Petr Uhl

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Petr Uhl. Photo: Jiří Bednář. (Source)

Petr Uhl (8 October 1941, Prague - 1 December 2021) was a Czech journalist and politician, former dissident and member of the Fourth International, and from 1990 to 1992 a member of the Federal Assembly of Czechoslovakia.

Petr Uhl was born on 8 October 1941 in Prague which was then part of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia (now Czechia). He finished an eleven-year high school in Prague-Vinohrady in 1958, graduated as a mechanical engineer from the Czech Technical University (ČVUT) in 1963 and worked as a designer, patent clerk and high school teacher in mechanical engineering. From 1968 to 1969 he was part of the student movement and formed the Revolutionary Youth Movement (Hnutí revoluční mládeže, HRM) counting about a hundred young people, mostly students, among active participants. He was sentenced to four years for his nonviolent activity in HRM against "normalisation" and imprisoned from December 1969 to December 1973. The trial with HRM members was one of the first and largest show trials in the country after 1968.

In December 1976, he co-founded the Charter 77 (Charta 77) and in April 1978, the Committee for the Defense of the Unjustly Prosecuted (Výbor na obranu nespravedlivě stíhaných, VONS). He was sentenced to five years in prison and imprisoned from May 1979 to May 1984. After his release, he continued to work in Charter 77 and VONS, as well as in the Czechoslovak-Polish Solidarity, the Czechoslovak Helsinki Committee and the Memorial (the Czechoslovak branch of the Soviet independent association). In 1978-1979 and 1984-1989 he was the editor-in-chief of Informace o Chartě 77 [Charter 77 Information, Infoch] and in 1988-1989 the editor of the independent East European Information Agency (Východoevropská informační agentura, VIA), headquartered at the Serwis informacyjny Solidarności in Warsaw.

In the years 1974-1977 he worked as a designer, 1978-1979 an engineer and 1984-1989 as a stoker in Metrostav.

In the late 1989 he joined the Civic Forum (Občanské fórum) and was elected a member of the Federal Assembly of Czechoslovakia in June 1990 (until June 1992) where he also served as a member of the Defense and Security Committee.

He was also a member of the Fourth International 1984-1991, the radical leftist organisation Left Alternative (Levá alternativa, 1989-1992) and the Civic Movement (Občanské hnutí, 1991-1992).

From February 1990 to September 1992, he was the general director of Czechoslovak Press Offices (ČTK), from 1992-1994 a contributing and later publishing editor of ČTK. In the years 1994-1996 he was the editor-in-chief of the bi-monthly Listy, from 1996-1998 an editor of the Právo daily.

After succeeding in a constitutional dispute over Czech citizenship at the Czech Constitutional Court (in 1993 he chose Slovak in addition to his Czech citizenship), in 1997 he began cooperating with the Czech Social Democratic Party (ČSSD, as a non-member) on its programme and from September 1998 to February 2001 he served as Plenipotentiary of the Government of the Czech Republic for Human Rights, the Chairman of the Council for Nationalities, the Human Rights Council and the Interministerial Commission for Roma Community Affairs, as well as the Deputy Prime Minister for Legislation and Human Rights. In January 2001, after the election of his wife Anna Šabatová as Ombudsman by the Chamber of Deputies, he resigned from these functions.

From March 2001 to April 2006, he worked as a commentator for Právo, focusing on the protection of human rights, minorities, prisons, Czech-German relations and environmental issues. In May 2003, at the proposal of the Czech Film and Television Association FITES, he was elected by the Chamber of Deputies as a member of the (15-member) Council of Czech Television (RČT) for a term of six years which he finished in May 2009. RČT is a public control body over national television.

From 1991 to 2001, he was an expert at the United Nations Commission on Human Rights (Geneva) as a member of the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention. He was a member from March 2001 and, from the early 2002, chairman of the Committee against Torture and Other Cruel, Degrading Treatment or Punishment, which is a subsidiary body of the Government Council for Human Rights.

In the spring of 2004, he was appointed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic as a member of the Board of the EUMC - Monitoring Center for Racism and Xenophobia, a body of the European Commission in Vienna, where he represented the country.

From the late 2004, he was a member of the Commission for the Environment of the Prague 2 City Council.

On the proposal of the Government Commissioner for Human Rights, Svatopluk Karásek, the government appointed Petr Uhl as a member of its Human Rights Council in April 2006. At the end of 1998, Uhl prepared the establishment of this advisory body as a government representative. In the committee, he dealt mainly with prisons.

