Vladimir Propp
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Vladimir Yakovlevich Propp (Владимир Яковлевич Пропп; 1895–1970) was a Soviet folklorist and scholar who analyzed the basic plot components of Russian folk tales to identify their simplest irreducible narrative elements.
- Books
- Morfologiya skazki [Морфология сказки], Leningrad: Academia, 1928; 2nd ed., rev., Moscow: Nauka, 1969; new ed., Moscow: Labirint, 1998. (Russian)
- Morphology of the Folktale, ed. & intro. Svatava Pirkova-Jakobson, trans. Laurence Scott, Indiana University Press, 1958, x+134 pp; 2nd ed., rev., ed. Louis A. Wagner, intro. Alan Dundes, University of Texas Press, 1968, xxvi+158 pp, PDF, ARG. [1]. (English)
- Morfologia della fiaba, trans. Gian Luigi Bravo, Torino: Einaudi, 1966, x+230 pp; 2nd ed., 1969, x+230 pp. With a text by Claude Lévi-Strauss and response by the author. TOC. (Italian)
- "Morfologia bajki", trans. Stanisław Balbus, Pamiętnik Literacki 59:4 (1968), pp 203-242. Trans. of excerpt. (Polish)
- Morphologie du conte, trans. Marguerite Derrida, Tzvetan Todorov and Claude Kahn, Paris: Seuil, 1970, 254 pp. Incl. text by Eleazar Meletinsky. (French)
- Morfologie pohádky, trans. Miroslav Červenka, Marcela Pittermannová (RU) and Julie Štěpánková (FR), Prague: ČSAV, 1970, 203 pp; new ed., rev., as Morfologie pohádky a jiné studie, Prague: H&H, 1999, 362 pp. Incl. text by Lévi-Strauss. (Czech)
- Morfologia basmului, trans. Radu Nicolau, Bucharest: Univers, 1970, 168 pp, ARG. (Romanian)
- Morfología del cuento: las transformaciones de los cuentos maravillosos / E.M. Mélétinski: El estudio estructural y tipológico del cuento, trans. María Lourdes Ortíz, Madrid: Fundamentos, 1971, 234 pp; 10th ed., Madrid: Fundamentos, 2000. (Spanish)
- Morfológia rozprávky, trans. Nadežda Čepanová, Bratislava: Tatran, 1971. Incl. text by Meletinsky. Trans. based on 1969 ed. (Slovak)
- Morfología del cuento, trans. Berta de Tabbush, Buenos Aires: Goyanarte, 1972, 226 pp. (Spanish)
- Morphologie des Märchens, trans. Christel Wendt, ed. Karl Eimermacher, Munich: Hanser, 1972, 232 pp; Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1975, ARG. Incl. text by Meletinsky. (German)
- Mukashibanashi no keitaigaku [昔話の形態学], trans. Michiyo Fukuda and Seiji Kitaoka, Tokyo: Hakuba syobô, 1972, 1975, 1987, 1991, 385 pp. [2] (Japanese)
- A mese morfológiája, trans. András Soproni, Budapest: Gondolat, 1975, 280 pp. (Hungarian)
- Morfologia bajki, trans. Wiesława Wojtyga-Zagórska, Warsaw: Książka i wiedza, 1976, 257 pp. (Polish)
- Morfologia do conto, Lisboa: Vega, 1978, 286 pp. Incl. text by Meletinsky. (Portuguese)
- Morfologija bajke, trans. Petar Vujičić, Radovan Matijašević, and Mira Vuković, Belgrade: Prosveta, 1982, 334 pp. Incl. texts by Lévi-Strauss, Propp's response, Meletinsky, and Jovan Janičijević. (Serbo-Croatian)
- Morfologia do conto maravilhoso, Rio de Janeiro: Forense-Universitária, 1984, 225 pp. Incl. texts by Lévi-Strauss, Propp's response, and Meletinsky. (Brazilian Portuguese)
- Zġapris morpologia, trans. Mariam Karbelašvilma, Tbilisi: Mecniereba, 1984, 236 pp. Incl. text by Meletinsky. (Georgian)
- Morphologia tou paramythiou, trans. A. Parisē, Athens: Ekdoseis Kardamitsa, 1987, 368 pp; 2nd ed., 1991. Incl. text by Lévi-Strauss and Propp's response. (Greek)
- Rīkhtshināsī-yi qiṣah, trans. M. Kāshīgār, Tehran, 1368 [1989 or 1990], 206 pp. (Persian)
