Luis Rico
Artist, designer and producer. Co-director of the I International Festival of Art, Science and Technology, Cibervision 02, as well as Medialab Madrid (Conde Duque Cultural Centre, Madrid). Studied graphic and industrial design at the Elisava School in Barcelona. Took up painting in the mid-1980s and had exhibitions in Abidjan (Ivory Coast), Valencia and Majorca. Co-director of the international art magazine Atlántica's "Agua" monograph for Lisbon's Expo'98. Co-author and co-director of the itinerant "Banquete" project (Palau de la Virreina, Barcelona; ZKM Karlsruhe; and Conde Duque Cultural Centre, Madrid, 2003), as well as the interactive teaching project "Yumga ga", sponsored by UNESCO. Director of the Fundación Banquete and co-organiser of Cibervision 99 at Madrid's Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.