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'''Yuk Hui''' studied computer engineering, cultural theory and philosophy at the University of Hong Kong and Goldsmiths College in London, with a focus on philosophy of technology. He teaches at the Bauhaus University in Weimar, and has been visiting professor at the China Academy of Art since 2015. Between 2012 and 2018, he taught at the Institute for Philosophy and Art at the Leuphana University. He was postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for Research and Innovation of the Centre Pompidou in Paris, Center for Digital Cultures at the Leuphana University as well as visiting scientist at the T-Labs Berlin. He is member of the Centre international des études simondoniennes (MSH Paris Nord).
'''Yuk Hui''' is a philosopher from [[Hong Kong]]. Hui studied Computer Engineering at the University of Hong Kong, wrote his PhD thesis under the French philosopher Bernard Stiegler (1952-2020) at the Goldsmiths College in London and completed his Habilitation in philosophy of technology at the Leuphana University in Lüneburg. Earlier he was postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for Research and Innovation of the Centre Pompidou in Paris, Center for Digital Cultures at the Leuphana University, visiting scientist at the T-Labs Berlin and member of the Centre international des études simondoniennes (MSH Paris Nord). He has been teaching at the Leuphana University, Bauhaus University, China Academy of Art and the City University of Hong Kong. He is the initiator and convenor of the [http://philosophyandtechnology.network/ Research Network for Philosophy and Technology], and a juror of the Berggruen Prize for Philosophy and Culture.
* ''[http://library.memoryoftheworld.org/#/book/a38c6e7b-51b9-44c0-9062-01246e580b47 On the Existence of Digital Objects]'', pref. Bernard Stiegler, University of Minnesota Press, 2016, [https://aaaaarg.fail/thing/56cb6f8b9ff37c426266eab1 ARG]. Review: [https://www.parrhesiajournal.org/parrhesia27/Parrhesia27_LaRiviere.pdf Larivière] (Parrhesia).
** 论数码物的存在, trans. 李婉楠, Shanghai: Shanghai People's Publishing House, 2019, 305 pp. {{zh}}
* ''[http://library.memoryoftheworld.org/#/book/a38c6e7b-51b9-44c0-9062-01246e580b47 On the Existence of Digital Objects]'', pref. Bernard Stiegler, University of Minnesota Press, 2016, xiii+314 pp, [https://aaaaarg.fail/thing/56cb6f8b9ff37c426266eab1 ARG]. [https://www.upress.umn.edu/book-division/books/on-the-existence-of-digital-objects Publisher]. Review: [https://www.parrhesiajournal.org/parrhesia27/Parrhesia27_LaRiviere.pdf Larivière] (Parrhesia).
* ''[https://library.memoryoftheworld.org/#/book/ac518764-9025-4075-bf64-57ba3168c3b0 The Question Concerning Technology in China: An Essay in Cosmotechnics]'', Falmouth: Urbanomic, 2017, [https://aaaaarg.fail/thing/5d0138969ff37c3fd9622bca ARG]. [https://www.urbanomic.com/book/question-concerning-technology-china/]
** ''Lun shu ma wu de cun zai'' [论数码物的存在], trans. Wannan Li (李婉楠), Shanghai: Shanghai People's Publishing House, 2019, 305 pp. {{zh}}
**디지털적 대상의 존재에 대하여, trans. 조형준, 이철규, 임완철, Seoul: 새물결, 2021, 464 pp. {{ko}}
* ''[https://library.memoryoftheworld.org/#/book/ac518764-9025-4075-bf64-57ba3168c3b0 The Question Concerning Technology in China: An Essay in Cosmotechnics]'', Falmouth: Urbanomic, 2017, [https://aaaaarg.fail/thing/5d0138969ff37c3fd9622bca ARG]. [https://www.urbanomic.com/book/question-concerning-technology-china/ Publisher].