In November 2002, he joined the Green Party (Strana zelených) and ran for the Chamber of Deputies in Prague in 2006. He left the party in January 2007.

He actively opposed, for example, the placement of American military radar and the establishment of a military base on Czech territory, the neoliberal policies of the governments of Mirek Topolánek and Petr Nečas, discrimination against minorities, etc. He continues to work as a journalist, writing commentaries for periodicals.

He has been married to politician, former dissident and Charter 77 signatory Anna Šabatová since 1974. They have three children, attorney Pavel Uhl (1975), anthropologist and journalist Saša Uhlová (1977) and social anthropologist and politician Michal Uhl (1985).

State awards: Czech Republic 1998, Poland 2000, Germany 2001, France 2002. In November 2002, the Austrian Reporters Without Borders section awarded him the Prize for Freedom of the Press for his life's work. In April 2006, he was honoured with the French Knight of the National Order of Merit award. In May 2008 he was awarded the Europäischer Karlspreis der Sudetendeutschen Landsmannschaft.

(Based on Uhl's CV from 2006, revised and updated 2021.)



Program společenské samosprávy, 1982, PDF.
  • Uhl et al., Program společenské samosprávy, intro. Jaroslav Suk, Cologne: Index, and West-Berlin: informační materiály, 1982, 252 pp. Contains two works: "Program společenské samosprávy" written by Jaroslav Suk and Petr Uhl between 1971-1979, and "Československo a socialismus" written by Uhl between 1968-1969. A shortened version of the first appeared as Uhl 1980. The book was first published in French and German translations (below). (Czech)
    • Le socialisme emprisonné: une alternative socialiste à la normalisation, pref. Pierre Frank, ed. Jean-Yves Touvais, trans. Antonín ̈Bašta and Jean-Yves Touvais, Paris: Stock, 1980, 349 pp. Contains trans. of "Program společenské samosprávy" and "Československo a socialismus". Excerpt. (French)
    • Die Herausforderung: eine sozialistische Alternative zur "Normalisierung" in der CSSR, forew. Jaroslav Suk and Pierre Frank, intro. Jean-Yves Touvais, trans. Willy Boepple, Frankfurt am Main: ISP, 1981, 235 pp. (German)
    • "Den fängslade socialismen", Fjärde Internationalen 1-2: "Marxismen, socialismen", 1982. Trans. of excerpt. [1] (Swedish)
    • Torawareta shakai shugi: tōō kanryō taisei datō no michi [囚われた社会主義: 東欧官僚体制打倒の道], trans. Takeshi Mizutani, Tokyo: Tsuge Shobō, 1984, 245 pp. (Japanese)
    • "Direkt demokrati och självförvaltning: om demokratins former i ett socialistiskt Tjeckoslovakien", Ord & Bild 1: "Byråkrati", eds. Andjeas Ejiksson and Tormod Otter Johansen, Göteborg, Mar 2017. Trans. of excerpt. [2] (Swedish)
  • Právo a nespravedlnost očima Petra Uhla, Prague: C. H. Beck, 1998, xii+251 pp. Excerpt. (Czech)
  • with Zdenko Pavelka, Dělal jsem, co jsem považoval za správné, Prague: Torst, 2013, 597 pp. Excerpt, Excerpt. Reviews: Nezbeda (Respekt), Rothmayerová (Literárny týždenník). (Czech)
  • Za svobodu je třeba neustále bojovat. Vybrané texty 1968-1989, ed. Matěj Metelec, Neklid, 2021, 566 pp. Publisher. (Czech)


  • editor, Informace o Chartě 77, Prague, Jan 1978-May 1979 & Summer 1984-Jan 1990, PDFs. The information bulletin of the Charter 77 initiative. Between 1979-1984 the bulletin was published by Anna Šabatová, Uhl's wife, while he was in prison. (Czech)
  • editor, with Jiří Gruntorád, Der ČSSR-Gulag: ein Bericht der Charta 77, Frankfurt am Main: Internationale Gessellschaft für Menschenrechte, 1988, 158 pp. TOC. (German)
    • O československém vězeňství. Sborník Charty 77, Prague: Orbis, 1990, 197 pp. (Czech)
  • editor, Listy Jiřího Pelikána, Prague, 1994-1996. Magazine. (Czech)

