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Potlatch: bulletin d'information de groupe français de l'Internationale lettriste, later Potlatch: bulletin d'information de l'Internationale lettriste was a periodical of the Lettrist International published in 29 numbers (27 issues) from 22 June 1954 through 5 November 1957. It appeared weekly for the first 12 numbers, then monthly through the number 24, afterwards occasionally. The editors were André-Frank Conord (1-8), Mohamed Dahou (9-18, 20-22), Gil J Wolman (19), and Jacques Fillon (23-24). Several members, including Guy Debord, Michèle Bernstein, Mohamed Dahou, and Gil J Wolman went on to form the Situationist International.
The above PDFs were assembled from scans on Postwar Culture of Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library.
Reprints and translations[edit]
- Potlatch, 1954-1957, Paris: Lebovici, 1985, 242 pp; repr. as Guy Debord présente Potlatch, 1954-1957, Paris: Gallimard, 1996, 291 pp. [1] [2] (French)
- Guy Debord präsentiert Potlatch, 1954-1957. Informationsbulletin der Lettristischen Internationale, mit einem Dokumentenanhang, trans. Wolfgang Kukulies, Berlin: Tiamat, 2002, 381 pp. (German)
- Potlatch: Internacional Letrista (1954-1959). Más Introducción a una crítica de la geografía urbana; Modo de uso del desvío. Informe sobre la construcción de situaciones y sobre las condiciones de la organización y la acción de la tendencia situacionista internacional, Madrid: Traficantes de Sueños, 2002, 157 pp. [3] (Spanish)
- "Potlatch: Information Bulletin of the French Section of the Lettrist International (selection)", n.d., HTML. (English)
- Translations of selected articles in Russian, c2017. (Russian)