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'''Herbert Marcuse''' (July 19, 1898 – July 29, 1979) was a German philosopher, sociologist, and political theorist, associated with the [[Frankfurt School]] of critical theory.
'''Herbert Marcuse''' (July 19, 1898 – July 29, 1979) was a German philosopher, sociologist, and political theorist, associated with the [[Frankfurt School]] of critical theory.
* ''Hegels Ontologie und die Grundlegung einer Theorie der Geschichtlichtkeit'', Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann, 1932; 2nd ed. as ''Hegels Ontologie und die Theorie der Geschichtlichtkeit'', Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann, 1968; 3rd ed., 1975; Suhrkamp, 1989. {{de}}. University of Freiburg Habilitation.
** ''Ontología de Hegel y teoría de la historicidad'', Barcelona: Martínez Roca, 1970. {{es}}
** ''[[Media:MARCUSE_Herbert_-_L'ontologie_de_Hegel_et_la_théorie_de_l'historicité.pdf|L'ontologie de Hegel et la théorie de l'historicité]]'', trans. G. Raulet and H.A. Baatsch, Paris: Minuit, 1972, 342 pp. {{fr}}
** ''[[Media:Marcuse_Herbert_Hegels_Ontology_and_Theory_of_Historicity.pdf|Hegel's Ontology and Theory of Historicity]]'', trans. Seyla Benhabib, MIT Press, 1987.
* ''[[Media:Marcuse_Herbert_Reason_and_Revolution_Hegel_and_the_Rise_of_Social_Theory_2nd_ed.pdf|Reason and Revolution: An Introduction to the Dialectical Thinking of Hegel and Marx]]'', Oxford University Press, 1941, 431 pp; 2nd ed. as ''Reason and Revolution: Hegel and the Rise of Social Theory'', London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1955; Boston: Beacon Press, 1960; New York: Humanities Press 1963; 1989; 1999.
** ''Vernunft und Revolution: Hegel und die Entstehung der Gesellschafts-theorie'', trans. Alfred Schmidt, Neuwied/Darmstadt: Luchterhand, 1962; 1972. {{de}}
** ''Raison et révolution: Hegel et la naissance de la théorie sociale'', trans. Robert Castel and Pierre-Henri Gonthier, Paris: Minuit, 1968. {{fr}}
** ''[[Media:Marcuse_Herbert_Razon_y_revolucion.pdf|Razón y revolución: Hegel y el surgimiento de la teoria social]]'', Madrid: Alianza, 1971; 7th ed., 1983; Barcelona: Altaya, 1994. {{es}}
** ''[[Media:Marcuse_Herbert_Λόγος_και_επανάσταση.pdf|Λόγος και επανάσταση: Ο Χέγκελ και η γένεση της κοινωνικής θεωρίας]]'', trans. Γεράσιμος Λυκιαρδόπουλος, 1985; Athens, 1999. {{gr}}
* ''Eros and Civilization: A Philosophical Inquiry into Freud'', Boston: Beacon Press, 1955; Routledge, 1998. [http://aaaaarg.fail/thing/51c58bfe6c3a0eda0b958500]
** ''Eros und Kultur. Ein philosophischer Beitrag zu Sigmund Freud'', trans. Marianne von Eckardt-Jaffe, Stuttgart: Klett, 1957; new ed. as ''Triebstruktur und Gesellschaft. Ein philosophischer Beitrag zu Sigmund Freud'', Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1965; 17th ed., 1995. {{de}}
** ''[[Media:Herbert_Marcuse_Eros_y_civilizacion_1983.pdf|Eros y civilización]]'', trans. Juan García Ponce, México: Joaquín Mortiz, 1965; Barcelona: Seix Barral, 1968; Barcelona: Ariel, 1981, 253 pp; Madrid: Sarpe, 1983. {{es}}
** ''Eros et civilisation: contribution à Freud'' trans. Jean-Guy Nény and Boris Fraenkel, Paris: