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==Essays, articles (selection)==
==Essays, articles (selection)==
* [http://beszelo.c3.hu/cikkek/bucsu-a-baloldaltol "Búcsú a baloldaltól"], ''Beszélő'', 1988; repr., ''Kritika'', Feb 1990. {{hu}}
** [[Media:Tamas GM 1988 1990 Farewell to the Left.pdf|"Farewell to the Left"]], ''East European Politics & Societies'' 5:1, 1990, pp 92-112. [https://doi.org/10.1177/0888325491005001006] {{en}}
* [[Media:Tamas GM 1992 Socialism Capitalism and Modernity.pdf|"Socialism, Capitalism, and Modernity"]], ''Journal of Democracy'' 3:3, Jul 1992, pp 60-74; repr. in ''Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy Revisited'', eds. Larry Diamon and Marc F. Plattner, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993, pp 54-68. {{en}}
* [[Media:Tamas GM 1992 Socialism Capitalism and Modernity.pdf|"Socialism, Capitalism, and Modernity"]], ''Journal of Democracy'' 3:3, Jul 1992, pp 60-74; repr. in ''Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy Revisited'', eds. Larry Diamon and Marc F. Plattner, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993, pp 54-68. {{en}}
* "The Legacy of Dissent: Irony, Ambiguity, Duplicity", ''Times Literary Supplement'', 14 May 1993; repr., ''Uncaptive Minds'' 7:2, Summer 1994, pp 19-34; repr. as [[Media:Tamas_GM 1993 1999_The_Legacy_of_Dissent.pdf|"The Legacy of Dissent"]], in ''The Revolutions of 1989'', ed. Vladimir Tismaneanu, London: Routledge, 1999, pp 177-192. {{en}}
* "The Legacy of Dissent: Irony, Ambiguity, Duplicity", ''Times Literary Supplement'', 14 May 1993; repr., ''Uncaptive Minds'' 7:2, Summer 1994, pp 19-34; repr. as [[Media:Tamas_GM 1993 1999_The_Legacy_of_Dissent.pdf|"The Legacy of Dissent"]], in ''The Revolutions of 1989'', ed. Vladimir Tismaneanu, London: Routledge, 1999, pp 177-192. {{en}}
* [https://sci-hub.st/https://www.jstor.org/stable/40435861 "Restoration Romanticism"], ''Public Affairs Quarterly'' 7:4, Oct 1993, pp 379-401. {{en}}
* [[Media:Tamas GM 1994 Old Enemies and New A Philosophic Postscript to Nationalism.pdf|"Old Enemies and New: A Philosophic Postscript to Nationalism"]], ''Studies in East European Thought'' 46, 1994, pp 129-148. {{en}}
* [[Media:Tamas GM 1994 Old Enemies and New A Philosophic Postscript to Nationalism.pdf|"Old Enemies and New: A Philosophic Postscript to Nationalism"]], ''Studies in East European Thought'' 46, 1994, pp 129-148. {{en}}
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* [https://tagebuch.at/2020/04/zur-nationalitaet-des-virus/ "Zur Nationalität des Virus"], ''Tagebuch'', Apr 2020. [https://www.pressenza.com/de/2020/05/zur-nationalitaet-des-virus/] {{de}}
* [https://tagebuch.at/2020/04/zur-nationalitaet-des-virus/ "Zur Nationalität des Virus"], ''Tagebuch'', Apr 2020. [https://www.pressenza.com/de/2020/05/zur-nationalitaet-des-virus/] {{de}}
** [https://kunsthallewien.at/en/g-m-tamas-the-nationality-of-a-virus/ "The Nationality of a Virus"], Vienna: Kunsthalle Wien, Apr 2020. [https://www.pressenza.com/2020/04/the-nationality-of-a-virus/] {{en}}
** [https://kunsthallewien.at/en/g-m-tamas-the-nationality-of-a-virus/ "The Nationality of a Virus"], Vienna: Kunsthalle Wien, Apr 2020. [https://www.pressenza.com/2020/04/the-nationality-of-a-virus/] {{en}}
==Interviews, conversations==
==Interviews, conversations==

Latest revision as of 11:35, 4 April 2023

Gáspár Miklós Tamás (G. M. Tamás; Hungarian: Tamás Gáspár Miklós; 28 November 1948, Cluj – 15 January 2023, Budapest), often referred to as TGM, was a Romanian-born Hungarian marxist-anarcho-syndicalist philosopher and public intellectual. He was a contributor to online newspaper Mérce and OpenDemocracy, where he wrote primarily about political and aesthetic questions. He was the father of British poet and writer Rebecca Tamás.