Essays, interviews, discussions, open letters, statements[edit]


  • trans., with Miloš Calda: Jacek Kuroń, Karol Modzelewski, Otevřený dopis členům základní stranické organizace Polské sjednocené dělnické strany a členům celoškolské organizace Svazu socialistické mládeže Varšavské university [1964], Prague: Pražský studentský parlament, Jun 1968, 78 pp; repr. in Byrokracie ne - revoluce ano, ed. Hnutí revoluční mládeže (HRM), Prague, May 1969. Excerpt. [3] [4] (Czech)
  • Uhl et al., "Zakládající manifest HRMu", Prague, 2 Dec 1968. [5] [6] (Czech)
  • as Vladimír Skalský, "Československo a socialismus" [excerpt], in Byrokracie ne - revoluce ano, ed. Hnutí revoluční mládeže (HRM), Prague, May 1969; exp. in Uhl et al., Program společenské samosprávy, 1982, pp 175-249. Written 1968-1969; the 1982 publication only contains the first half, the other one got lost. [7] [8] (Czech)
  • Hnutí revoluční mládeže (Petr Uhl, Jan Frolík, Petruška Šustrová, Radan Baše, Pavel Šremer), "Provolání ideologické sekce Revoluční socialistické strany (Československo)", Aug 1969. Leaflet. [9] [10] (Czech)
    • "Aufruf der ideologischen Sektion der Revolutionären Sozialistischen Partei der Tschechoslowakei", in Max Borin, Vera Plogen, Management und Selbstverwaltung in der CSSR. Bürokratie und Widerstand, Berlin: Wagenbach, 1970, pp 120-128; repr. in ČSSR, fünf Jahre "Normalisierung": 21.8.1968/21.8.1973 Dokumentation, ed. Reinhard Crusius, Hamburg: Association, 1973, pp 230-232. (German)


  • Uhl et al., "A Document of Our Time", intro. Karel Kovanda, New York Review of Books, 31 Oct 1974; repr. as "Chile and Czechoslovakia", in Petr Uhl and the Jailed Chartists in Czechoslovakia, London: Oxford IMG for Socialist Challenge, 1979, pp 12-14. (English)
  • "Appeal to the Western Revolutionary Left", trans. Mark Jackson, Labour Focus on Eastern Europe, 1977; repr. in Petr Uhl and the Jailed Chartists in Czechoslovakia, London: Oxford IMG for Socialist Challenge, 1979, pp 15-19. Written in Prague, 3 Mar 1977. (English)
  • Uhl et al., "Unterstützung für Opfer von Berufsverboten", Frankfurter Rundschau, 25 Oct 1977. (German)
  • Uhl et al., "Ein offener Brief an Heinrich Böll", Frankfurter Rundschau, 30 Nov 1977. (German)
    • "Open Letter to Heinrich Böll", trans. Patrick Camiller, in Petr Uhl and the Jailed Chartists in Czechoslovakia, London: Oxford IMG for Socialist Challenge, 1979, p 21. (English)
  • "O potřebě dialogu", Dialogy 2:10, May 1978, pp 2-9; repr. in Charta 77: Dokumenty 1977-1989, 3, eds. Blanka Císařovská and Vilém Prečan, Prague: Ústav pro soudobé dějiny AV ČR, 2007. (Czech)
  • "Letter to Lubos Kohout", Labour Focus on Eastern Europe 2:3, Jul-Aug 1978, pp 16-18. (English)
  • "Z Polsku Przyjechalem", Informace o Chartě 77 [samizdat] 1:12, 11-31 Oct 1978, pp 22-23. Written in Prague, 13 Oct 1978. (Czech)
  • Joe Singleton, "Interview with Petr Uhl", in Petr Uhl and the Jailed Chartists in Czechoslovakia, intro. Joe Singleton, London: Oxford IMG for Socialist Challenge, 1979, pp 4-12. Conducted in Prague, Jan 1979. (English)
  • "Letter to Palach Press", Palach Press Bulletin 2, London: Palach Press (Jan Kavan), Aug 1979. (English)


