Stanislav Filip
Born 1957 in Most. Assistant at Video FaVU VUT Brno. Member of Pomalý posun.
Standa Filip is a pioneer of electronic media arts form the Czech Republic. In the 1980s he had been developing DIY musical instruments and interactive and robotic installations, of which only few were preserved. In the 1990s he was part of the early new media scene in Brno. During this period also the famous Brno-born artist Woody Vasulka came back to Brno. Since the intellectual climate of Filip's own generation was not prepared for his innovative ideas only now he began to be perceived as an artist. He was given attention at the Multiplace festival in 2011 where he played concert on DIY instruments with students he had influenced. With support of Standuino team he has been working on rebirth of some of his older projects and ideas.
- In Czech
Narodil se v Mostě v Severních Čechách, v mládi bydlel v Košicích, po přestěhování sludoval na gymnásiu na Slovanském náměstí v Brně, pak na Přírodověděcké fakultě Masarykovy univerzity. Pracoval no Přírodověděcké fakultě a na Stavební fakultě VUT, kde pusobil v Ústavu informatiky. Běhom studií hrál v legendární undergroundové hudební skupině Ještě jsme se nedohodli a podílel se na některých hudebních projektech Ivy Bittové a Pavla Fajta. Zaměřuje se na netradiční aplikaci výpočetní techniky v umění. Je asistentem v Multimediální laboratoři FaVU VUT v Brně.
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