  • A csöndes Európa, Budapest: AB Független, 1982, 14 pp. (Hungarian)
  • A szem és a kéz: bevezetés a politikába, samizdat (Budapest: ABC), 1983, 73 pp. (Hungarian)
    • L’Œil et la main: introduction à la politique [The Eye and the Hand: Introduction to Politics], trans. Julia Kovács, Geneva: Noir, 1985, 99 pp. (French)
  • Republikánus elmélkedések, Malakoff, France: Dialogues européens, 1983, 160 pp. (Hungarian)
  • Censorship: Ethnic Discrimination and the Culture of the Hungarians in Romania, Vienna: Internationale Helsinki-Föderation für Menschenrechte, 1985, 40 pp. Report. [1] (English)
  • Idola Tribus: A nemzeti érzés erkölcsi lényege. Vázlat a hagyományról. Az értékválság legendája, Malakoff, France: Dialogues européens, 1989, iii+316 pp. (Hungarian)
    • Les idoles de la tribu. L'essence morale du sentiment national, trans. Georges Kassaï (pseud. of Véronique Charaire), Paris: Arcantère, 1991, 238 pp. (French)
    • Törzsi fogalmak [Tribal Concepts], 2 vols, Budapest: Atlantisz, 1999, 383+451 pp. Extended version. (Hungarian)
    • Idola tribus: esenţa morală a sentimentului naţional, trans. Marius Tabacu and Ştefan Borbély, Cluj-Napoca: Dacia, 2001, 304 pp. (Romanian)
  • Másvilág. Politikai esszék [Another World: Political Essays], Budapest: Új Mandátum, 1994, 610 pp. (Hungarian)
  • A helyzet. Szatirikus röpirat, Élet és Irodalom, 2002, 80 pp. (Hungarian)
  • Către cel căzut pe gînduri, trans. Alexandru Polgár, Cluj-Napoca: Idea Design & Print, 2004, 61 pp. Trans. of "Levél a töprengőhöz". (Romanian)
  • RAF. Búcsúszimfónia (with Jácint Legéndy and György Szitányi), Bratislava: Kalligram, 2009, 81 pp. (Hungarian)
  • Postfascism şi anticomunism: intervenţii filosofico-politice', trans. Teodora Dumitru and Attila Szigeti, Cluj-Napoca: Tact, 2014, 206 pp. Selected essays and interviews. TOC. (Romanian)
  • Kommunismus nach 1989: Beiträge zu Klassentheorie, Realsozialismus und Osteuropa [Communism after 1989: Contributions to Class Theory, Real Socialism and Eastern Europe], ed. & trans. Gerold Wallner, Vienna: Mandelbaum, 2015, 251 pp. (German)
    • Komunizem po letu 1989. Razprave o razredni teoriji, realsocializmu in Vzhodni Evropi, intro. Sašo Furlan, trans. Sašo Furlan, Martin Hergouth, Jan Kostanjevec, and Jernej Pribošič, Ljubljana: Sophia, 2016, 312 pp. Publisher. (Slovenian)
  • K filosofii socializmu, trans. Pavel Siostrzonek, intro. Joseph Grim Feinberg, Prague: Filosofia, 2016, 242 pp. Selected essays. TOC. Introduction. Publisher. Review: Stuchlík (Stud phil). (Czech)
  • A New Fascism? (with Franco 'Bifo' Berardi, Chantal Mouffe, and Wilhelm Heitmeyer), ed. Susanne Pfeffer, London: Koenig Books, 2018, 53 pp.
  • Antitézis. Válogatott tanulmányok, 2001–2020 [Antithesis], trans. & ed. Balázs Sipos, Budapest: Pesti Kalligram, 2021, 456 pp. Includes Hungarian translations of the author's English-language essays, along with two essays written in Hungarian. (Hungarian)