** 중국에서의 기술에 관한 물음, trans. Hyung-Joon Jo, 새물결, 2019, 400 pp. {{ko}}
** 중국에서의 기술에 관한 물음, trans. Hyung-Joon Jo, 새물결, 2019, 400 pp. {{ko}}
* ''[http://library.memoryoftheworld.org/#/book/0519e7e7-b939-492e-aff0-a3ca0ac4bc98 Recursivity and Contingency]'', London: Rowman and Littlefield, 2019, [https://aaaaarg.fail/thing/5c697a129ff37c3b69622bc9 ARG]. [https://rowman.com/ISBN/9781786600523/Recursivity-and-Contingency]
** ''Die Frage nach der Technik in China. Ein Essay über die Kosmotechnik'', trans. David Frühauf, Berlin: Matthes und Seitz, 2020, 280 pp. {{de}}
** ''La Question de la technique en Chine'', pref. Junius Frey, trans. Alex Taillard, Paris: Éditions Divergences, 2021, 332 pp. {{fr}}
** ''Cosmotecnica. La Question della Tecnologia in Cina'', trans. Sara Baranzoni, Rome: Produzioni Nero, 2021, 288 pp. {{it}}
** ''论中国的技术问题—宇宙技术初论'', trans. 卢睿洋, 苏子滢, Hangzhou: China Academy of Art Press, 2021, 304 pp. {{zh}}
* ''[http://library.memoryoftheworld.org/#/book/0519e7e7-b939-492e-aff0-a3ca0ac4bc98 Recursivity and Contingency]'', London: Rowman and Littlefield, 2019, [https://aaaaarg.fail/thing/5c697a129ff37c3b69622bc9 ARG]. [https://rowman.com/ISBN/9781786600523/Recursivity-and-Contingency Publisher].
** ''Rekursivnost i kontingentnost'' [Рекурсивность и контингентность], trans. Dmitry Kralechkin, Moscow: V-A-C Press, 2020, 400 pp. [http://www.v-a-c.ru/ru/press/юк-хуэй/ Publisher]. {{ru}}
** 递归与偶然, trans. 苏子滢, Shanghai: East China Normal University Press, 2020, 387 pp. {{zh}}
* ''Fragmentar el futuro: ensayos sobre tecnodiversidad'', Buenos Aires: Caja Negra, 2020, 192 pp. [https://cajanegraeditora.com.ar/libros/fragmentar-el-futuro-yuk-hui/ Publisher]. {{es}}
** ''[https://1lib.sk/book/11511245/23593e Tecnodiversidade]'', trans. Humberto do Amaral, Sao Paolo: Ubu, 2021, 224 pp. {{br-pt}}
* ''Art and Cosmotechnics'', University of Minnesota Press, 2021, 318 pp. [https://www.upress.umn.edu/book-division/books/art-and-cosmotechnics Publisher].
===Edited volumes===
===Edited volumes===
* editor, with Andreas Broeckmann, ''[https://monoskop.org/log/?p=14704 30 Years After Les Immatériaux: Art, Science and Theory]'', Lüneburg: meson, 2015, 245 pp.
* editor, with Andreas Broeckmann, ''[https://monoskop.org/log/?p=14704 30 Years After Les Immatériaux: Art, Science and Theory]'', Lüneburg: meson, 2015, 245 pp.
* editor, with Pieter Lemmens, ''Angelaki Journal of Theoretical Humanities'' 25(4): "Cosmotechnics", 2020. [https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/cang20/25/4]
* editor, with Pieter Lemmens, ''Cosmotechnics: For a Renewed Concept of Technology in the Anthropocene'', London: Routledge, 2021, 164 pp. [https://www.routledge.com/Cosmotechnics-For-a-Renewed-Concept-of-Technology-in-the-Anthropocene/Hui-Lemmens/p/book/9780367769369]
* editor, ''Philosophy Today'' 65(2):  "Philosophy after Automation", Spring 2021. [https://www.pdcnet.org/collection-anonymous/browse?fq=philtoday%2fVolume%2f8935%7c65%2f8998%7cIssue%3a+2%2f&fp=philtoday]
===Papers, book chapters===
===Journal Articles===
* [https://academia.edu/2241456 "The New Politics of the New Media"], in ''The Digitized Imagination: Encounters with the Virtual World'', ed. N. Rajan, Routledge, 2008, pp 90-101.