  • "Lebenslauf. Ein Gespräch zwischen Jean-Yves Trouvais und Petr Uhl", in Uhl, Herausforderung, Frankfurt am Main: ISP, 1981, pp 19-33. Interview. (German)
  • "Letter to Charter 77 spokespersons", Palach Press Summary 25, London: Palach Press (Jan Kavan), 1985. (English)
  • "Lidská práva a politická revoluce", in O odpovědnosti v politice a za politiku [samizdat], Prague, Jun 1986, pp 175-204; repr. as Lidská práva a politická revoluce, 2nd ed., London: Palach Press (Jan Kavan), 1986, 29+16 leaves; repr., shortened, Listy 17:1, ed. Jiří Pelikán, Rome, Feb 1987, pp 68-73. [17] (Czech)
    • "Human Rights and Political Revolution", Labour Focus on Eastern Europe 9:1, Mar-Jun 1987, pp 19-29. (English)
  • Uhl et al., "Dopis Charty 77 do Milána", Informace o Chartě 77 [samizdat] 9:6, 1986, pp 2-6. Written in Prague, Brno and Bratislava, Apr 1986. (Czech)
    • trans., East European Reporter 2:1, Spring 1986, pp 23-27. (English)

/ Charter document, no. 13, 25 April 1986, with two supplements; in English, East European Reporter, 2, no. 1 (Spring 1986), pp. 23--7. For the longer statement, see Infoch, 1986, no. 6

  • "Letter to European network for East-West dialogue regarding the joint response from Prague to the Milan document", Palach Press Bulletin 27, London: Palach Press (Jan Kavan), Nov 1986. (English)
  • "Rozhovor Petra Uhla s mluvčím Charty 77 J. Vohryzkem", Informace o Chartě 77 [samizdat] 10:2, Jan 1987, pp 11-18. (Czech)
    • "Charter 77 spokesperson Josef Vohryzek interviewed by Petr Uhl", Palach Press Bulletin 28-29, London: Palach Press (Jan Kavan), 1987, pp 214-224. (English)
  • with Anna Šabatová, "Vyjádření", Informace o Chartě 77 [samizdat] 10:3, Feb 1987, pp 18-19. Written in Prague, 15 Feb 1987. (Czech)
  • "Srpnové trauma", Diskuse 55, 1987, pp 8-16. (Czech)
    • "August Trauma", East European Reporter 3:1, Nov 1987, pp 29-32. (English)
  • "Gorbatschow von Prag aus gesehen. Interview mit Petr Uhl", Inprekorr 17:198, Aug-Sep 1987. [18] (German)
  • "The Future Depends on Change from Below. Interview with Petr Uhl", East European Reporter 3:1, Nov 1987, pp 41-44. (English)
  • in Antonio Moscato, La ferita di Praga: dalla primavera di Dubcek al rinnovamento di Gorbaciov e i principali documenti della Primavera di Praga, Rome: Associate, 1988. (Italian)
  • "Czechoslovakia: Reforms or Democratization?", New Politics 1:4, 1988, pp 103-114. (English)
  • with Ladislav Hejdánek, Jaroslav Šabata and Václav Benda, "3. Fórum Charty 77", Sklepník 1:1 [samizdat], Apr 1988, pp 1-10. (Czech)
  • "[Českému čtenáři se dostává do rukou první číslo našeho Informačního bulletinu...]", Informační buletin Československo-polské solidarity [samizdat] 0, Jul 1988, pp [1]-2. (Czech)
  • "The East European Information Agency. An Interview with Petr Uhl and Jan Urban", Uncaptive Minds 2:4, Aug-Oct 1989. [20] (English)
  • with Vladimír Liberda, "Zápas o zdraví", Ze zásuvky i z bloku [samizdat] 23-24, Oct 1989, pp 158-163. (Czech)
  • with Egon Bondy (Z. Fišer), Alexander Kramer, Petr Kužvart and Vladimír Říha, "Za demokratický a samosprávný socialismus", 26 Nov 1989. Programme statement of the new party Levá alternativa, passed on 18 Nov 1989. (Czech)