Minuit/Seuil, 1971, 252 pp. {{fr}}
** ''[[Media:Marcuse_Herbert_Eros_e_civilizacao_6a_ed.pdf|Eros e civilização: Uma interpretação filosófica do pensamento de Freud]]'', trans. Álvaro Cabral, Rio de Janeiro: Zahar, 6th ed., 1975. {{pt}} [http://web.archive.org/web/20080223000359/http://antivalor2.vilabol.uol.com.br/textos/frankfurt/erosindex.html]
** ''[[Media:Marcuse_Herbert_Έρως_και_πολιτισμός.pdf|Éros kai politismós [Έρως και πολιτισμός] ]]'', trans. Iordánis Arzóglou [Ιορδάνης Αρζόγλου], Athens, 1981. {{gr}}
** ''[[Media:Marcuse_Herbert_Eros_i_civilizacija_Filozofsko_istrazivanje_Freuda.pdf|Eros i civilizacija: Filozofsko istraživanje Freuda]]'', trans. Tomislav Ladan, Zagreb: Naprijed, 1985. {{sc}}
** ''Eros e civiltà'', Einaudi, 2001. {{it}}
* ''[[Media:Marcuse_Herbert_Soviet_Marxism_A_Critical_Analysis.pdf|Soviet Marxism: A Critical Analysis]]'', Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1958; Columbia University Press, 1958; 1985.
** ''[[Media:Marcuse_Herbert_El_marxismo_sovietico.pdf|El marxismo soviético]]'', trans. Juan M. de la Vega, Madrid: Alianza, 1969; 2nd ed., 1969; 3rd ed., 1971; 4th ed., 1975. {{es}}
** ''Le marxisme soviétique: essai d'analyse critique'', trans. Bernard Cazes, Paris: Gallimard, 1971, 378 pp. {{fr}}
** ''Die Gesellschaftslehre des sowjetischen Marxismus'', Darmstadt/Neuwied: Luchterhand, 1974. {{de}}
* ''[http://monoskop.org/log/?p=793 One-Dimensional Man: Studies in the Ideology of Advanced Industrial Society]'', Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1964, 260 pp; 2nd ed., Routledge, 1991; 1994; 1999; 2002; 2006; 2007.
** ''[[Media:Marcuse_Herbert_El_hombre_unidimensional.pdf|El Hombre unidimensional]]'', trans. Antonio Elorza, México: Joaquín Mortiz, 1965; Barcelona: Seix Barral, 1968; 9th ed., 1972. {{es}}
** ''[[Media:MARCUSE_Herbert_-_Der_eindimensionale_Mensch.pdf|Der eindimensionale Mensch]]'', trans. Alfred Schmidt, Neuwied: Luchterhand, 1967. {{de}}
** ''[[Media:MARCUSE_Herbert_-_L'homme_unidimensionnel.pdf|L'homme unidimensionnel: essai sur l'idéologie de la société industrielle avancée]]'', trans. Monique Wittig, Paris: Minuit, 1968, 284 pp. {{fr}}
** ''L'uomo a una dimensione: l'ideologia della societa` industriale avanzata'', trans. Luciano Gallino and Tilde Giani Gallino, Torino: Einaudi, 1967; 11th ed., 1971; 1999. {{it}}
** ''[[Media:Marcuse_Herbert_Ο_μονοδιάστατος_άνθρωπος.pdf|Lógos kai epanástasi: O Chénkel kai i génesi tis koinonikís theorías [Ο μονοδιάστατος άνθρωπος] ]]'', trans. Gerásimos Lykiardópoulos [Μπάμπης Λυκούδης], Athens, 1971. {{gr}}
** ''[http://www.ideayayinevi.com/okumalar/tek_boyutlu_insan/tbi_icindek.htm Tek-Boyutlu Insan]'', trans. Aziz Yardimli, 1986. {{tr}}
** ''[[Media:Marcuse_Herbert_Jednorozmerny_clovek.pdf|Jednorozměrný člověk]]'', trans. Miroslav Rýdl, Prague: Naše vojsko, 1991, 192 pp. {{cz}}
** ''[[Media:Marcuse_Herbert_Njeriu_njedimensional.pdf|Njeriu njëdimensional]]'', trans. Gaqo Karakshi, Tiranë, 2006. (in Albanian)
* with Robert Paul Wolff and Barrington Moore, Jr., ''[[Media:Wolff_Moore_Marcuse_A_Critique_of_Pure_Tolerance.pdf|A Critique of Pure Tolerance]]'', Boston: Beacon Press, 1965, 123 pp.