*Philosophy after Automation? ''Philosophy Today'', Vol.65 Issue 2 (2021), 217-233
* [http://www.digitalmilieu.net/documents/Cham_Hui.pdf "A Phenomenological Inquiry on the Emergence of Digital Things"], in ''What Does a Chameleon Look Like? Topographies of Immersion'', eds. A. Schwinghammer and K. Menrath, Cologne: Herbert von Halem Verlag, 2010, pp 338-351.
*On the Limit of Artificial Intelligence, ''Philosophy Today'', Vol.65 Issue 2 (2021)
* [http://www.junctures.org/index.php/junctures/article/view/6/4 "Computational Turn or a new Weltbild?"], ''Junctures'' 13, Dec 2010, pp 41-51.
*On the Persistence of the Non-modern, ''Afterall'', Issue 51 (Spring/Summer 2021)
* [http://www.digitalmilieu.net/documents/HUI_what%20is%20a%20digital%20object%20Metaphilosophy.pdf "What is a Digital Object?"], ''Metaphilosophy'' 43, eds. A. Monnin and H. Halpin, Jul 2012, pp 380-395. [http://sci-hub.tw/10.1111/j.1467-9973.2012.01761.x] [http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1467-9973.2012.01761.x/abstract]
*This Strange Being called the Cosmos ''Foundations of Science'', Volume 26, Issue 1 (Spring 2021)
* [http://www.digitalmilieu.net/documents/HUI_technological%20systems%20and%20the%20problem%20of%20desymbolisation.pdf "Technological System and the Problem of Desymbolisation: on Ellul and Simondon"], in ''Jacques Ellul and the Technological Society in the 21st Century'', eds. H.M. Jerónimo et al., Springer, Jul 2013, pp 73-82.
*For a Cosmotechnical Event, ''Foundations of Science'', Volume 26, Issue 1 (Spring 2021)
* with Harry Halpin, [https://monoskop.org/images/7/7b/Lovink_Geert_Rasch_Miriam_eds_Unlike_Us_Reader_Social_Media_Monopolies_and_Their_Alternatives.pdf#page=105 "Collective Individuation: The Future of the Social Web"], in ''Unlike Us Reader: Social Media Monopolies and Their Alternatives'', eds. Geert Lovink and Miriam Rasch, Amsterdam: Institute of Network Cultures, 2013, pp 103-116.
*Philosophy and the Planetary, ''Philosophy Today'', Vol. 64 Issue 4 (2020), 865-869
* [http://e-text.diaphanes.net/doi/10.4472/9783037342404.0007 "Deduktion, Induktion und Transduktion. Über Medienästhetik und digitale Objekte"], ''Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft'' 8, diaphanes, Apr 2013. [https://academia.edu/3390732/] {{de}}
*Machine and Ecology, ''Angelaki'', Special Issue on Cosmotechnics, Vol 25 Issue 4(August 2020), 54-66
** [http://ojs.meccsa.org.uk/index.php/netknow/article/view/376 "Induction, Deduction and Transduction: On the Aesthetics and Logic of Digital Objects"], ''Networking Knowledge'' 8:3, Jun 2015. [https://academia.edu/12788303/]
*Writing and Cosmotechnics, ''Derrida Today'', Vol 13 Issue 1 (May 2020), 17-32
* [http://www.ladeleuziana.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/171-179-PDF.pdf "Objects of Art after Duchamp: On Creativity and Gentrification"], ''La Deleuziana'' 0, 2014, pp 171-179.
