Monique Wittig
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Monique Wittig (13 July 1935, Dannemarie, France - 3 January 2003, Tucson, USA) was a French novelist, philosopher, theorist and lesbian feminist activist. Her concept of the ‘heterosexual contract’ had a major impact on feminist theory. Her literary work is characterised by a stylistic and semantic quest to go beyond the gender distinction. [1]
- L'Opoponax, Paris: Minuit, 1964, 288 pp; repr., postf. Marguerite Duras, 1983, 287 pp; repr., Paris: Minuit (double), 2018, 272 pp. Novel. Prix Médicis 1964. Publisher, [2]. Letter: Sally Beauman (NY Times). (French)
- Opoponax: roman, trans. Ragnar Kvam, Oslo: Gyldendal, 1965. (Norwegian)
- Opoponax: roman, trans. Ole Wewer-Nielsen, Fredensborg: Arena, 1966, 212 pp. (Danish)
- Opoponax: roman, trans. Astrid Borger, Stockholm: Albert Bonniers, 1966. (Swedish)
- The Opoponax: a novel, London: Owen, 1966, 189 pp; repr., London: Women's Press, 1979, 189 pp. Review: Sally Beauman (NY Times). WP. (English)
- Opoponax. Roman, trans. Elmar Tophoven, Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1966, 278 pp. (German)
- L'Opoponax, trans. Clara Lusignoli, Torino: Einaudi, 1966, 224 pp. (Italian)
- Opoponaks, trans. Tuukka Kangasluoma, Porvoo: Werner Söderström Osakeyhtiö, 1967. (Finnish)
- Opoponax, Prague: Odeon, 1967. (Czech)
- El opoponax, trans. Caridad Martínez, Barcelona: Seix Barral, 1969. (Spanish)
- De opoponax: roman, trans. Max Nord, Amsterdam: Contact, 1975, 259 pp. (Dutch)
- Kodomo no ryobun [子供の領分], trans. Shinji Kosai (小佐井伸二), Tokyo: Hakusuisha (白水社), 2004, 281 pp. (Japanese)
- Les Guérillères, Paris: Minuit, 1969, 212 pp; repr., 2005; repr., Paris: Minuit (double), 2019, 208 pp. Novel. Publisher, [3]. (French)
- Vrouwenguerrilla, trans. Thérèse Cornips, Amsterdam: Meulenhoff, 1970. (Dutch)
- Les Guérillères, trans. David Le Vay, New York: Viking Press, 1971, 144 pp; London: Owen, 1971; repr., Boston: Beacon Press, 1985; repr., /ubu editions, 2007, 89 pp; repr., University of Illinois Press, 2007, 144 pp. Publisher. Letters: Sally Beauman (NY Times), Cybelle McFadden Wilkens (Women in French Studies), Catherine Burke (MHRA), Mary Pringle Spraggins. WP. (English)
- Las guerrilleras, Barcelona: Seix Barral, 1971, 140 pp. (Spanish)
- Onna gerira tachi [女ゲリラたち], Tokyo: Hakusuisha, 1973, 219 pp. (Japanese)
- Die Verschwörung der Balkis, Munich: Frauenoffensive, 1980, 151 pp. (German)
- Le Guerrigliere, ed. & trans. Ana Cuenca, Bologna: Lesbacce Incolte, 1996; repr., Bologna: La Porta Terra di Donne, 2019, 115 pp. [4] (Italian)
- Guerrilleras, trans. Natalia Ortiz Maldonado, Buenos Aires: Hekht, 2019, 217 pp. Publisher. (Spanish)
- As guerrilheiras, trans. Jamille Pinheiro Dias and Raquel Camargo, Rio de Janeiro: Ubu, 2019, 144 pp. Publisher. (Brazilian Portuguese)
- Les guerrilleres, trans. Aurora Ballester, Barcelona: Manifest Llibres, 2023, 142 pp. (Catalan)
