Brian O'Doherty
Brian O'Doherty (1928, Ballaghaderreen, County Roscommon, Ireland), formerly Patrick Ireland, is an artist and writer. He has had numerous exhibitions in Europe and the United States, including several retrospectives, the most recent of which was at New York University's Grey Gallery in 2007. His alter ego, Patrick Ireland, aged 36, was buried at the Irish Museum of Modern Art in 2008. The name, a political act, was assumed after the Derry, Northern Ireland massacre of 1972. He is the author of several books and novels, including Inside the White Cube, Studio and Cube, and The Deposition of Fr. McGreevy, which was nominated for the Man Booker prize. His alter egos also include Sigmund Bode, feminist and poet Mary Josephson, and William Maginn. He lives in New York with his wife, the art historian, Barbara Novak.
- editor, Aspen 5+6: The Minimalism Issue, New York, 1967.
- Object and Idea: An Art Critic's Journal, 1961-1967, New York: Simon and Schuster, 1967, 250 pp.
- "Inside the White Cube", Artforum, Mar & Apr & Nov 1976; rev.ed. as Inside The White Cube: The Ideology of the Gallery Space, intro. Thomas McEvilley, San Francisco: Lapis, 1986, 91 pp; exp.ed., University of California Press, 1999, 113 pp. First published as a series of 3 essays [1]. Review: Sheikh (e-flux 2009).
- In der weissen Zelle, ed. & trans. Wolfgang Kemp, afterw. Markus Brüderlin, Berlin: Merve, 1996. (German)
- No interior do cubo branco: a ideologia do espaço da arte, trans. Carlos S. Mendes Rosa, rev. Carlos Fajardo, intro. Martin Grossmann, São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2002, 138 pp. (Brazilian Portuguese)
- I den hvide kube: gallerirummets ideologi, trans. Simon Sheikh, Copenhagen: Politisk revy, 2002, 130 pp. (Danish)
- White Cube. L'espace de la galerie et son ideologie, pref. Patricia Falguières, Zürich: JRP Ringier, 2008, 208 pp. (French)
- Beyaz küpün İçinde: galeri mekanının idelolojisi, trans. Ahu Antmen, İstanbul: Sel Yayıncılık, 2010, 136 pp. (Turkish)
- Dentro del cubo blanco: la ideología del espacio expositivo, trans. Lena Peñate Spicer, Murcia: CENDEAC, 2011, 109 pp. (Spanish)
- Inside the white cube: l'ideologia dello spazio espositivo, trans. Irene Inserra and Marcella Mancini, Milan: Johan & Levi, 2012, 142 pp. (Italian)
- Uvnitř bílé krychle: ideologie galerijního prostoru, trans. Pavel Černovský, Prague: (Navigace), 2014, 104 pp. [2] (Czech)
- Vnutri belogo kuba. Ideologiya galereynogo prostranstva [Внутри белого куба. Идеология галерейного пространства], trans. Daria Prokhorova (Дарья Прохорова), Moscow: Garage Publishing & Ad Marginem, 2015, 144 pp. [3] (Russian)
- Biały sześcian od wewnątrz: ideologia przestrzeni galerii, trans. Aneta Szyłak, Warsaw: Fundacja Alternativa, 2015, 137 pp. (Polish)
- American Masters: The Voice and the Myth in Modern Art: Hopper, Davis, Pollock, De Kooning, Rothko, Rauschenberg, Wyeth, Cornell, New York: Dutton, 1982, OL.
- Kunst in Amerika: Maler unserer Zeit, trans. Rainer Zerbst, Stuttgart: Belser, 1988, 296 pp. (German)
- The Strange Case of Mademoiselle P., London: Arcadia Books, 1992, OL. Novel.
- Der merkwürdige Fall der Mademoiselle P. Roman, trans. Anne Rademacher, Munich: Knaus, 1993, 221 pp; repr., Leipzig: DZB, 1996. (German)
- El Extraño caso de Mademoiselle P., trans. R.M. Bassols, Barcelona: Seix Barral, 1993, 189 pp. (Spanish)
- Lo Strano caso di Mademoiselle P., trans. Mara Muzzarelli, Milan: Baldini & Castoldi, 1993, 127 pp. (Italian)
- Het mysterie mademoiselle P., trans. Tineke Funhoff, Amsterdam: Arena, 1993, 174 pp. (Dutch)
- Den mærkelige sag om Mademoiselle P.: roman, trans. Ilse M. Haugaard, Valby: Borgen, 1993, 133 pp. (Danish)
- L'étrange cas de mademoiselle P.: roman, trans. Julien Deleuze, Paris: Rivages, 1996, 190 pp. (French)
- Bir garip vaka, trans. Serpil Durak, Istanbul: Ayrıntı, 1996, 130 pp. (Turkish)
- Čudni slučaj gospođice P., trans. Olga Škarić, Zagreb: Profil, 2005, 139 pp. (Croatian)
- The Deposition of Father McGreevy, London: Arcadia Books, 1999, OL. Novel.
- Aufzeichnungen eines Landpfarrers. Roman, trans. Kathrin Razum, Munich: Goldmann, 2002, 351 pp. (German)
- Výpověď otce McGreevyho, trans. Simona Mazáčová, Prague: Volvox Globator, 2003, 223 pp. (Czech)
- Rahibin itirafları: roman, trans. D. Denizci, Istanbul: Gendaş, 2003, 309 pp. (Turkish)
- Iskaz Oca McGreevyja, trans. Olga Škarić, Zagreb: Profil, 2003, 259 pp. (Croatian)
- Izjava oca Makgrivija, trans. Vesna Petrović, Belgrade: Dereta, 2004, 275 pp. (Serbian)
- Studio and Cube: On The Relationship Between Where Art is Made and Where Art is Displayed, Princeton Architectural Press, and and FORuM Project Publications, 2007, ARG.
- Atelier und Galerie: Studio and Cube, trans. Dirk Setton, Berlin: Merve, 2010, 100 pp. (German)
- Collected Essays, ed. Liam Kelly, intro. Anne-Marie Bonnet, University of California Press, 2018, 360 pp. [4]
- Patrick Ireland, Drawings 1965-1985, Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1986, 63 pp. Exhibition held at the National Museum of American Art, 4 Apr-17 Aug 1986.
- Christina Kennedy, Georgina Jackson (eds.), Beyond the White Cube: A Retrospective of Brian O'Doherty, Dublin: Dublin City Gallery The Hugh Lane, 2006.
- Brenda Moore-McCann, Brian O’Doherty/Patrick Ireland: Between Categories, Farnham Surrey: Lund Humphries, 2009. Review: Carrier (ArtCritical 2010).
- Christina Kennedy, Marguerite O'Molloy (eds.), Post-War American Art: The Novak/O'Doherty Collection, Dublin: Irish Museum of Modern Art, 2010.
- Ciarán Benson, "No Sad Imperialist of the Aesthetic Self", Dublin Review of Books 17, Spring 2011.
- Ingmar Lähnemann, Inside and Outside the White Cube: Between Categories - Brian O'Doherty / Patrick Ireland und sein Werk, Hamburg: Disserta, 2011, 368 pp. PhD thesis. TOC & Introduction, [5] [6] (German)
- Christa-Maria Lerm Hayes (ed.), Brian O'Doherty/Patrick Ireland: Word, Image and Institutional Critique, Amsterdam: Valiz, 2017, 304 pp. [7]
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