*On the Soul of Technical Objects – Commentary on Simondon’s ‘Technics and Eschatology’ (1972)”, ''Theory, Culture and Society'', Vol 35 no.6 (2018), 97-111
* [https://academia.edu/18164779/ "Modulation after Control"], ''New Formations'' 84-85, Special Issue on Societies of Control, Winter 2014 / Summer 2015, pp 74-91. [https://www.lwbooks.co.uk/new-formations/84-85/modulation-after-control]
*Rhythm and Technics - on Heidegger's commentary on Rimbaud, ''Research in Phenomenology'', Vol.47 (2017), 60–84
* [http://digitalmilieu.net/documents/Hui_form%20and%20relation.pdf "Form and Relation: Materialism on an Uncanny Stage"], ''Intellectica'' 61, Jul 2014, pp 105-121. [https://academia.edu/7782458/] [http://intellectica.org/en/form-and-relation-materialism-uncanny-stage]
*On Cosmotechnics: For a Renewed Relation between Technology and Nature in the Anthropocene, ''Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology'', 21:2–3 (2017), 1–23
* [https://academia.edu/12642789/ "Einige Fragen, das Verhältnis von Materie und Relation betreffend"], ''Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft'' 12, diaphanes, 2015, pp 165-170. {{de}}
*Reframing the Technosphere: Peter Sloterdijk and Bernard Stiegler’s Anthropotechnological Diagnoses of the Anthropocene (with Pieter Lemmens), ''Krisis Journal for Contemporary Philosophy'', 2017 Issue 2, 25-40.
* [http://www.parrhesiajournal.org/parrhesia23/parrhesia23_hui.pdf "Algorithmic Catastrophe - the Revenge of Contingency"], ''Parrhesia'' 23, 2015, pp 122-143.
*A Politics of Intensity : some Aspects of Acceleration in Simondon and Deleuze (with Louis Morelle), ''Deleuze Studies'', Volume 11, Issue 4 (2017) 498-517
* [http://digitalmilieu.net/documents/Hui_Simondon%20et%20Information_Cahiers%20Simondon6.pdf "Simondon et la Question de l'information"], ''Cahiers Simondon'' 6, ed. Jean-Hugues Barthélémy, 2015, pp 29-47. {{fr}}
*Qu’est-ce que la « marge d’indétermination »?, ''Implications Philosophiques'', Dossier "Technique et technoscience après Simondon", ed. Jean-Hughes Barthélémy, 2016
* [https://monoskop.org/images/4/4d/Hui_Broeckmann_eds_30_Years_After_Les_Immateriaux_Art_Science_and_Theory.pdf#page=181 "Anamnesis and Re-Orientation: a Discourse on Matter and Time"], in ''30 Years after Les Immatériaux'', ed. Yuk Hui and Andreas Broeckmann, Lüneburg: meson, pp 179-201.
*L’exposition comme médium. Quelques observations sur la cybernétisation de l’institution et de l’exposition (with Adeena Mey), ''Appareil'', No.18 (2017) Art et médium 2 : les média dans l'art
* [https://academia.edu/14732971/ "A Contribution to the Political Economy of Personal Archives"], in ''Compromised Data: From Social Media to Big Data'', eds. Greg Elmer, Ganaele Langlois and Joanna Redden, Bloomsbury, 2015, pp 226-246.
*The Parallax of Individuation: Simondon and Schelling, ''Angelaki'', Vol.21 No.4 (2016), 77-89  
* [http://sci-hub.tw/10.14361/dcs-2015-0109 "Towards a Relational Materialism. A Reflection on Language, Relations and the Digital"], ''Digital Culture and Society'' 1, eds. Ramón Reichert and Annika Richterich, Oct 2015, pp 131-147. [https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/dcs.2015.1.issue-1/dcs-2015-0109/dcs-2015-0109.xml]
*Algorithmic Catastrophe - the Revenge of Contingency, ''Parrhesia a Journal of Critical Philosophy'', No.23, November 2015, 122-143
* [http://sci-hub.tw/10.1080/0969725X.2016.1229427 "The Parallax of Individuation: Simondon and Schelling"], ''Angelaki'' 21(4): Nature, Speculation and the Return to Schelling, eds. Tyler Tritten and Daniel Whistler, 2016, pp 77-89. [http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/0969725X.2016.1229427]
*Modulation after Control, ''New Formations'', 84-85, Special Issue on Societies of Control, 2015, 74-91
* [http://www.implications-philosophiques.org/actualite/une/quest-ce-que-la-marge-dindetermination/ "Qu'est-ce que la « marge d'indétermination »?"], ''Implications Philosophiques'', Nov 2016. {{fr}}
*Simondon et la Question de l'information, Cahiers Simondon, ed. Jean-Hugues Barthélémy (Feburary, 2015), 29-47
* [https://monoskop.org/images/4/46/Blom_Lundemo_Rossaak_eds_Memory_in_Motion_Archives_Technology_and_the_Social.pdf#page=308 "On the Synthesis of Social Memories"], in ''Memory in Motion: Archives, Technology, and the Social'' eds. Ina Blom, Trond Lundemo and Eivind Røssaak, Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam, 2016, pp 307-325.