** ''[[Media:MARCUSE_Herbert_-_Critique_de_la_tolérance_pure.pdf|Critique de la tolérance pure]]'', éditions John Didier, 1969. {{fr}}
* ''Kultur und Gesellschaft 1'', Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1965; 12th ed., 1975; ''Kultur und Gesellschaft 2'', Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1965; 10th ed., 1979. {{de}}
** ''[[Media:Marcuse_Herbert_Etica_de_la_revolucion.pdf|Ética de la revolución]]'', Madrid: Taurus, 1969; 2nd ed., 1970; 3rd ed., 1970. {{es}}
** ''[[Media:MARCUSE_Herbert_-_Culture_et_société.pdf|Culture et société]]'', trans. Gérard Billy, Daniel Bresson, and Jean-Baptiste Grasset, Paris: Minuit, 1970, 391 pp. {{fr}}
** ''Cultura y sociedad'', Buenos Aires: Sur, 1978. {{es}}. Contains a selection of 4 articles from the 2 German vols.
* ''[https://www.marcuse.org/herbert/pubs/60spubs/67endutopia/67EndeUtopieProbGewalt.htm|Das Ende der Utopie]'', Berlin: Verlag Peter von Maikowski, 1967.
** ''[[Media:MARCUSE_Herbert_-_La_fin_de_l'utopie.pdf|La fin de l'utopie]]'', Paris: Seuil, 1968. {{fr}}
* ''[[Media:Marcuse_Herbert_Negations_Essays_in_Critical_Theory_2009.pdf|Negations: Essays in Critical Theory]]'', trans. Jeremy J. Shapiro, London: Penguin, 1968; Boston: Beacon, 1969; London: Free Association, 1988; MayFlyBooks, 2009.
* ''Psychoanalyse und Politik'', Frankfurt am Main: Europäische Verlagsanstalt, 1968; 6th ed., 1980. {{de}}
** ''Psicoanálisis y política'', Barcelona: Península, 1968; 1969; 1973. {{es}}
** ''Psychoanalýza a politika'', Prague: Svoboda, 1970. {{cz}}
** [http://web.archive.org/web/20110811140545/http://antivalor.vilabol.uol.com.br/textos/frankfurt/marcuse/tx_marcuse_003.htm "A noção de progresso à luz da psicanálise"], trans. Isabel Loureiro, in Marcuse, ''Cultura e psicanálise'', São Paulo: Paz e Terra, 2001, pp 112-139. {{pt}}
** ''[[Media:Marcuse_Herbert_Five_Lectures_Psychoanalysis_Politics_and_Utopia.pdf|Five Lectures: Psychoanalysis, Politics, and Utopia]]'', trans. Jeremy J. Shapiro and Shierry M. Weber, Boston: Beacon Press, 1970; London: Penguin, 1970. Four of these lectures appear in ''Psychoanalyse und Politik''.