  • "Preface", in Yves Barelli, La révolution de velours en Tchécoslovaquie, La Tour-d'Aignes: Aube, 1990. (French)
  • "Předmluva", in Milan Hübl, Cesty k moci, ed. Eliška Skřenková, Prague: Naše Vojsko, 1990. (Czech)
  • "Wir wollen eine kritische Rolle spielen. Interview mit Petr Uhl", Inprekorr 20:223, Jan 1990. [21] (German)
  • "Kdo těží z antikomunismu?", Lidové noviny, 24 Mar 1990. (Czech)
  • "Náš vztah k OF", Polarita: Levá alternativa 1, Prague, Apr 1990, p 1. (Czech)
  • Uhl et al., in Polarita: Levá alternativa, Prague, May 1990. (Czech)
  • "Entretien avec Petr Uhl", La brèche, 22 Feb 1991. Interview. (French)
    • "For Direct Democracy", trans. Keith Mann, Bulletin for Defense of Marxism 85, New York, May 1991, pp 11-12. (English)
  • Jakub Polák, "Rozhovor s Petrem Uhlem", A-kontra 7, 1992, p 6. Interview. (Czech)
  • "Dissidenten im Ausgedinge? Gespräch mit Petr Uhl", Ost-West-Gegeninformationen 4:4, Graz, 1992, pp 8-11. Interview. [24] (German)
  • Uhl et al., "Charta 77: zda být, či nebýt, a když být, tak jak?", Listy 22:1, 1992, pp 6-16. (Czech)
  • Jakub Polák, "'Systém je třeba nechat trochu vyhnít'. Rozhovor s Petrem Uhlem", A-kontra 1:43, 1993, pp 9-10. Interview. (Czech)
  • with Jiří Pelikán and Jiří Vančura, "Listy včera, dnes a zítra", Listy 24:6, 1994, pp 3-8. (Czech)
  • "Dovoz nezávislé literatury", in Česká nezávislá literatura po pěti letech v referátech, eds. František Kautman et al., Prague: Primus, 1995, pp 71-74. Proceedings from a conference held 17-18 Nov 1994 in Prague. (Czech)
  • "Vabank", Právo 5:250, 25 Oct 1995, p 4. (Czech)
  • "Lustrační zákon a komunisté", Právo 5:239, 1995, p 10. (Czech)
  • "Definice extremismus stále chybí", Právo, 14 Nov 1995, p 4. (Czech)
  • "Co znaczą słowa: sudecki, bezprawie, transfer", trans. Marek Aureliusz Pędziwol, Przegląd Polityczny 31, Gdańsk, 1996, pp 60-65. [25] (Polish)
  • "Charta 77 v Máselné Lhotě, naštěstí jen televizní", Právo, 20 Aug 1996; rev. as "Vzpomínka na Jiřího Hájka", in Charta 77 očima současníků. Po dvaceti letech, eds. Blanka Císařovská et al., Prague: Ústav pro soudobé dějiny AV ČR, and Brno: Doplněk, 1997, pp 183-185. [26] (Czech)
    • "Erinnerung an Jiří Hájek", trans. Gabriela Oeburg, Horch und Guck 6:21, 1997, pp 8-10. (German)
  • "Smrtící šíp, tentokrát na muže na pranýři", Právo 6:215, 13 Sep 1996, p 4. (Czech)
  • "Nejlepší hra Václava Havla", Právo 6:234, 5 Oct 1996, p 4. (Czech)
  • "Anketa o Chartě", in Charta 77 očima současníků. Po dvaceti letech, eds. Blanka Císařovská et al., Prague: Ústav pro soudobé dějiny AV ČR, and Brno: Doplněk, 1997, pp 264-269. [27] (Czech)
  • "Doznáním archivů k pravdě?", Právo 7:45, 22 Feb 1997, p 4. (Czech)
  • with Arthur Miller, "Očima cizinky. Poznámka k vydání", Listy 27:4, 1997, p 57. (Czech)
  • "Zdeněk Mlynář - jak jsem ho znal", Právo 7:90, 18 Apr 1997, p 4. (Czech)
  • with Lise London and Pierre Nora, "Kamínek do mozaiky historické pravdy", in Artur London, K pramenům Doznání: Motáky z ruzyňské věznice z roku 1954, Brno: Doplněk, 1998, pp 9-12. (Czech)
  • "Slovo úvodem", in Informace o Chartě 77 1978-1990: článková bibliografie, ed. Jiří Gruntorád, Brno: Doplněk, and Prague: Libri prohibiti, 1998. (Czech)
  • "Být svůj", in Když se řekne Šabata..., ed. Jan Šabata, Brno: Doplněk, 1998, pp 85-89. (Czech)
  • Uhl et al., "Podiumsdiskussion", in Dissidenten, Präsidenten und Gemüsehändler, eds. Doris Liebhaber et al., Essen, 1998, pp 252-273. (German)
  • "Aby nebyl Ota Filip věčnou obětí", Právo 8:12, 15 Jan 1998, p 4. (Czech)
  • "Jiří Pelikán věrný sobě", Právo 8:32, 7 Feb 1998, p 4. (Czech)
  • "Petr Uhl", Konfrontace 1, Apr-May 1998. Interview. (Czech)
  • with Tomasz Maćkowiak, "Mur w każdym z nas", Gazeta Wyborcza 293, 1999, p 17. Interview. (Polish)
  • "Spor o Jiřího Pelikána", Právo 9:150, 29 Jun 1999, p 6. (Czech)