- Le Corps lesbien, Paris: Minuit, 1973, 192 pp; repr., 2015; repr., Paris: Minuit (double), 2023, 192 pp. Novel. Publisher, [5]. (French)
- The Lesbian Body, trans. David Le Vay, New York: William Morrow, 1975, 165 pp; London: Owen, 1975; repr., Boston: Beacon Press, 1986; repr., Boston: Beacon Press, 1999, 165 pp. (English)
- Il corpo lesbico: romanzo, trans. Christine Bazzin and Elisabetta Rasy, Rome: Edizioni delle donne, 1976, 148 pp. (Italian)
- El cuerpo lesbiano, trans. Nuria Pérez de Lara, Valencia: Pre-Textos, 1977; repr., 2021, 157 pp. (Spanish)
- Aus deinen zehntausend Augen, Sappho, Berlin: Amazonen-Frauenverlag Frauenbuchvertrieb, 1977, 135 pp; repr., 1984. (German)
- Resubian no karada [レスビアンの躰], trans. Chikako Nakayasu (中安ちか子), Tokyo: Kōdansha (講談社), 1980, 173 pp. (Japanese)
- Het lesbisch lichaam', trans. Rosa Pollé, Amsterdam: Feministische uitgeverij Sara, 1983, 207 pp. (Dutch)
- Der lesbische Körper: wider das straighte Denken, Hamburg: Argument, 1997. (German)
- Den lesbiska kroppen, trans. Athena Farrokhzad, Modernista, 2020, 192 pp. (Swedish)
- El cuerpo lesbiano, trans. & intro. Natalia Ortiz Maldonado, Buenos Aires: Hekht, 2021, 176 pp. Publisher. (Spanish)
- Il corpo lesbico, ed. Deborah Ardilli, Milan: VandA, 2023. Publisher. (Italian)
- Brouillon pour un dictionnaire des amantes (with Sande Zeig), Paris: Grasset, 1976; repr., 2010; 2018. Novel. (French)
- Lesbian Peoples: Material for a Dictionary, New York: Avon, 1979; repr., London: Virago, 1980, 169 pp. (English)
- Lesbische Völker: ein Wörterbuch, Munich: Frauenoffensive, 1981, 167 pp. (German)
- Borrador para un diccionario de las amantes, Barcelona: Lumen, 1981, 213 pp. (Spanish)
- Lesbische volkeren: materiaal voor een woordenboek, trans. Rosa Pollé, Alkmaar: Lesbische uitgeverij Furie, 1985, 159 pp. (Dutch)
- Appunti per un dizionario delle amanti, ed. & trans. Onna Pas, Milan: Meltemi, 2020, 160 pp. (Italian)
- Virgile, non, Paris: Minuit, Apr 1985, 160 pp; repr., Paris: Minuit (double), 2024, 144 pp. Novel. A feminist version of Dante's 'The divine comedy', this work describes an extraordinary journey through the circles of Hell and Limbo. Publisher, [6]. (French)
- Across the Acheron, London: Owen, 1987; London: Women's Press, 1989, 119 pp. (English)
- Zwerftocht door de hel: roman, trans. Rosa Pollé, Amsterdam: Furie, 1987, 120 pp. (Dutch)
- Vergiliĭ, net! [Вергилий, нет!], trans. Tatiana Istochnikova (Татьяна Источникова), Tver': Митин Журнал, 2005, 110 pp. (Russian)
- Virgil, non, trans. Rosanna Fiocchetto, Milan: Il Dito e la Luna, 2006. (Italian)
- Le Voyage sans fin: the constant journey, Paris: Collectif Memoires/Utopies (Vlasta), 1985, 52 pp; new ed., pref. Laure Murat and Wendy Delorme, Paris: Gallimard (L'Imaginaire), 2022, 114 pp. Play. (French)
- The Straight Mind and Other Essays, forew. Louise Turcotte, Boston: Beacon Press, 1992, xvii+110 pp; repr., Boston: Beacon Press, 2002, 110 pp. Collection of essays first published in Feminist Issues and elsewhere between 1980-1990. Publisher. Reviews: Namascar Shaktini (Hypatia), Rosemary Hennessy (Signs). [7] (English)