*Deduktion, Induktion und Transduktion - über Medienästhetik und digitale Objekte, Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft, Heft 8(April,2013), 101-115.
* with Pieter Lemmens, [http://www.boundary2.org/2017/01/pieter-lemmens-and-yuk-hui-apocalypse-now-peter-sloterdijk-and-bernard-stiegler-on-the-Anthropocene/ "Apocalypse Now! Peter Sloterdijk and Bernard Stiegler on the Anthropocene"], ''boundary2'', 16 Jan 2017.
*What is a Digital Object?, Metaphilosophy, Vol. 43, No. 4, Special issue on Philosophy of the Web, edited by A. Monnin and H. Halpin, (July 2012), 380-395
** [https://www.academia.edu/30997324 "Peter Sloterdijk en Bernard Stiegler over het Antropoceen als Antropologisch Keerpunt"], [2017]. {{nl}}
*Computational Turn or a New Weltbild?, Junctures: The Journal for Thematic Dialogue, No. 13, 2010, edited by Susan Ballard, 41-51
* [http://sci-hub.tw/10.1163/15691640-12341356 "Rhythm and Technics: On Heidegger’s Commentary on Rimbaud"], ''Research in Phenomenology'' 47:1, Brill, Mar 2017, pp 60-84.
* [http://www.e-flux.com/journal/81/125815/on-the-unhappy-consciousness-of-neoreactionaries/ "On the Unhappy Consciousness of Neoreactionaries"], ''e-flux'' 81, Apr 2017.
* [http://hkw.de/de/tigers_publication/on_a_possible_passing_from_the_digital_to_the_symbolic__yuk_hui/on_a_possible_passing_from_the_digital_to_the_symbolic__yuk_hui.php "On a Possible Passing from the Digital to the Symbolic"], in ''2 or 3 Tigers'', eds. Anselm Franke and Hyunjin Kim, Berlin: Haus der Kulturen der Welt, 2017. [https://www.hkw.de/en/app/mediathek/video/56032 Video]. [https://www.academia.edu/33199405]
* [http://aaaaarg.fail/maker/5310972d334fe0726920c2b3 Hui's writings on Aaaaarg]
* [http://aaaaarg.fail/maker/5310972d334fe0726920c2b3 Hui's writings on Aaaaarg]
* Geert Lovink, [https://www.e-flux.com/journal/102/282271/cybernetics-for-the-twenty-first-century-an-interview-with-philosopher-yuk-hui/ "Cybernetics for the Twenty-First Century: An Interview with Philosopher Yuk Hui"], ''e-flux'' 102, Sep 2019.
* [http://www.e-flux.com/journal/78/82706/geert-lovink-in-conversation-with-yuk-hui-digital-objects-and-metadata-schemes/ "Geert Lovink in conversation with Yuk Hui: Digital Objects and Metadata Schemes"], ''e-flux'' 78, Dec 2016.
* [http://www.e-flux.com/journal/78/82706/geert-lovink-in-conversation-with-yuk-hui-digital-objects-and-metadata-schemes/ "Geert Lovink in conversation with Yuk Hui: Digital Objects and Metadata Schemes"], ''e-flux'' 78, Dec 2016.
* Jordan Skinner, [https://hkrbooks.com/2017/06/08/hkrb-interviews-yuk-hui/ "HKRB Interviews: Yuk Hui"], ''Hong Kong Review of Books'', 8 Jun 2017.
