Bruno Latour

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Bruno Latour. Photo: Fidelis Fuchs. (Source)

Bruno Latour (22 June 1947, Beaune, France - 8 October 2022, Paris, France) was a sociologist of science best known for his books We Have Never Been Modern, Laboratory Life, and Science in Action.


Bruno Latour presents himself in his book Où atterrir as coming from a bourgeois and provincial family of Burgundy wine merchants. He discovered philosophy in his final year of high school, and fell in love with it immediately. As a young Catholic student, he was active in the Jeunesse étudiante chrétienne (Young Christian Students), and said he was very influenced by Charles Péguy. It was in theology that he defended his thesis at the University of Tours in 1975, entitled Exegesis and ontology: an analysis of resurrection texts.

He was married to the musician Chantal Latour (with whom he sometimes worked); their children are Chloé and Robinson, artists. (Source, and cont.)



  • with Steve Woolgar, Laboratory Life: the Social Construction of Scientific Facts, intro. Jonas Salk, Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 1979, 272 pp; Princeton University Press, 1986; repr., 2013. (English)
    • La Vie de laboratoire. La production des faits scientifiques, Paris: La Découverte, 1988.
    • La vida en el laboratorio. La construcción de los hechos científicos, trans. Eulalia Pérez Sedeño, Madrid: Alianza, 1995, 326 pp. (Spanish)
    • A vida de laboratório: a produção dos fatos científicos, trans. Angela Ramalho Vianna, Rio de Janeiro: Relume Dumara, 1997. (Brazilian Portuguese)
    • Zycie laboratoryjne: konstruowanie faktow naukowych, trans. Krzysztof Abriszewski, Paweł Gaska, Maciej Smoczyński and Adrian Zabielski, Warsaw: Narodowe Centrum Kultury, 2020, 383 pp. (Polish)
  • Pasteur: bataille contre les microbes, ills. Annie-Claude Martin, Paris: Nathan, 1985, 70 pp.
    • Pasteur: la lucha contra los microbios, trans. Luis Prensa, Madrid: SM, 1988, 71 pp. (Spanish)
    • Saikin to tatakau pasutoūru, trans. Ruriko Kishida and Michiko Wada, 1989, 123 pp. (Japanese)
    • Paster: vojna i mir mikrobov [Пастер: война и мир микробов], Sankt-Peterburg: Izdatelʹstvo Evropejskogo universiteta v Sankt Peterburge, 2015, 314 pp. (Russian)
    • Ba si de de shi yan shi: Xi jun de zhan zheng yu he ping [巴斯德的实验室: 细菌的战争与和平], Xinbei: Qun xue chu ban you xian gong si, 2016, 503 pp. (Chinese)
  • editor, with Jocelyn de Noblet, Les 'Vues' de l'esprit: une introduction à l'anthropologie des sciences et des techniques, Neuilly-sur-Seine: Centre de Recherche sur la Culture Technique, 1985, 280 pp.
  • editor, with Michel Callon, Les scientifiques et leurs alliés, Paris: Pandore, 1985, 255 pp.
  • Nous n'avons jamais été modernes. Essai d’anthropologie symétrique, Paris: La Découverte, 1991, EPUB.
    • We Have Never Been Modern, trans. Catherine Porter, Harvard University Press, 1993, 157 pp. (English)
    • Nunca hemos sido modernos: ensayo de antropología moderna, trans. Fernando Conde, Madrid: Debate, 1993, 221 pp. (Spanish)
    • Jamais fomos modernos. Ensaio de antropologia simétrica, trans. Carlos Irineu da Costa, 1994. (Portuguese)
    • Wij zijn nooit modern geweest: pleidooi voor een symmetrische antropologie, trans. Joep van Dijk and Gerard de Vries, Amsterdam: Van Gennep, 1994, 213 pp; Amsterdam: Boom, 2016, 248 pp. (Dutch)
    • Vi har aldri vært moderne: essay i symmetrisk antropologi, trans. Ragnar Braastad Myklebust, Oslo: Spartacus, 1996, 220 pp. (Norwegian)
    • Artefaktens återkomst: ett möte mellan organisationsteori och tingens sociologi, trans. Elisabeth Wennerholm, Göteborg: Nerenius & Santérus, 1998, 328 pp. (Swedish)
    • Sohasem voltunk modernek: szimmetrikus antropológiai tanulmány, trans. Gecser Ottó, Budapest: Osiris, 1999, 257 pp. (Hungarian)
    • Lam nakun ḥadāthīyīn abadan: baḥth fī al-āntrubūlūjīyā al-tanāẓurīyah, Dimashq: Dar al-Madá, 2000, 256 pp. (Arabic)
    • Nikdy sme neboli moderní, trans. Miroslav Marcelli, Kalligram, 2003, 200 pp. (Slovak)
    • Nikad nismo bilo moderni: ogled iz simetrične antropologije, trans. Olja Petronic, Zagreb: Arkzin & AIIR, 2005; repr. as Nikada nismo bili moderni: esej iz simetrične antropologije, Novi Sad: Mediterran publishing, 2010. (Serbo-Croatian)
    • Novogo vremeni ne bylo. Esse po simmetrichnoy antropologii [Нового Времени не было. Эссе по симметричной антропологии], trans. Д. Я. Калугина, 2006. (Russian)
    • Vi har aldrig været moderne: et essay om symmetrisk antropologi, trans. Carsten Sestoft, Copenhagen: Hans Reitzel, 2006, 251 pp. (Danish)
    • Nunca fuimos modernos. Ensayo de antropología simétrica, trans. Víctor Goldstein, Buenos Aires: Siglo Veintiuno, 2007, 221 pp. (Spanish)
    • Biz hiç modern olmadık: simetrik antropoloji denemesi, trans. İnci Uysal, Istanbul: Norgunk Yayınları, 2008, 181 pp. (Turkish)