- Mūrfūlūjiyā al-qiṣṣah, trans. ʻAbd al-Karīm Ḥasan and Samīrah ibn ʻAmmū, Dimashq: Shirāʻ, 1996, 291 pp. (Arabic)
- De morfologie van het toversprookje: vormleer van een genre, trans. Max Louwerse, Utrecht: Het Spectrum, 1997, 192 pp. (Dutch)
- Morfologija pravljice, trans. Lijana Dejak, intro. Mojca Schlamberger Brezar, Ljubljana: Studia humanitatis, 2005, 258 pp. Incl. texts by Lévi-Strauss and Meletinski. (Slovenian)
- Morfologia bajki magicznej, trans. Paweł Rojek, Kraków: Nomos, 2011, xxxvii+206 pp. Incl. text by Meletinsky. (Polish)
- "Edip v svete folklora", Uchenye zapiski Leningradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta 72:9, Leningrad, 1944, pp 138-175. (Russian)
- Edipo alla luce del folclore: quattro studi di etnografia storico-strutturale, trans. Clara Strada Janovič, Torino: Einaudi, 1975, xviii+161 pp. (Italian)
- Edipo a la luz del folklore: cuatro estudios de etnografía histórico estructural, Madrid: Fundamentos, 1980, 179 pp. (Spanish)
- "Oedipus in Light of the Folklore", in Oedipus: A Folklore Casebook, eds. L. Edmunds and A. Dundes, New York: Garland, 1983, pp 76-121. (English)
- Istoricheskie korni volshebnoy skazki [Исторические корни волшебной сказки], Leningrad: Leningradskiy gosudarstvenniy universitet, 1946, 340 pp; 2nd ed., rev. & exp., Leningrad, 1986, TXT, ARG. (Russian)
- Le radici storiche dei racconti di fate, trans. Clara Coisson, pref. Giuseppe Cocchiara, Torino: Einaudi, 1949; 2nd ed., Torino: Boringhiere, 1972; Rome: Newton Compton, 1982, 400 pp. (Italian)
- Las raíces históricas del cuento, Madrid: Fundamentos, 1974. (Spanish)
- Les racines historiques du conte merveilleux, trans. Lise Gruel-Apert, pref. Daniel Fabre and Jean-Claude Schmitt, Paris: Gallimard, 1983, 484 pp. (French)
- Rădăcinile istorice ale basmului fantastic, trans. Radu Nicolau, Bucharest: Univers, 1973. (Romanian)
- Mahou mukashibanashi no kigen, Tokyo, 1983. (Japanese)
- Die historischen Wurzeln des Zaubermärchens, Munich: Hanser, 1987, 495 pp. (German)
- Russkiy geroicheskiy epos [Русский героический эпос], ed. I.P. Eremin, Leningrad: Leningradskiy gosudarstvenniy universitet, 1955, 551 pp; Moscow: Labirint, 2006, 624 pp. (Russian)
- L'epos eroico russo, Rome: Newton Compton, 1978, 551 pp. (Italian)
- El epos heroico ruso, 2 vols., Madrid: Fundamentos, 1983. (Spanish)
- Narodnye liricheskie pesni, 1961. (Russian)
- Down along the Mother Volga: An Anthology of Russian Folk Lyrics, trans. & ed. Roberta Reeder, intro. V. Propp, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1975, xvii+246 pp; new ed., rev. & enl. as Russian Folk Lyrics, intro. V. Propp, trans. & ed. Roberta Reeder, Indiana University Press, 1993, xvi+189 pp. (English)
- Russkie agrarnye prazdniki [Русские аграрные праздники], Leningrad: Leningradskiy gosudarstvenniy universitet, 1963, 142 pp. (Russian)
- Les fêtes agraires russes, Paris: Maisonneuve & Larose, 1987, 158 pp. (French)
- Feste agrarie russe, intro. Maria Solimini, Bari: Dedalo, 1978. (Italian)
- Tipologicheskie issledovaniya po folkloru: sbornik statej pamjati Vladimir Yakovlevicha Propp, 1895-1970, eds. E.M. Meletinsky and S.Yu. Neklyudov, Moscow, 1975. (Russian)
- Folklor i deystvitelnost. Izbrannyie stati [Фольклор и действительность. Избранные статьи], Moscow: Nauka, 1976. Selected writings. (Russian)