* Jordan Skinner, [https://hkrbooks.com/2017/06/08/hkrb-interviews-yuk-hui/ "HKRB Interviews: Yuk Hui"], ''Hong Kong Review of Books'', 8 Jun 2017.
* [https://www.parrhesiajournal.org/parrhesia27/Parrhesia27_Hui.pdf "For a Philosophy of Technology in China. Geert Lovink interviews Yuk Hui"], ''parrhesia'' 27, 2017, pp 48-63.
* [https://www.parrhesiajournal.org/parrhesia27/Parrhesia27_Hui.pdf "For a Philosophy of Technology in China. Geert Lovink interviews Yuk Hui"], ''parrhesia'' 27, 2017, pp 48-63.
* Geert Lovink, [https://www.e-flux.com/journal/102/282271/cybernetics-for-the-twenty-first-century-an-interview-with-philosopher-yuk-hui/ "Cybernetics for the Twenty-First Century: An Interview with Philosopher Yuk Hui"], ''e-flux'' 102, Sep 2019.

Revision as of 06:31, 19 October 2021

Yuk Hui is a philosopher from Hong Kong. Hui studied Computer Engineering at the University of Hong Kong, wrote his PhD thesis under the French philosopher Bernard Stiegler (1952-2020) at the Goldsmiths College in London and completed his Habilitation in philosophy of technology at the Leuphana University in Lüneburg. Earlier he was postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for Research and Innovation of the Centre Pompidou in Paris, Center for Digital Cultures at the Leuphana University, visiting scientist at the T-Labs Berlin and member of the Centre international des études simondoniennes (MSH Paris Nord). He has been teaching at the Leuphana University, Bauhaus University, China Academy of Art and the City University of Hong Kong. He is the initiator and convenor of the Research Network for Philosophy and Technology, and a juror of the Berggruen Prize for Philosophy and Culture.



  • On the Existence of Digital Objects, pref. Bernard Stiegler, University of Minnesota Press, 2016, xiii+314 pp, ARG. Publisher. Review: Larivière (Parrhesia).
    • Lun shu ma wu de cun zai [论数码物的存在], trans. Wannan Li (李婉楠), Shanghai: Shanghai People's Publishing House, 2019, 305 pp. (Chinese)
    • 디지털적 대상의 존재에 대하여, trans. 조형준, 이철규, 임완철, Seoul: 새물결, 2021, 464 pp. (Korean)
  • The Question Concerning Technology in China: An Essay in Cosmotechnics, Falmouth: Urbanomic, 2017, ARG. Publisher.
    • 중국에서의 기술에 관한 물음, trans. Hyung-Joon Jo, 새물결, 2019, 400 pp. (Korean)
    • Die Frage nach der Technik in China. Ein Essay über die Kosmotechnik, trans. David Frühauf, Berlin: Matthes und Seitz, 2020, 280 pp. (German)
    • La Question de la technique en Chine, pref. Junius Frey, trans. Alex Taillard, Paris: Éditions Divergences, 2021, 332 pp. (French)
    • Cosmotecnica. La Question della Tecnologia in Cina, trans. Sara Baranzoni, Rome: Produzioni Nero, 2021, 288 pp. (Italian)
    • 论中国的技术问题—宇宙技术初论, trans. 卢睿洋, 苏子滢, Hangzhou: China Academy of Art Press, 2021, 304 pp. (Chinese)
  • Recursivity and Contingency, London: Rowman and Littlefield, 2019, ARG. Publisher.
    • Rekursivnost i kontingentnost [Рекурсивность и контингентность], trans. Dmitry Kralechkin, Moscow: V-A-C Press, 2020, 400 pp. Publisher. (Russian)
    • 递归与偶然, trans. 苏子滢, Shanghai: East China Normal University Press, 2020, 387 pp. (Chinese)
  • Fragmentar el futuro: ensayos sobre tecnodiversidad, Buenos Aires: Caja Negra, 2020, 192 pp. Publisher. (Spanish)
    • Tecnodiversidade, trans. Humberto do Amaral, Sao Paolo: Ubu, 2021, 224 pp. (Brazilian Portuguese)
  • Art and Cosmotechnics, University of Minnesota Press, 2021, 318 pp. Publisher.