    • Nigdy nie byliśmy nowocześni: studium z antropologii symetrycznej, trans. Maciej Gdula, Warsaw: Oficyna Naukowa, 2011, 206 pp. (Polish)
    • 我们从未现代过. 对称性人类学论集, trans. 刘鹏 and 安涅思, 2011. (Chinese)
    • Me pole kunagi olnud modernsed: essee sümmeetrilisest antropoloogiast, trans. Anti Saar, Tallinn: TLÜ Kirjastus, 2014, 279 pp. (Estonian)
    • Nu am fost niciodată moderni: eseu de antropologie simetrică, trans. Bogdan Ghiu, Cluj-Napoca: Tact, 2015, 232 pp. (Romanian)
  • La clef de Berlin et autres leçons d'un amateur de sciences, Paris: La Découverte, 1993, 251 pp.
    • De Berlijnse sleutel en andere lessen van een liefhebber van wetenschap en techniek, trans. Rokus Hofstede and Henne van der Kooy, Amsterdam: Van Gennep, 1997, 289 pp. (Dutch)
  • Pasteur: une science, un style, un siecle, Paris: Perrin, 1994, 191 pp.
    • Pasteur: una ciencia, un estilo, un siglo, trans. Stella Mastrángelo, México, DF: Siglo Veintiuno, 1995, 230 pp. (Spanish)
  • Jubiler ou les difficultés de l’énonciation religieuse, Les Empêcheurs, 2002. [4]
  • editor, with Peter Weibel, Iconoclash: Beyond the Image Wars in Science, Religion, and Art, Karlsruhe: ZKM, and Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2002, 703 pp. Exh. held at ZKM, May-Sep 2002. (English)
    • Bruno Latour, Iconoclash oder Gibt es eine Welt jenseits des Bilderkrieges?, trans. Gustav Rossler, Berlin: Merve, 2002, 77 pp. Trans. of excerpt. (German)
  • Reassembling the Social: An Introduction to Actor-Network-Theory, Oxford University Press, 2005, 301 pp. (English)
    • Changer de société. Refaire de la sociologie, trans. Nicolas Guilhot, Paris: La Découverte, 2006.
    • Eine neue Soziologie für eine neue Gesellschaft. Einführung in die Akteur-Netzwerk-Theorie, trans. Gustav Rozler, Berlin: Suhrkamp, 2007. (German)
    • Reensamblar lo social: una introducción a la teoría del actor-red, trans. Gabriel Zadunaisky, Buenos Aires: Manantial, 2008, 390 pp. (Spanish)
    • En ny sociologi for et nyt samfund: introduktion til aktør-netværk-teori, trans. Claus Bratt Østergaard, Copenhagen: Akademisk, 2008, 360 pp. (Danish)
    • Splataja̜c na nowo to, co społeczne: wprowadzenie do teorii aktora-sieci, intro. Krzysztof Abriszewski, Krakow: Universitas, 2010, 435 pp. (Polish)
    • Regregando o social: uma introduçao à Teoria do Actor Rede, trans. Gilson Cesar Cardoso de Sousa, EDUFBA & EDUSC, 2012, 400 pp. [6] (Brazilian Portuguese)
    • Tinget återställt: en introduktion till actor-network theory, trans. Linnea Kjellberg, Lund: Studentlitteratur, 2015, 344 pp. (Swedish)
    • Shakaiteki na mono o kuminaosu : akutā nettowāku riron nyūmon [社会的なものを組み直す: アクターネットワーク理論入門], trans. Itō Hirotaka, Tokyo: Hōseidaigakushuppankyoku, 2019, 524+53 pp.
  • with Vincent Antonin Lépinay, L'économie, science des intérêts passionnés. Introduction à l'anthropologie de Gabriel Tarde, Paris: La Découverte, 2009, 134 pp.
    • The Science of Passionate Interests: An Introduction to Gabriel Tarde’s Economic Anthropology, Prickly Paradigm Press, 2009, 100 pp. (English)
    • La economía, ciencia de los intereses apasionados: introducción a la antropología económica de Gabriel Tarde, trans. Heber Cardoso, Buenos Aires: Manantial, 2009, 124 pp. (Spanish)
    • Jōnen no keizaigaku: tarudo keizai shinrigaku nyūmon [情念の経済学: タルド経済心理学入門], trans. Nakakura Tomonori, Kyoto: Jinbunshoin, 2021, 163 pp. (Japanese)
  • Cogitamus: six lettres sur les humanités scientifiques, Paris: La Découverte, 2010, 246 pp.
    • Cogitamus: seis cartas sobre las humanidades científicas, trans. Alcira Bixio, Buenos Aires: Paidós, 2012, 196 pp. (Spanish)
    • Cogitamus: sei lettere sull'umanesimo scientifico, Bologna: Il Mulino, 2013, 189 pp. (Italian)
    • Cogitamus, trans. Bettina Engels und Nikolaus Gramm, Berlin: Suhrkamp, 2016, 213 pp. [10] (German)
  • editor, with Pasquale Gagliardi and Pedro Memelsorff, Coping with the Past: Creative Perspectives on Conservation and Restoration, Firenze: Olschki, 2010, xvii+206 pp. Conference papers and proceedings. [11] (English)
  • Enquête sur les modes d’existence. Une anthropologie des Modernes, Paris: La Découverte, 2012, 504 pp.
    • An Inquiry into Modes of Existence: An Anthropology of the Moderns, trans. Catherine Porter, Harvard University Press, 2013, 520 pp. (English)
    • Investigation sobre los modos de existentia, trans. Alcira Bixio, Buenos Aires: Paidós, 2013, 476 pp, ARG. (Spanish)
    • Existenzweisen: Eine Anthropologie der Modernen, trans. Donato Ricci, Berlin: Suhrkamp, 2014, ARG. (German)
    • Istraživanje o modusima života: jedna antropologija Modernih, trans. Olja Petronic, Belgrade: Fakultet za medije i komunikacije, 2015. (Serbian)
    • Cercetare asupra modurilor de existenja, trans. Alexandru Matei, TACT Editura, 2017. (Romanian)