  • "Nedostatek peněz zničí kulturní unikát", Lidové noviny 13:211, 9 Sep 2000, p 1. (Czech)
  • Uhl et al., "Charta občanské neposlušnosti", Listy 32:2, 2002, pp 17-24. (Czech)
  • "Falešný obraz Slovenska", in Desetiletí, ed. Pavel Šaradín, Olomouc: Periplum, 2003. (Czech)
  • Uhl et al., "Pamięć wyszehradzka", Karta 37, Warsaw, 2003, pp 112-129. Selections of speeches given at the meeting „Common past – common memory?”, organized by KARTA in October 2002. [28] (Polish)
    • "Visegrádská paměť", trans. Petruška Šustrová, in Přes hranici. Poláci–Češi ve 20. století na stránkách "Karty", ed. Krzysztof Wittels, Warsaw: Karta, 2016, pp 394-409. (Czech)
  • "Ne proti Němcům, ale proti nacismu", Právo 14:18, insert "Salon" 351, 22 Jan 2004, p 3. (Czech)
  • Michael Long, "Petr Uhl", in Long, Making History: Czech Voices of Dissent and the Revolution of 1989, Rowman & Littlefield, 2005. Interview; conducted 1998 in Prague. [29] [30] (English)
  • in Vítězové? Poražení? Životopisná interview. I. díl, Disent v období tzv. normalizace, Prague: Prostor: Ústav pro soudobé dějiny AV ČR, 2005. (Czech)
  • "Zemřel Pavel Dostál", Právo 15:172, 25 Jul 2005. (Czech)
  • Uhl et al., "Je to taková naše tradice", in Nemilosrdné příběhy českých dějin, ed. Ivan Lamper, Prague, 2006, pp 184-185. (Czech)
  • Uhl et al., "Záznam výpovědí očitých svědků v panelové diskusi na téma Vznik a počátky Charty 77", in Charta 77 = Charter 77, eds. Markéta Devátá et al., Prague, 2007, pp 387-415. (Czech)
  • "Kritika Charty 77 zprava i zleva", Právo 17:4, 5 Jan 2007, p 16. (Czech)
  • Robert Malecký, "Zlomených lidí bylo zřejmě více. Rozhovor", Lidové noviny 20:7, insert "Charta 77. 30 let poté", 9 Jan 2007, p II. Interview. [31] (Czech)
  • Uhl et al., "Hledá se prezident", A2 3:15, 11 Apr 2007, p 21. (Czech)
  • "Jak se vyrovnat s Hutkou", Právo 17:270, 20 Nov 2007, p 6. (Czech)
  • "Co prozradil Nohavica...", Právo 17:273, 23 Nov 2007, p 6. (Czech)
  • Uhl et al., "Diskusní setkání 19. října 2007", in Nejcitlivější místo režimu: Výbor na obranu nespravedlivě stíhaných pohledem svých členů, eds. Petr Blažek and Jaroslav Pažout, Prague, 2008, pp 11-111. (Czech)
  • "Tato aféra není Kunderova", Právo 17:244, 16 Oct 2008, p 6. (Czech)
  • "Žert podle Žáčka", Právo 18:247, 20 Oct 2008, p 6. (Czech)
  • "Ústav nepracuje vědecky", Právo 18:258, 3 Nov 2008, p 6. (Czech)