- Eseji, trans. Nataša Velikonja, Ljubljana: Škuc, 2000, 116 pp. (Slovenian)
- La Pensée straight, Paris: Balland, 2001, 157 pp; new ed., intro. Louise Turcotte and Marie-Hélène Bourcier, Paris: Éditions Amsterdam, 2013, 135 pp; new ed., exp., Paris: Éditions Amsterdam, 2018, 153 pp. (French)
- Pryamoye myshleniye i drugiye esse [Прямое мышление и другие эссе], trans. Olga Lipovskaya (Ольга Липовская), Moscow: Идея-Пресс, 2002, 107 pp. (Russian)
- El pensamiento heterosexual y otros ensayos, trans. Javier Sáez del Álamo and Paco Vidarte, Barcelona: Egales, 2006, 127 pp; repr., 2016; new ed., trans. Paco Vidarte and Javier Sáez, Barcelona: Paidós, 2024, 165 pp. Publisher. (Spanish)
- Il pensiero eterosessuale, ed., trans. & postf. Federico Zappino, Verona: Ombre corte, 2019, 143 pp; repr., 2021. Publisher. (Italian)
- Straight Düşünce, trans. Leman Sevda Darıcıoğlu and Pınar Büyüktaş, Istanbul: Sel Yayıncılık, 2013, 122 pp. (Turkish)
- El pensamiento heterosexual y otros ensayos, 3 vols., Ciudad de México: Inestables, 2017. (Spanish)
- Pentsamendu heterozuzena, Zarautz: Susa, 2017, 95 pp. (Basque)
- Il pensiero straight e altri saggi, eds. & trans. La lacuna, 2019, 100 pp. (Italian)
- Monikeu Witigeu ui seuteureiteu maindeu [스트레이트 마인드: 이성애 제도에 대한 전복적 시선], Seoul: 행성B(행성비), 2020, 227 pp. (Korean)
- O pensamento hétero e outros ensaios, Belo Horizonte: Autêntica, 2022. Publisher. (Brazilian Portuguese)
- Das straighte Denken, trans. Benjamin Dittmann-Bieber and Arabel Summent, Leipzig: Merve, 2023, 144 pp. Publisher. (German)
- Paris-la-politique et autres contes, Paris: P.O.L., 1999, 140 pp, EPUB. Short fiction. (French)
- Parigi-la-politica e altre storie, ed. Deborah Ardilli, Milan: VandA, 2024. Publisher. (Italian)
- Le Chantier littéraire, intro. Christine Planté, Lyon: Presses universitaires de Lyon/Édition iXe, 2010, 223 pp; repr., 2020. Originally presented as the author's doctoral thesis at the École des hautes études en sciences sociales, 1986. (French)
- Dans l’arène ennemie. Textes et entretiens 1966-1999, ed., intro. & annot. Sara Garbagnoli and Théo Mantion, Paris: Minuit, 2024, 368 pp. Publisher. (French)
Theatre, cinema[edit]
- Le Voyage sans fin, play staged by the Renaud-Barrault company. Published in Vlasta 4, March 1985.
- The Girl, film script by Sande Zeig based on a short story by the author, 2000.
- Herbert Marcuse, L'Homme unidimensionnel. Étude sur l’idéologie de la société industrielle, translation from English (with the author), Paris: Minuit, 1968; repr., Paris: Le Seuil, 1970.
- Isabel Barreno, Teresa Horta, Fatima Velho Da Costa, Nouvelles Lettres portugaises, translated from Portuguese with Evelyne Le Garrec and Vera Alves da Nobrega, Paris: Seuil, 1974.
- Djuna Barnes, La Passion, Flammarion, 1982; repr., L.G.F. (Livre de poche. Biblio), 1989; new ed., Ypsilon, 2015.