Martin Heidegger

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Selected writings

Heidegger's writings on technology
  • Martin Heidegger, "Die Frage nach der Technik", in Vorträge und Aufsätze, Pfullingen: Günther Neske, 1954. (in German). Reprinted as Die Frage nach der Technik, Pfullingen: Günther Neske, 1962; and in Gesamtausgabe. 4 Abteilungen: Gesamtausgabe 1. Abt. Bd. 7: Vorträge und Aufsätze, Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann, 2000, pp 5-36 ("Das Ding" appears there on pp 165-187). In the 1962 book, the following prefatory note appears regarding the two essays, "Die Frage nach der Technik" [The Question Concerning Technology] and "Die Kehre" [The Turning]: "Under the title 'Insight into That Which Is', the author gave, on 1 December 1949, in the Club at Bremen, four lectures, which were repeated without alterations on 25-26 March 1950 at Bühlerhöhe. The titles were 'Das Ding' [The Thing], 'Das Gestell' [En­framing], 'Die Gefahr' [The Danger], 'Die Kehre' [The Turning]. The first lecture was given in an expanded version on 6 June 1950, before the Bavarian Academy of Fine Arts. The second lecture was given on 18 November 1955, also in an expanded version, under the title 'The Question Concerning Tech­nology' in the series entitled The Arts in the Technological Age. The present volume repeats this text unaltered. The third lecture remains still unpublished. The fourth lecture, 'The Turning', is published here for the first time according to the first unaltered version."
    • "La question de la technique", trans. André Préau, Gallimard, 1958, pp 9-48. (in French) [1]
    • "The Thing", in Poetry, Language, Thought, trans. Albert Hofstadter, New York: Harper & Row, 1971, pp 165-186.
    • "Spørsmålet om teknikken", in Oikos og techne, trans. Arnfinn Bø-Rygg, Johan Grundt Tanum, 1973. New edition: Oslo: Aschehoug, 1996. (in Norwegian)
    • "La questione della tecnica", trans. Gianni Vattimo, in Saggi e discorsi, Milan: Mursia, 1976, pp 5-27. (in Italian) [2]
      • "La cosa", pp 109-124.
    • "The Question Concerning Technology", in The Question Concerning Technology, and Other Essays, trans. William Lovitt, New York & London: Garland Publishing, 1977, pp 3-35.
      • "The Turning", pp 36-49.
    • "La pregunta por la técnica", trans. Salvador Mas Torres, Anales del Seminario de Metafísica 24, Madrid, 1990, pp 129-162. (in Spanish)
    • "Вопрос о технике", trans. В. В. Бибихин, in Время и бытие: Статьи и выступления, Moscow: Республика, 1993, pp 221—238, notes 420—423. (in Russian)
    • "Otázka techniky", trans. Jiří Michálek, Jana Kružíková and Ivan Chvatík, in Věda, technika a zamyšlení, Prague: Oikoymenh, 2004, pp 7-35. (in Czech)
    • "A questão da técnica", trans. Marco Aurélio Werle, Scientiae studia, São Paulo, Vol. 5, No. 3 (2007), pp 375-398. (in Portuguese)
    • Tekniikka ja käänne, trans. Vesa Jaaksi, Tampere: Eurooppalaisen filosofian seura, 2007. (in Finnish) [3]
On Heidegger

See also