Essays, articles (selection)[edit]

  • "Socialism, Capitalism, and Modernity", Journal of Democracy 3:3, Jul 1992, pp 60-74; repr. in Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy Revisited, eds. Larry Diamon and Marc F. Plattner, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993, pp 54-68. (English)
  • "The Legacy of Dissent: Irony, Ambiguity, Duplicity", Times Literary Supplement, 14 May 1993; repr., Uncaptive Minds 7:2, Summer 1994, pp 19-34; repr. as "The Legacy of Dissent", in The Revolutions of 1989, ed. Vladimir Tismaneanu, London: Routledge, 1999, pp 177-192. (English)
  • Eastern Europe a Decade Later: Victory Defeated", Journal of Democracy 10:1, Jan 1999, pp 63-68; repr. as "Victory Defeated", in Democracy After Communism, eds. Larry Diamond and Marc F. Plattner, John Hopkins University Press, 2002, pp 126-131. [3] (English)
  • "Paradoxes of 1989", East European Politics and Societies 13:2, Spring 1999, pp 353-358. (English)
  • "Un capitalisme pur et simple", La Nouvelle Alternative 19:60-61, Mar-Jun 2004, pp 13-40. (French)
    • "A Capitalism Pure and Simple", Grundrisse 22, Vienna, 2007; repr., Left Curve 32, Oakland, 2008, pp 66-75; repr. in Genealogies of Post-Communism, eds. Adrian T. Sîrbu and Alexandru Polgár, Cluj: Idea, 2009, pp 11-28. (English)
    • "Ein ganz normaler Kapitalismus", trans. Gerold Wallner, Grundrisse 22, Vienna, Summer 2007, pp 9-23, PDF. (German)
    • "Kapitalismus v čisté podobě", trans. Pavel Siostrzonek, in Tamás, K filosofii socializmu, Prague: Filosofia, 2016, pp 66-93. (Czech)
  • "Telling the Truth About Class", Socialist Register 42, 2006, 228-268; repr., Grundrisse 22, Vienna, 2007. [5] (English)
    • "Pravda a třída", trans. Pavel Siostrzonek, in Tamás, K filosofii socializmu, Prague: Filosofia, 2016, pp 94-152. (Czech)
  • "Rudiments for a Political Philosophy of Socialism", Marx & Philosophy, 2007, DOC.
    • "Základy politické filosofie socialismu", trans. Pavel Siostrzonek, in Tamás, K filosofii socializmu, Prague: Filosofia, 2016, pp 153-179. (Czech)
  • "Marx on 1989", in First the Transition, Then the Crash: Eastern Europe in the 2000s, London: Pluto Press, 2011, pp 21-45. (English)
    • "Marx o roku 1989", trans. Pavel Siostrzonek, in Tamás, K filosofii socializmu, Prague: Filosofia, 2016, pp 35-65. (Czech)
  • "Fascism Without Fascism", in Franco 'Bifo' Berardi, et al., A New Fascism?, ed. Susanne Pfeffer, London: Koenig Books, 2018, pp 43-51. (English)

Interviews, conversations[edit]

  • Gábor Révai, Beszélgetések a baloldaliságról Heller Ágnessel és Tamás Gáspár Miklóssal, Budapest: Libri, 2019, 151 pp. (Hungarian)


  • Mircea Vasilescu, Adrian Cioroianu, Intelectualul român faţă cu inacţiunea: în jurul unei scrisori de G. M. Tamás, Bucharest: Curtea Veche, 2002, 154 pp. (Romanian)
  • Péter György, Sándor Radnóti (eds.), A másként-gondolkodó: Tamás Gáspár Miklós 60, Budapest: Élet és Irodalom, 2008, 299 pp. (Hungarian)
