Peter Gonda

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Lucia Udvardyová, Peter Gonda. Eastern Daze
Born Košice, Slovakia
Lives in Prague, Czech Republic

Born 1983. AKA gnd. Audiovisual provocateur, vj, radio-host, programmer, pd-freak. Member of BURUNDI media lab since 2004, after its decay in 2005 co-founded Itchy bit collective with Ana Filip and Michal Čudrnák. Speaker, later editor-in-chief at Tlis radio in Bratislava. 2007 Bc from Applied Computer Sciences, 2009 MA from Cognitive Science at the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science of Comenius University in Bratislava. From 2007 advised and developed a free streaming platform for the Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra. Since 2008 together with Dušan Barok he is an administrator of a free culture server Sanchez. Together with Lucia Udvardyová he started the Easterndaze project dedicated to exploring young alternative music scenes of CEE countries in 2009. 2010 moved to Prague, where he is currently studying alternative theatre direction at the DAMU Theatre Academy. Selected projects involve real-time video sythesis for Bratislava-based experimental electronica projects Poo and 1/x (Daniel Tóth), collaboration in a realtime A/V remake of Brion Gysin's and W.S.Burrough's works with Michal Cáb and Markéta Cilečková as well as PureData tools development for Bratislava's P.A.T. Theatre.