* ''Ideen zu einer kritischen Theorie der Gesellschaft'', Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1969. {{de}}
** ''[[Media:MARCUSE_Herbert_-_Pour_une_théorie_critique_de_la_société.pdf|Pour une théorie critique de la société]]'', trans. Cornélius Heim, Paris: Denoël-Gonthier, 1971, 224 pp. {{fr}}
** ''[[Media:Marcuse_Herbert_Para_una_teoria_critica_de_la_sociedad_Ensayos.pdf|Para una teoría crítica de la sociedad: Ensayos]]'', trans. Claudine Lemoine de Francia, Caracas: Tiempo Nuevo, 1971. {{es}}
* ''[[Media:Marcuse_Herbert_Sociedad_industrial_y_el_Marxismo.pdf|Sociedad industrial y el Marxismo]]'', trans. Alberto Jose Massolo, Buenos Aires: Quintinaria, 1969. (Spanish)
* ''[[Media:Marcuse_Herbert_Essay_on_Liberation.pdf|An Essay on Liberation]]'', Boston: Beacon Press, 1969, 91 pp.
** ''Versuch über die Befreiung'', trans. Helmut Reinicke and Alfred Schmidt, Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1969. {{de}}
** ''[[Media:Marcuse_Herbert_Un_ensayo_sobre_la_liberacion.pdf|Un ensayo sobre la liberación]]'', trans. Juan García Ponce, México: Joaquín Mortiz, 1969, 94 pp. {{es}}
** ''[[Media:MARCUSE_Herbert_-_Vers_la_libération.pdf|Vers la libération: au-delà de l'homme unidimensionnel]]'', trans. Jean-Baptiste Grasset, Paris: Denoël-Gonthier, 1972, 172 pp. {{fr}}
* ''Sociedad carnívora'', Buenos Aires: Eco Contemporáneo, 1970. {{es}}
* ''[[Media:Marcuse_Herbert_Studies_in_Critical_Philosophy_1973.pdf|Studies in Critical Philosophy]]'', trans. Joris de Bres, New Left Books, 1972; Boston: Beacon Press, 1973, 227 pp.
* Revolution oder Reform?, Munich: Kosel-Verlag, 1972. Confrontation with Karl Popper. {{de}}
** ''[[Media:MARCUSE_Herbert_-_POPPER_Karl_-_Revolution_or_Reform_a_confrontation.pdf|Revolution or Reform : a confrontation]], Chicago: New University Press, 1976. {{en}}
* ''[[Media:Marcuse_Herbert_Counter-Revolution_and_Revolt.pdf|Counter-Revolution and Revolt]]'', Boston: Beacon Press, 1972, 138 pp.
** ''[[Media:MARCUSE_Herbert_-_Contre-révolution_et_révolte.pdf|Contre-révolution et révolte]]'', trans. Didier Coste, Paris: Seuil, 1973, 172 pp. {{fr}}
** ''Contrarrevolución y revuelta'', México: Joaquín Mortiz, 1975. {{es}}
* ''Die Permanenz der Kunst: Wider eine bestimmte marxistische Ästhetik: Ein Essay'', Munich: Hanser, 1977, 77 pp. {{de}}
** ''[[Media:Marcuse_Herbert_The_Aesthetic_Dimension_Toward_a_Critique_of_Marxist_Aesthetics_1978.pdf|The Aesthetic Dimension: Toward a Critique of Marxist Aesthetics]]'', trans. Herbert Marcuse and Erica Sherover, Boston: Beacon Press, 1978, 88 pp.
** ''[[Media:MARCUSE_Herbert_-_La_dimension_esthétique_Pour_une_critique_de_l'esthétique_marxiste_(OCR_A5).pdf|La dimension esthétique]]'', trans. Didier Coste, Paris: Seuil, 1979, 82 pp. {{fr}}
** ''La dimensione estetica e altri scritti: un'educazione politica tra rivolta e trascendenza'', Milan: Guerini, 2002. {{it}}
** ''[[Media:Marcuse_Herbert_La_dimension_estetica_Critica_de_la_ortodoxia_marxista.pdf|La dimensión estética: Crítica de la ortodoxia marxista]]'', Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva, 2007. {{es}}
* ''[[Media:Marcuse_Herbert_Scrieri_filozofice_1977.pdf|Scrieri filozofice]]'', trans. Ion Herdan, Sorin Vieru and Vasile Dem. Zamfirescu, Bucharest: Politică, 1977. {{ro}}
Most of the talks of Herbert Marcuse have been published in the ''Collected Papers'' volumes.
