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|death_date = {{Death date and age|1944|12|10|1868|8|23|mf=y}}
|death_date = {{Death date and age|1944|12|10|1868|8|23|mf=y}}
|death_place = Brussels, Belgium
|death_place = Brussels, Belgium
|web = [[Wikipedia::http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Otlet|Wikipedia]], [[Academia.edu::http://www.academia.edu/Documents/in/Paul_Otlet|Academia.edu]]
|web = [[Wikipedia::http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Otlet|Wikipedia]], [[Academiaedu::http://www.academia.edu/Documents/in/Paul_Otlet|Academia.edu]]
[[Image:Paul Otlet and Mundaneum team.png|thumb|258px|Otlet with his Mundaneum team, n.d.]]
[[Image:Paul Otlet and Mundaneum team.png|thumb|258px|Otlet with his Mundaneum team, n.d.]]
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Universal Bibliographic Repertory.jpg|Volunteers worked at the Universal Bibliographic Repertory, the project that grew into the Mundaneum.
Telegraph room at Mundaneum in Brussels.jpg|Telegraph room at Mundaneum in Brussels.
Otlet_Paul_1936_Mondotheque.jpg|''Mondothèque: Pantothèque - Mundaneum - (Documentothèque)'', 8 Jun 1936, 64 x 67 cm. [http://expositions.mundaneum.org/sites/default/files/styles/galerie_full/public/galeries/_MG_5130.jpg Reproduction at Mundaneum center].
Otlet_Paul_1936_Mondotheque.jpg|''Mondothèque: Pantothèque - Mundaneum - (Documentothèque)'', 8 Jun 1936, 64 x 67 cm. [http://expositions.mundaneum.org/sites/default/files/styles/galerie_full/public/galeries/_MG_5130.jpg Reproduction at Mundaneum center].
Otlet_Paul_1937_Species_Mundaneum.jpg|''Species Mundaneum'', 16 Jan 1937, 21 x 28 cm.
Otlet_Paul_1937_Species_Mundaneum.jpg|''Species Mundaneum'', 16 Jan 1937, 21 x 28 cm.
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* Charles van den Heuvel, W. Boyd Rayward, [https://www.academia.edu/956607 "Facing Interfaces: Paul Otlet's Visualizations of Data Integration"], ''Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology'' 62:12, Dec 2011, pp 2313-2326. {{en}}
* Charles van den Heuvel, W. Boyd Rayward, [https://www.academia.edu/956607 "Facing Interfaces: Paul Otlet's Visualizations of Data Integration"], ''Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology'' 62:12, Dec 2011, pp 2313-2326. {{en}}
* Stephanie Manfroid, Jacques Gillen, [[Media:Manfroid_Stephanie_Gillen_Jacques_2013_The_Archives_of_Paul_Otlet_Between_Appreciation_and_Rediscovery_1944-2013.pdf|"The Archives of Paul Otlet: Between Appreciation and Rediscovery, 1944-2013"]], trans. Patricia M. Phillips-Batoma, ''Library Trends'' 62:2, Fall 2013, pp 311-328. {{en}}
* Stephanie Manfroid, Jacques Gillen, [[Media:Manfroid_Stephanie_Gillen_Jacques_2013_The_Archives_of_Paul_Otlet_Between_Appreciation_and_Rediscovery_1944-2013.pdf|"The Archives of Paul Otlet: Between Appreciation and Rediscovery, 1944-2013"]], trans. Patricia M. Phillips-Batoma, ''Library Trends'' 62:2, Fall 2013, pp 311-328. {{en}}
* W. Boyd Rayward, [[Media:Rayward_W_Boyd_2014_International_Exhibitions_Paul_Otlet_Henri_La_Fontaine_and_the_Paradox_of_the_Belle_Epoque.pdf|"Introduction: International Exhibitions, Paul Otlet, Henri La Fontaine and the Paradox of the Belle Epoque"]], in ''[http://gen.lib.rus.ec/book/index.php?md5=152F3C35F8C9FE727329DEDB03B4A9CA Information Beyond Borders: International Cultural and Intellectual Exchange in the Belle Epoque]'', ed. W. Boyd Rayward, Ashgate, 2014, pp 1-22. [http://books.google.com/books?id=P-KKBAAAQBAJ&pg=PA1] {{en}}
* W. Boyd Rayward, [[Media:Rayward_W_Boyd_2014_International_Exhibitions_Paul_Otlet_Henri_La_Fontaine_and_the_Paradox_of_the_Belle_Epoque.pdf|"Introduction: International Exhibitions, Paul Otlet, Henri La Fontaine and the Paradox of the Belle Epoque"]], in ''[http://libgen.rs/book/index.php?md5=152F3C35F8C9FE727329DEDB03B4A9CA Information Beyond Borders: International Cultural and Intellectual Exchange in the Belle Epoque]'', ed. W. Boyd Rayward, Ashgate, 2014, pp 1-22. [http://books.google.com/books?id=P-KKBAAAQBAJ&pg=PA1] {{en}}
* Elodie Mugrefya, [https://diversions.constantvzw.org/wiki/index.php?title=Afrique_aux_noirs "Mise en Valeur et Omission: sur Paul Otlet's ''Afrique aux noirs''], in ''[https://monoskop.org/log/?p=21622 DiVersions]'', ed. Constant, Brussels: Constant, 2019. {{fr}}
** [https://diversions.constantvzw.org/wiki/index.php?title=Opwaarderen_en_weglaten "Opwaarderen en weglaten: over Paul Otlet's ''Afrique aux noirs''], in ''[https://monoskop.org/log/?p=21622 DiVersions]'', ed. Constant, Brussels: Constant, 2019. {{nl}}
** [https://diversions.constantvzw.org/wiki/index.php?title=Talk:Afrique_aux_noirs "Celebration and Omission: on Paul Otlet's ''Afrique aux noirs''"], 2019. {{en}}
* Mondotheque, Algolit, [https://diversions.constantvzw.org/paul-otlet-an-omissum.html "Paul Otlet, an Omissum"], Feb 2020. {{en}}
** [https://diversions.constantvzw.org/paul-otlet-an-omissum-fr.html "Paul Otlet, un Omissum"], Feb 2020. {{fr}}
** [https://diversions.constantvzw.org/paul-otlet-an-omissum-nl.html "Paul Otlet, een Omissum"], Feb 2020. {{nl}}
* [http://archives.mundaneum.org/fr/publications-autour-du-mundaneum More]
* [http://archives.mundaneum.org/fr/publications-autour-du-mundaneum More]

