Nikolay Punin
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Nikolay Punin and Anna Akhmatova in front of the southern garden wing of the Sheremetev Palace (also called the Fountain House) where they lived, Leningrad, 1927. In 1989 converted into the Anna Akhmatova Museum. Photo by Pavel Lukhnitsky.

Pervyi tsikl lektsii, 1920. Cover by Malevich.

Pamyatnik III internatsionala. Proyekt khud. E. Tatlina, 1920. Download.
Nikolay Nikolayevich Punin [Николай Николаевич Пунин; 28 November 1888–21 August 1953) was a Russian art scholar and writer. He edited several periodicals, such as Iskusstvo kommuny, and was also co-founder of the Department of Iconography in the State Russian Museum.
- Yaponskaya gravyura [Японская гравюра], Petrograd: Apollon, 1915, 59 pp. [1] (Russian)
- Andrey Rublov [Андрей Рублёв], 1916. (Russian)
- editor, with Osip Brik and Nathan Altman, Iskusstvo kommuny [Искусство коммуны], 19 issues, Petrograd: IZO Narkompros, Dec 1918-Apr 1919. (Russian)
- co-editor, Izobrazitelnoe iskusstvo, 1 issue, Petrograd: IZO Narkompros, 1919. (Russian)
- Pervyi tsikl lektsii, chitannykh na kratkosrochnykh kursakh dlya uchiteley risovaniya: Sovremennoye iskusstvo [Первый цикл лекций, читанных на краткосрочных курсах для учителей рисования: Современное искусство], Petrograd: [IZO Narkompros], May 1920, 84 pp. [2] [3]. Lectures given in summer 1919 in Petrograd at a crash course for student teachers of drawing. Discussed in Rozanova 2000. (Russian)
- "Cycle of Lectures" (Extracts), in Russian Art of the Avant-Garde: Theory and Criticism, 1902-1934, ed. & trans. John E. Bowlt, New York: The Viking Press, 1976, pp 170-176. Extracts from the 5th and 6th lectures. (English)
- "First Cycle of Lectures (Petrograd, 1920)", trans. Igor Serebryakov, in Russian Avant-Garde 1910-1930: The G. Costakis Collection, Vol. 2, ed. Anna Kafetsi, Athens: National Gallery and Alexandros Soutzos Museum, 1995. (English)
- Pamyatnik III internatsionala. Proyekt khud. E. Tatlina [Памятник III интернационала. Проект худ. Е. Татлина], Petrograd: IZO Narkompros, Summer 1920, [8] pp (28.1x22 cm), PDF, JPGs, DOC, bib. Punin dated his text Jul 1920. Punin's diary notes (1920). Discussed in Shklovsky 1923/2005, Boym 2007, Murray 2012, Gough 2015. (Russian)
- "Tatlin's Tower", trans. John Bowlt, in The Tradition of Constructivism, ed. Stephen Bann, New York: Viking Press, 1974, pp 14-17. (English)
- "Das Denkmal der III. Internationale", trans., in Tatlin, ed. Larissa Shadowa, Dresden: Verlag der Kunst/Weingarten: Kunstverlag Weingarten, 1984, pp 411-415. (German)
- "The Monument to the Third International", trans. in Tatlin, ed. Larissa Zhadova, New York: Rizzoli, 1988, pp 344-347. (English)
- "The Monument to the Third International", trans. Christina Lodder, in Art in Theory, 1900-1990: An Anthology of Changing Ideas, eds. Charles Harrison and Paul Wood, 1992, pp 311-315. Trans. made in 1983 for the Open University. (English)
- Tatlin (Protiv kubizma) [Татлин (Против кубизма)], Petersburg: Gosizdat, cJul 1921, 25+[1] pp + [16] plates. [4] [5] [6]. Writing completed by Feb 1921 [7]. Commentary: Kutkova 2004. (Russian)
- Noveyshie techeniya v russkom iskusstve [Новейшие течения в русском искусстве], State Russian Museum, 1927-28. Discussed in Rozanova 2000. (Russian)
- Uchebnik po istorii zapadnoyevropeyskogo iskusstva [учебник по истории западноевропейского искусства], 1940. (Russian)
- O Tatline, eds. I.N. Punina and V.I. Rakitin, Moscow: RA, 1994. (Russian)
- Correspondence and diaries
- The Diaries of Nikolay Punin: 1904-1953, eds. Sidney Monas and Jennifer Greene Krupala, trans. Jennifer Greene Krupala, University of Texas Press, 1999, 261 pp. [8] (English)
- Mir svetel lyubov'yu: dnevniki i pis'ma [Мир светел любовью: дневники и письма], ed. & comm. L.A. Zykova, Мoscow: Artist Rezhiser Teatr, 2000. [9] (Russian)
- Nikolay Kryschuk (Николай Крыщук), "'Da' i 'net' Nikolaya Punina" ["Да" и "нет" Николая Пунина], Zvezda 4 (2002). (Russian)
- E.N. Kutkova (Е.Н. Кутькова), "Avtograf N.N. Punina iz sobraniya NB RK" [Автограф Н. Н. Пунина из собрания НБ РК], Peterburgskaya bibliotechnaya shkola [Петербургская библиотечная школа] 4 (2004), pp 24-28. (Russian)
- Natalia Murray, The Unsung Hero of the Russian Avant-Garde. The Life and Times of Nikolay Punin, Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2012, xxii+325 pp. [10]