Selected works

  • Artefaktens återkomst: ett möte mellan organisationsteori och tingens sociologi, ed. B. Czaniawska, trans. Elisabeth Wennerholm, Stockholm: Nerenius & Santérus, 1998; Stockholm: Santérus Academic Press, 2012, 329 pp. [19] (Swedish)
  • Stopovat a skládat světy s Brunem Latourem: výbor z textů 1998-2013, trans. Čestmír Pelikán, Prague:, 2016, 256 pp. (Czech)
  • Shosekai no sensō: heiwa wa ikaga [諸世界の戦争: 平和はいかが], Tokyo: Ibunsha, 2020, iii+129 pp. (Japanese)
  • Het parlement van de dingen: over Gaia en de representatie van niet mensen, trans. Willem Visser, Amsterdam: Boom, 2020, 192 pp. (Dutch)


Conversations and interviews

  • Nicolas Truong, "Nous avons changé de monde - Bruno Latour: l'ultime entretien", ARTE, 2022, 11 x 13 min. Video. "In October 2021, exclusively for ARTE, Bruno Latour asked Nicolas Truong, a leading reporter for Le Monde and a specialist in the life of ideas, to revisit his 50 years of research. Spread out over four mornings, these interviews were intended to complete in another form, this time audiovisual, the whole of his work." (French)