  • "Zachrání nás knihkupci?", Právo 21:56, 8 Mar 2011, p 6. (Czech)
  • "[Václav Havel]", Právo 21:296, 20 Dec 2011. (Czech)
  • "44 let s V. H.", Hospodářské noviny 55:246, 20 Dec 2011. (Czech)
  • with Václav Klaus, Petr Pithart and Anna Šabatová, "[Václav Havel]", Právo 21:298, 22 Dec 2011, pp 1-6, 8, 10. (Czech)
  • with Ivan Král, "[Václav Havel]", Právo 21:300, 27 Dec 2011, pp 1-3, 6, 15. (Czech)
  • "Doznání Lise Londonové", Právo 22:80, 3 Apr 2012, p 6. (Czech)
  • "Jak se Šabata "přidal" k disentu", Právo 22:141, 16 Jun 2012, p 6. (Czech)
  • "Odešel básník a chartista Jan Štern (21. 8. 2012)", Právo 22:197, 23 Aug 2012, p 12. (Czech)
  • in Příležitostný portrét Václava Havla, ed. Anna Freimanová, Prague: Knihovna Václava Havla, 2013. [32] (Czech)
  • "Pár vzácných uhlíků štěstí. Rozhovor o životních osudech PU", Mladá fronta Dnes 25:43, insert "Magazín Dnes" 8, 20 Feb 2014, pp 26-29. Interview. (Czech)
  • Ondřej Slačálek, Zuzana Brodilová, "My jsme tady", Nový Prostor 436, 11 Apr 2014, pp 20-23. Interview. (Czech)
  • "Jsem zděšen světem", Lidové noviny 28:32, 7 Feb 2015, p 13. (Czech)
  • Markéta Reszczynská, "Ing. Petr Uhl", Paměť národa, 18 Oct 2018. Based on an oral history interview. [43] (Czech)