* [http://www.marcuse.org/herbert/pubs/70spubs/70MovementEraRepressionBerkeleyJournal.pdf "The Movement in a New Era of Repression: An Assessment"], ''Berkeley Journal of Sociology'' 16 (1971-1972), pp 1-14. Delivered at the University of California on 3 February 1971.
* "Zeit-Messungen: Drei Vorträge und ein interview", Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1975.
** Contains "Marxism and Feminism", "Theory and Practice" and an expanded version of "Failure of the New Left", translated into ''Collected Papers''. {{en}}
** ''[[Media:MARCUSE_Herbert_-_Actuels.pdf|Actuels]], Paris: Galilée, 1976. {{fr}}
** Calas en nuestro tiempo, Barcelona: Icaria, 1976. {{es}}
* "Marxism and Feminism", 1974. Delivered at Stanford U on 7 Mar 1974.
** [http://archive.org/details/MarkuzeMarxismAndFeminism "Markiszm i feminizm"] [Марксизм и феминизм], trans. Kirill Medvedev (Кирилл Медведев), Slobodnoe marksistskoe izdatelstvo, 2008. Audio. {{ru}}
* [http://www.marcuse.org/herbert/pubs/posthumous/79MarcuseEcologyCritiqueModernSociety1992CapNatSoc.pdf "Ecology and the Critique of Modern Society"], [1979], ''Capitalism, Nature, Socialism'', 3:3 (1992), pp 29-37. With commentaries by Andrew Feenberg, Joel Kovel, Douglas Kellner and C. Fred Alford (pp 37-48).
===Collected writings===
* ''[[Media:MARCUSE_Herbert_-_Philosophie_et_révolution.pdf|Philosophie et révolution]], Denoël-Gonthier, 1971. Contains 1930's works : "On Concrete Philosophy" ("Sur la philosophie concrète"), "Transcendental Marxism ?" ("Marxisme transcendantal ?"), "The Foundation of Historical Materialism" ("Les manuscrits économico-philosophiques de Marx") {{fr}}
* ''Schriften'', 9 Vols, Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1978-1989; Springe: Zu Klampen, 2004. {{de}}
* ''[[Media:MARCUSE_Herbert_-_Heideggerian_marxism.pdf|Heideggerian Marxism]]'', University of Nebraska Press, 2005. Contains several works of the 1920-1930's when Marcuse was Heidegger's student. {{en}}
* ''Collected Papers of Herbert Marcuse'', ed. Douglas Kellner, London: Routledge, 1998-2012.
** [[Media:MARCUSE_Herbert_-_Coll._papers_1_-_Technology_war_and_fascism.pdf|''Vol. 1, Technology, War and Fascism'']], 1998, 278 pp.
** [[Media:MARCUSE_Herbert_-_Coll._papers_2_-_Toward_a_critical_theory_of_society.pdf|''Vol. 2, Towards a Critical Theory of Society'']], 2001.
** [[Media:MARCUSE_Herbert_-_Coll._papers_3_-_The_New_Left_and_the_1960's.pdf|''Vol. 3, Foundation of the Left and the 1960s'']], 2005.
** [[Media:MARCUSE_Herbert_-_Coll._papers_4_-_Art_and_liberation.pdf|''Vol. 4, Art and Liberation'']], 2007.
** [[Media:MARCUSE_Herbert_-_Coll._papers_5_-_Philosophy_Psychoanalysis_and_Emancipation.pdf|''Vol. 5, Philosophy, Psychoanalysis and Emancipation'']], 2011.