Edited volumes

  • editor, with Andreas Broeckmann, 30 Years After Les Immatériaux: Art, Science and Theory, Lüneburg: meson, 2015, 245 pp.
  • editor, with Pieter Lemmens, Angelaki Journal of Theoretical Humanities 25(4): "Cosmotechnics", 2020. [1]
  • editor, with Pieter Lemmens, Cosmotechnics: For a Renewed Concept of Technology in the Anthropocene, London: Routledge, 2021, 164 pp. [2]
  • editor, Philosophy Today 65(2): "Philosophy after Automation", Spring 2021. [3]

Journal Articles

  • Philosophy after Automation? Philosophy Today, Vol.65 Issue 2 (2021), 217-233
  • On the Limit of Artificial Intelligence, Philosophy Today, Vol.65 Issue 2 (2021)
  • On the Persistence of the Non-modern, Afterall, Issue 51 (Spring/Summer 2021)
  • This Strange Being called the Cosmos Foundations of Science, Volume 26, Issue 1 (Spring 2021)
  • For a Cosmotechnical Event, Foundations of Science, Volume 26, Issue 1 (Spring 2021)
  • Philosophy and the Planetary, Philosophy Today, Vol. 64 Issue 4 (2020), 865-869
  • Machine and Ecology, Angelaki, Special Issue on Cosmotechnics, Vol 25 Issue 4(August 2020), 54-66
  • Writing and Cosmotechnics, Derrida Today, Vol 13 Issue 1 (May 2020), 17-32
  • On the Soul of Technical Objects – Commentary on Simondon’s ‘Technics and Eschatology’ (1972)”, Theory, Culture and Society, Vol 35 no.6 (2018), 97-111
  • Rhythm and Technics - on Heidegger's commentary on Rimbaud, Research in Phenomenology, Vol.47 (2017), 60–84
  • On Cosmotechnics: For a Renewed Relation between Technology and Nature in the Anthropocene, Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology, 21:2–3 (2017), 1–23
  • Reframing the Technosphere: Peter Sloterdijk and Bernard Stiegler’s Anthropotechnological Diagnoses of the Anthropocene (with Pieter Lemmens), Krisis Journal for Contemporary Philosophy, 2017 Issue 2, 25-40.
  • A Politics of Intensity : some Aspects of Acceleration in Simondon and Deleuze (with Louis Morelle), Deleuze Studies, Volume 11, Issue 4 (2017) 498-517
  • Qu’est-ce que la « marge d’indétermination »?, Implications Philosophiques, Dossier "Technique et technoscience après Simondon", ed. Jean-Hughes Barthélémy, 2016
  • L’exposition comme médium. Quelques observations sur la cybernétisation de l’institution et de l’exposition (with Adeena Mey), Appareil, No.18 (2017) Art et médium 2 : les média dans l'art
  • The Parallax of Individuation: Simondon and Schelling, Angelaki, Vol.21 No.4 (2016), 77-89
  • Algorithmic Catastrophe - the Revenge of Contingency, Parrhesia a Journal of Critical Philosophy, No.23, November 2015, 122-143
  • Modulation after Control, New Formations, 84-85, Special Issue on Societies of Control, 2015, 74-91
  • Simondon et la Question de l'information, Cahiers Simondon, ed. Jean-Hugues Barthélémy (Feburary, 2015), 29-47
  • Deduktion, Induktion und Transduktion - über Medienästhetik und digitale Objekte, Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft, Heft 8(April,2013), 101-115.
  • What is a Digital Object?, Metaphilosophy, Vol. 43, No. 4, Special issue on Philosophy of the Web, edited by A. Monnin and H. Halpin, (July 2012), 380-395
  • Computational Turn or a New Weltbild?, Junctures: The Journal for Thematic Dialogue, No. 13, 2010, edited by Susan Ballard, 41-51
  • Hui's writings on Aaaaarg