Revision as of 10:55, 5 March 2021

Born August 23, 1868(1868-08-23)
Brussels, Belgium
Died December 10, 1944(1944-12-10) (aged 76)
Brussels, Belgium
Web Wikipedia, Academia.edu
Otlet with his Mundaneum team, n.d.

Paul Marie Ghislain Otlet (1868–1944) was a Belgian author, entrepreneur, visionary, lawyer and peace activist. He is one of the founders of information science, a field he called "documentation". Otlet created the Universal Decimal Classification, one of the most prominent examples of faceted classification.

His major works are the Traité de Documentation, le livre sur le livre [Treatise on Documentation: the Book about the Book], published in 1934, and Monde [World], published in 1935. The former, synthesizing his decades of experience working in his various organizations and thinking about documentation, became not only a work of reference but perhaps one of the first comprehensive treatises on what was later to be known as information science. It discussed the nature and relationships of the various formats and media in which knowledge is conveyed. Among the many innovative ideas expressed in these books were what Otlet called livre irradié [the broadcast book] and the livre téléphoté [telephoto book]. He described what we would know as a scholar's work station (sometimes called by him Mondothèque) in which were incorporated a range of multimedia functionalities some of which have still not become routinely available in personal computers. He also wrote extensively about the need for a universal network for the communication of knowledge. His theoretical approach to the organization and dissemination of information was far ahead of its time, notably in foreshadowing the Internet, Hypertext, and the World Wide Web. (Source)

Traité de documentation, 1934, Log, IA, WS-FR, PDF (196 mb), HTML.
Monde: essai d'universalisme, 1935, PDF, PDFs.
International Organisation and Dissemination of Knowledge: Selected Essays, 1990, PDF, Log, IA.


Books and reports (selection)

  • L'Afrique aux noirs, Brussels: Ferdinand Larcier, 1888, 18 pp. (French)
  • Sur une forme nouvelle du livre: le livre microphotographique, with Robert Goldschmidt, Brussels: Institut International de Bibliographie, 1906, 11 pp; repr. in IIB Bulletin 12 (1907), pp 61-69; repr. in Journal des brevets, Jan 1907; partial repr. in Photorevue, 6 Jan 1907. (French)
    • El libro microfotográfico: comunicación sobre los últimos trabajos técnicos referentes a las formas nuevas del libro y de los documentos, trans. & notes Pedro Chico, Guadalajara: Publicaciones de la Revista de Escuelas Normales de Guadalajara, 1926, 14 pp. (Spanish)
    • "On a New Form of the Book: The Microphotographic Book", in Otlet, International Organisation and Dissemination of Knowledge, 1990, pp 87-95. (English)
  • Manuel de la documentation administrative: principes généraux, Brussels: Palais Mondial, 1923, 95 pp. (French)
    • Rukovodstvo k administrirovaniyu: doklad, sdelannyy na 2-m Mezhdunarodnom Kongresse Administrativnykh nauk v Bryussele v 1923 godu [Руководство к администрированию: доклад, сделанный на 2-м Международном Конгрессе Административных наук в Брюсселе в 1923 году], Moscow, 1924, 85 pp. (Russian)