** [[Media:MARCUSE_Herbert_-_Coll._papers_6_-_Marxism_Revolution_and_Utopia.pdf|''Vol. 6, Marxism, Revolution and Utopia: Collected Papers of Herbert Marcuse'']], 2012.
* ''Nachgelassene Schriften'', 6 Vols, ed. Peter-Erwin Jansen, Lüneburg/Springe: Dietrich zu Klampen,  1999-2009. {{de}}
** ''Bd. 1: Das Schicksal der bürgerlichen Demokratie'', trans. Michael Haupt, 1999.
** ''Bd. 2: Kunst und Befreiung'', trans. Michael Haupt and Stephan Bundschuh, 2000.
** ''Bd. 3: Philosophie und Psychologie'', trans. Cornelia Lösch, 2002.
** ''Bd. 4: Die Studentenbewegung und ihre Folgen'', trans. Thomas Laugstien, 2004.
** ''Bd. 5: Feindanalysen. Über die Deutschen'', trans. Michael Haupt, 2007.
** ''Bd. 6: Ökologie und Gesellschaftskritik'', trans. Thomas Laugstien, 2009.
; Articles and papers
* Douglas Kellner, ''[http://libgen.rs/book/index.php?md5=2490A2E0F4AA11F69528001C7634A6E6 Herbert Marcuse and the Crisis of Marxism]'', London: Macmillan, and Berkeley: University of California Press, 1984.
* [http://www.marcuse.org/herbert/pubs/70spubs/70MovementEraRepressionBerkeleyJournal.pdf "The Movement in a New Era of Repression: An Assessment"], ''Berkeley Journal of Sociology'', no. 16 (1971-1972): 1-14. (transcript of a speech delivered by Marcuse at the University of California, Berkeley, on February 3, 1971).
* Andrew T. Lamas, Todd Wolfson, Peter N. Funke (eds.), ''[http://aaaaarg.fail/thing/5886838b9ff37c2539b69030 The Great Refusal: Herbert Marcuse and Contemporary Social Movements]'', forew. Angela Y. Davis, Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press, 2017, xvi+424 pp.
* [http://www.marcuse.org/herbert/pubs/posthumous/79MarcuseEcologyCritiqueModernSociety1992CapNatSoc.pdf "Ecology and the Critique of Modem Society"], Herbert Marcuse on Ecology (1979 lecture), with commentaries by Andrew Feenberg, Joel Kovel, Douglas Kellner and C. Fred Alford (37-48), published in: ''Capitalism, Nature, Socialism'', 3:3(1992): 29-37.
; Books in English
* Douglas Kellner, ''Herbert Marcuse and the Crisis of Marxism'', London and Berkley: MacMillan Press and University of California Press, 1984.
* [http://www.marcuse.org/herbert/pubs.htm Works by Marcuse], compiled by Harold Marcuse.
* ''Eros and Civilization'', Boston: Beacon Press, 1955; reprinted London and New York, Routledge Press, 1998.
* [http://www.marcuse.org/herbert/booksabout.htm Books, Articles and Reviews about Marcuse], compiled by Harold Marcuse.
* [[Media:Marcuse_Herbert_The_Aesthetic_Dimension_Toward_a_Critique_of_Marxist_Aesthetics_1978.pdf|'' The Aesthetic Dimension: Toward a Critique of Marxist Aesthetics'']], Beacon Press, 1978.
* [http://www.marcuse.org/herbert/booksabout/2000NorquistBib64pages.pdf Compiled by Joan Nordquist], 2000.
; Books in Romanian
* [http://www.marcuse.org/herbert/booksabout/79sahmelbib/79SahmelBib.pdf Compiled by Karl-Heinz Sahmel], 1979. {{de}}
* [[Media:Marcuse_Herbert_Scrieri_filozofice_1977.pdf|''Scrieri filozofice'']], trans. Ion Herdan, Sorin Vieru and Vasile Dem. Zamfirescu, Bucuresti: Editura Politică, 1977.