- Problemy komizma i smecha. Ritualniy smech v folklore (po povodu skazki o Nesmeyane) [Проблемы комизма и смеха. Ритуальный смех в фольклоре (по поводу сказки о Несмеяне)], ed. & comm. Yu.S. Rasskazova (Ю.С. Рассказова), Moscow, 1976, 182 pp; Moscow: Labirint, 1999. (Russian)
- Comicità e riso: letteratura e vita quotidiana, trans. Giampaolo Gandolfo, Torino: Einaudi, 1988, viii+213 pp. (Italian)
- Russkaya skazka [Русская сказка], Leningrad, 1984; Moscow: Labirint, 2000, 416 pp. (Russian)
- La fiaba russa: lezioni inedite, trans. Franca Crestani, Torino: Einaudi, 1990, xxxiv+393 pp. (Italian)
- Theory and History of Folklore, ed., intro. & notes Anatoly Liberman, trans. Ariadna Y. Martin, Richard P. Martin, et al., University of Minnesota Press, 1984, lxxxi+252 pp. (English)
Debate on the Morphology[edit]
- Lévi-Strauss' critical commentary on Propp's book (1960)
- Claude Lévi-Strauss, "La structure et la forme. Reflexions sur un ouvrage de Vladimir Propp", Cahiers de l'Institute de Science économique appliquée M:7 (1960), pp 1-36; repr. as "L'analyse morphologique des contes russes", in International Journal of Slavic Linguistics and Poetics 3 (1960), pp 122-149. (French)
- "Structure and Form: Reflections on a Work by Vladimir Propp", trans. Monique Layton, in Lévi-Strauss, Structural Anthropology, vol. 2, 1976, pp 115-145; repr. in Propp, Theory and History of Folklore, 1984, pp 167-189, n210. (English)
- Propp's response, first published in first Italian translation of his book (1966)
- Vladimir Propp, "Struttura e storia nello studio della favola", in Propp, Morfologia della fiaba, 1966, pp 201-227. (Italian)
- "Strukturnoe i istoricheskoe uzichenie volshebnoy skazki" [Структурное и историческое изучение волшебной сказки] [1966], in Propp, Folklor i deystvitelnost. Izbrannye stati, 1976, pp 132-152. First publication of the Russian text upon which 1960 Italian trans. is based. (Russian)
- "Study of the Folktale: Structure and History", trans. Serge Shishkoff, Dispositio 1:3 (1976), pp 277-292; repr. as "The Structural and Historical Study of the Wondertale", in Propp, Theory and History of Folklore, 1984, pp 67-81, n205. (English)
- Meletinsky's supplement to 2nd Russian edition of Propp's book (1969)
- Eleazar Meletinsky (Елеазар Мелетинский), "Strukturno-tipologicheskoe izuchenie skazki" [Структурно-типологическое изучение сказки], in Propp, Morfologiya skazki, 2nd ed., 1969, pp 134-166; repr. in Meletinsky, Struktura bolshebnoy skazki [Структура волшебной сказки], Moscow: Rossiysk, 2001, pp 163-198. (Russian)
- "Zur strukturell-typologischen Erforschung des Volksmärchens", trans. Wolfgang G. Jilek and Louise Jilek-Aall, Deutsches Jahrbuch fuer Volkskunde 15 (1969), pp 1-30. (German)
- "L'étude structurale et typologique du conte", in Propp, Morphologie du conte, 1970, pp 201-254. (French)
- "Typological Study of the Folktale", trans. Robin Dietrich, Genre 4 (1971), pp 249-279; repr. in Soviet Structural Folkloristics, ed. Pierre Maranda, The Hague and Paris: Mouton, 1974, pp 19-51. (English)
- Shishkoff's introduction to first English translation of Propp's response (1976)
- Serge Shishkoff, "The Structure of Fairytales: Propp vs. Lévi-Strauss", Dispositio 1:3 (1976), pp 271-276. (English)
- Further translations
Translations of Lévi-Strauss 1960, Propp 1966 and Meletinsky 1969 are included in most subsequent editions of the Morphology listed above.