  • Jiří Pelikán (ed.), Ici Prague: l'opposition intérieure parle, trans. Helena Baudesson, Milena Braud and François Olivier, Paris: Seuil, 1973, 427 pp. Review: Daix (Le Monde). (French)
    • Sozialistische Opposition in der CSSR. Analyse und Dokumente des Widerstands seit dem Prager Frühling, trans. Peter Aschner, Frankfurt am Main: Europäische Verlagsanstalt, 1974, 207 pp. Revised and enlarged trans. of the French edition. (German)
    • Socialist Opposition in Eastern Europe: The Czechoslovak Example, trans. Marian Sling and V. & R. Tosek, London: Allen and Busby, 1976, 221 pp; New York : St. Martin's Press, 1976, 221 pp. Revised and enlarged trans. of the German edition. TOC. (English)
    • Doğu Avrupa'da sosyalist muhalefet, trans. M. Halim Spatar, Ankara: Kaynak Yayınları, 1984, 288 pp. (Turkish)
  • Oliver MacDonald, "Prague Trial Opens", Socialist Challenge 119, London, 25 Oct 1979, p 16. (English)
  • Petruška Šustrová, "O Petru Uhlovi", Listy 9:6, ed. Jiří Pelikán, Rome, Nov 1979, pp 12-13. Written in Prague, Aug 1979. (Czech)
  • Catherine Verla, "Freiheit für Petr Uhl, Vaclav Havel und ihre Genossen!", Inprekorr 9:114, 6 Dec 1979. [44] (German)
  • Procés à Prague. Le V.O.N.S. Comité de défense des personnes injustement poursuivies: Petr Uhl, Vaclav Havel, Jiri Dienstbier, Vaclav Benda, Otta Bednarova et Dana Nemcova devant leurs juges, 22-23 octobre 1979, Paris: Maspero, 1980, 190 pp. [45] (French)
  • Gruppe Internationale Marxisten (ed.), Solidarität mit Charta 77. Freiheit für Petr Uhl, Frankfurt am Main: Internationale Sozialistische Publikationen, 1980, 28 pp. (German)
  • Václav Havel et al., "Propustit Petra Uhla!", Listy 13:5, ed. Jiří Pelikán, Rome, Oct 1983, p 57. Written in Prague, 5 Aug 1983. (Czech)
  • "Petr Uhl", International Viewpoint 231, Montreuil: PEC (Christian Lamotte), 22 Jun 1992, p 10. (English)
  • Andrzej Jagodziński, "Z Czecha Słowak. Porozwodowe kłopoty z obywatelstwem", Gazeta Wyborcza, Warsaw, 19 Nov 1993. (Polish)
  • Jaroslav Suk, Jiří Hochman, Ota Filip, Počátky odporu proti normalizačnímu režimu ve vzpomínkách účastníků, Prague: Ústav pro soudobé dějiny AV ČR, 1997, 63 pp. [46] (Czech)
  • Pavel Pečinka, Pod rudou vlajkou proti KSČ: Osudy radikální levice v Československu, Brno: Doplněk, 1999, 138 pp. Reviews: Dolejší (Polit časopis), Mikulka (Tvar). (Czech)
  • Sibylle Plogstedt, Im Netz der Gedichte. Gefängen in Prag nach 1968, Berlin: Link, 2001; repr., Helmer, 2018. (German)
    • V síti dějin: zatčena v Praze po roce 1968, trans. Josef Solař a Zbyněk Fišer, Brno: Doplněk, 2002. TOC. (Czech)
  • Jaroslav Pažout, Nová levice a československé studentské hnutí v době Pražského jara, Prague: FF UK, 2003. PhD dissertation. (Czech)
  • Jaroslav Pažout (ed.), Hnutí revoluční mládeže 1968–1970. Edice dokumentů, Prague: Ústav pro soudobé dějiny AV ČR, 2004, 143 pp. [47] (Czech)
  • Jaroslav Pažout, "Reakce československých studentů v době Pražského jara na protestní hnutí na Západě", in Bolševismus, komunismus a radikální socialismus v Československu, II, eds. Zdeněk Kárník and Michal Kopeček, Prague: Dokořán & Ústav pro soudobé dějiny Akademie věd ČR, 2004, pp 213-227. (Czech)
  • Pavel Pečínka, "Petr Uhl", Britské listy, 15 Jun 2006. (Czech)
  • Jaroslav Pažout, Mocným navzdory. Studentské hnutí v šedesátých letech 20. století, Prague: Prostor, 2008, 342+[60] pp. TOC. Reviews: Mervart (DTK), Strohsová (Antropowebzin), Renner (Stud Territorialia). [48] [49] (Czech)
  • Jaroslav Pažout (ed.), "Československé studentské hnutí a protestní hnutí v západní Evropě v roce 1968. Edice dokumentů", Sborník archivních prací 58:1, 2008, pp 151-202. (Czech)
  • Jaroslav Pažout, "Československé studentské hnutí v šedesátých letech 20. století / Die tschechoslowakische Studentenbewegung der 1960er Jahre", in Crossing 68/89. Grenzüberschreitung und Schnittpunkte zwischen den Umbrüchen / Překračování hranic a průsečíky mezi přelomy, eds. Jürgen Danyel, Jennifer Schevado and Stephan Krul, Berlin: Metropol, 2008, pp 44-62. (Czech)/(German)
  • Alexander von Plato, Tomás Vilimek, Opposition als Lebensform. Dissidenz in der DDR, der CSSR und in Polen, Münster: LIT, 2013, 576 pp. [52] [53] (German)
  • Jaroslav Pažout, "Radikálně levicová opozice v Československu v sedmdesátých a osmdesátých letech 20. století", in Kreiského éra v Rakousku a období normalizace v ČSSR, eds. Michal Stehlik and Gerald M. Sprengnagel, Prague: Filozofická fakulta UK v Praze, 2013, pp 145-162. (Czech)
    • "Die linksradikale Opposition in der Tschechoslowakei von den sechziger bis zu den achtziger Jahren des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts", in Die Ära Kreisky in Österreich und die Normalisierungsperiode in der CSSR: Politik und Kultur, eds. Gerald M. Sprengnagel et al., Vienna: LIT, 2020, pp 123-146. [54] (German)
  • Jaroslav Pažout, "Programmnyje polozheniya antirezhimnoy oppozitsiyi v Chechoslovakiyi na pervom etape 'rezhima normalizatsiyi' (1969–1972 gg.)", in Inakomysliye v usloviyach "realnogo sotsializma". Kontury novoy gosudarstvennosti. Konec 60-ych – 80 gg. XX. v., Moscow: Institut slavyanovedeniya RAN, 2014, pp 323-345. (Russian)
  • Dirk Mathias Dalberg, "The ‘Program of Society’s Self-Organization’. The Political Thinking of Petr Uhl", in New Perspectives in Transnational History of Communism in East Central Europe, ed. Krzysztof Brzechczyn, Bern: Peter Lang, 2019, pp 293-325. [60] (English)
  • Petr Pospíchal, "Petr Uhl", in Alexandr Daniel, Zbigniew Gluza, Slovník disidentů. Přední osobnosti opozičních hnutí v komunistických zemích v letech 1956–1989, 1, Prague: Ústav pro studium totalitních režimů, 2019, pp 186-188. [61] (Czech)