* [http://patder.chez.com/bibmarc.htm#marcuse Works by Marcuse], compiled by P. Deramaix. {{fr}}
; Collected Works
* [http://patder.chez.com/bibmarc.htm Works on Marcuse], compiled by P. Deramaix. {{fr}}
* [http://rafaelfdiazv.files.wordpress.com/2009/06/herbert-marcuse-technology-war-and-fascism-collected-papers-vol-1.pdf ''Technology, War and Fascism''], Collected Papers of Herbert Marcuse, Douglas Kellner (ed.), volume 1, London: Routledge, 1998.
* [http://www.mohamedrabeea.com/books/book1_9064.pdf ''Towards a critical theory of society''], Collected Papers of Herbert Marcuse, Douglas Kellner (ed.), volume 2, London: Routledge, 2001.
* [http://ssmith.no-ip.org/ebooks/_Staging%5CPDF%5CCollected%20Papers%20Vol%203%20-%20The%20New%20Left%20and%20the%20Sixties%20-%20Herb.pdf ''Foundation of the left and the 1960s''], Collected Papers of Herbert Marcuse, Douglas Kellner (ed.), volume 3, London: Routledge, 2005.
* [https://wiki.brown.edu/confluence/download/attachments/73535007/marcuse-the_collected_papers_of_vol4.pdf ''Art and Liberation''], Collected Papers of Herbert Marcuse, Douglas Kellner (ed.), volume 4, London: Routledge, 2007.
* ''Philosophy, psychoanalysis and emancipation'', Collected Papers of Herbert Marcuse, Douglas Kellner (ed.), vol. 5, London: Routledge, 2011.
* ''Marxism, revolution and utopia'', Collected Papers of Herbert Marcuse, Douglas Kellner (ed.), vol. 6, London: Routledge, 2012.
* [http://www.marcuse.org/herbert/pubs.htm compiled by Harold Marcuse]
* http://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/marcuse/index.htm
* [http://www.egs.edu/library/herbert-marcuse/bibliography/ in English]
* http://1libertaire.free.fr/Marcuse01.html
* [http://patder.chez.com/bibmarc.htm in French]
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herbert_Marcuse
* [http://www.marcuse.org/herbert/booksabout/79sahmelbib/79SahmelBib.pdf in German]
==External links==
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herbert_Marcuse
{{DEFAULTSORT:Marcuse, Herbert}}
* http://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/marcuse/index.htm
[[Category:Marxist aesthetics]] [[Category:Writers]]

Revision as of 10:24, 5 March 2021

Herbert Marcuse (July 19, 1898 – July 29, 1979) was a German philosopher, sociologist, and political theorist, associated with the Frankfurt School of critical theory.




Most of the talks of Herbert Marcuse have been published in the Collected Papers volumes.

  • "The Movement in a New Era of Repression: An Assessment", Berkeley Journal of Sociology 16 (1971-1972), pp 1-14. Delivered at the University of California on 3 February 1971.
  • "Zeit-Messungen: Drei Vorträge und ein interview", Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1975.
    • Contains "Marxism and Feminism", "Theory and Practice" and an expanded version of "Failure of the New Left", translated into Collected Papers. (English)
    • Actuels, Paris: Galilée, 1976. (French)
    • Calas en nuestro tiempo, Barcelona: Icaria, 1976. (Spanish)
  • "Marxism and Feminism", 1974. Delivered at Stanford U on 7 Mar 1974.
    • "Markiszm i feminizm" [Марксизм и феминизм], trans. Kirill Medvedev (Кирилл Медведев), Slobodnoe marksistskoe izdatelstvo, 2008. Audio. (Russian)
  • "Ecology and the Critique of Modern Society", [1979], Capitalism, Nature, Socialism, 3:3 (1992), pp 29-37. With commentaries by Andrew Feenberg, Joel Kovel, Douglas Kellner and C. Fred Alford (pp 37-48).

Collected writings