Selected works

  • Bibliometria teoria e pratica, ed. Edson Nery da Fonseca, trans. Alda Baltaz, Ivanilda Fernandes Costa Rolim and Jose Paulo Paes, São Paulo: Cultrix, 1986, 141 pp. (Brazilian Portuguese)
  • International Organisation and Dissemination of Knowledge: Selected Essays, trans, ed. & intro. W. Boyd Rayward, Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1990, 256 pp. Selection of texts covering the period 1893-1934. (English)
  • La organización documental del conocimiento: el marco documental, 2 vols., trans. José María Izquierdo Arroyo, Madrid: Tecnidoc, 1995, 502+188 pp. Selected excerpts. (Spanish)
  • Biblioteka, bibliografiya, dokumentatsiya: izbrannyye trudy pionera informatiki [Библиотека, библиография, документация: избранные труды пионера информатики], ed., forew. & comm. R.S. Giliarevsky, trans. R.S. Giliarevsky, et al., Moscow: Fair-Press: Pashkov Dom, 2004, 348 pp. (Russian)



W. Boyd Rayward, The Universe of Information, 1975, PDF, TXT, Log.
Mundaneum: Archives of Knowledge, 2008/2010, PDF.
Constant, Mondothèque: A Radiated Book / Un livre irradiant / Een irradiërend boek, 2016, HTML, PDF, Log.

Books, dissertations

  • W. Boyd Rayward, The Universe of Information: the Work of Paul Otlet for Documentation and International Organization, Moscow: All-Union institute for scientific and technical information (VINITI), 1975. (English)
    • Universum informatsii. Zhizn' i deyatel'nost' Polya Otle [Универсум информации. Жизнь и деятельность Поля Отле], intro. & trans. R.S. Giliarevsky, Moscow: Knjiga, 1976, 401 pp. (Russian)
    • El universo de la información: la organización de Paul Otlet sobre documentación y organización internacional, trans. Pilar Arnau Rived, Madrid: Mundarnau, 1996, viii+573 pp; 2nd ed., 1999; 3rd ed., 2005. [3] (Spanish)
  • Paul Schneiders, De bibliotheek en documentatie beweging 1880-1914: bibliografische on dernemingen rond 1900, University of Amsterdam, 1982. Dissertation, unpublished. (Dutch)
  • Les prémisses du Mundaneum: cent ans de l’Office international de bibliographie, 1895-1995, Mons: Mundaneum, 1995. (French)
  • W. Boyd Rayward, Hasta la documentación electrónica, trans., ed. & intro. Pilar Arnau Rived, Madrid: Mundarau, 2000, 387 pp. (Spanish)
  • Ronald E. Day, The Modern Invention of Information: Discourse, History, and Power, SIU Press, 2001, 152 pp. (English)
  • Françoise Levie, L'homme qui voulait classer le monde: Paul Otlet et le Mundaneum, intro. W. Boyd Rayward, afterw. Benoît Peeters, Mons: Les Impressions Nouvelles, 2006, 352 pp. Excerpt. [4] (French)
  • Charlotte Dubray (ed.), Le Mundaneum: Les archives de la connaissance, Brussels: Les Impressions Nouvelles, 2008, 96 pp. Excerpt, [5]. (French)
  • Yoshiyuki Yamana, Kōhei Kuwada, Le Corbusier, Paul Otlet: Mundaneum [ムンダネウム], Tokyo: Chikuma Shobō, 2009, 120 pp. [6] (Japanese)
  • Jacques Gillen (ed.), Paul Otlet: fondateur du Mundaneum (1868-1944): architecte du savoir, artisan de paix, Brussels: Impressions nouvelles, 2010, 208 pp. Excerpt, [7] Review: Rouyer-Gayette (2010). (French)
  • Wouter Van Acker, Universalism as utopia: a historical study of the schemes and schemas of Paul Otlet (1868-1944), Zelzate University Press, 2011. Dissertation. [8] (English)
  • Frank Hartmann (ed.), Vom Buch zur Datenbank. Paul Otlets Utopie der Wissensvisualisierung, Berlin: Avinus, 2012, 202 pp. Introduction. (German)
  • Alex Wright, Cataloging the World: Paul Otlet and the Birth of the Information Age, Oxford University Press, 2014. (English)
  • Antonietta Folino, Otlet-Le Corbusier: lettere sulla costruzione della "Cité Mondiale" (1927-1934), Ariccia: Aracne, 2016, 330 pp. Excerpt. (Italian)
  • Femke Snelting, et al., Mondothèque: A Radiated Book / Un livre irradiant / Een irradiërend boek, Constant: Brussels, 2016, 225 pp. (English),(Dutch),(French)

Journal issues

Book chapters, articles



See also
