Akademie der Künste der Welt in Cologne and Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna. He was a member of the Committee on Cultural Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences, and curator of the Discursive Programs and Research of Biennale Warszawa (2018-2019). Jan Sowa currently works as Associate Professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. He edited and authored several books and published numerous articles. (2024)


  • Perverse Decolonization? (editor, with Ekaterina Degot and David Riff), Berlin: Archive Books, and Cologne: Academy of the Arts of the World, 2021, 160 pp. Publisher. (English)
    • Perverse Decolonization?, Berlin: Archive Books, and Cologne: Akademie der Künste der Welt, 2021, 182 pp. Publisher. (German)
  • Sport nie istnieje (with Krzysztof Wolański), Warszawa: Grupa Wydawnicza Foksal, 2017, 304 pp. Excerpt. Interview: Rafał Górski (Tygodnik Spraw Obywatelskich). Review: Grzegorz Wiaderek (Trzeci sektor). (Polish)
  • Wieczna radość. Ekonomia polityczna społecznej kreatywności (editor, with Kuba Szreder, Krystian Szadkowski, and Michał Kozłowski), Bęc Zmiana, 2011, 448 pp. Excerpt. Publisher. (Polish)
  • Zniewolony umysł 2. Neoliberalizm i jego krytyki (editor, with Ewa Majewska), Kraków: Korporacja Ha!art, 2007. (Polish)
  • Frustracja. Młodzi o Nowym Wspaniałym Świecie (editor, with Piotr Marecki), Kraków: Korporacja Ha!art, and Rabid, 2003. (Polish)
  • Sezon w teatrze lalek i inne eseje, Kraków: Rabid, 2003. (Polish)
