Moscow Conceptualists

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Groups, artists[edit]

  • Collective Actions (Коллективные действия)
  • The Nest (Гнездо: Gennady Donskoy (Геннадий Донской), Mikhail Roshal (Михаил Рошаль), Victor Skersis (Виктор Скерсис))
  • Erik Bulatov (Эрик Булатов)
  • Rimma Gerlovin (Римма Герловина) and Valery Gerlovin (Валерий Герловин)
  • Ilya Kabakov (Илья Кабаков)
  • Vitaly Komar (Виталий Комар) and Alexander Melamid (Александр Меламид)
  • Andrei Monastyrski (Андрей Монастырский)
  • Pavel Pepperstein (Павел Пепперштейн)
  • Viktor Pivovarov (Виктор Пивоваров)
  • Dmitry Prigov (Дмитрий Пригов)
  • Vadim Zakharov (Вадим Захаров)


For publications on individual artists and collectives see their respective pages.

Andrei Monastyrsky, Dictionary of Moscow Conceptualism, 1999/2010, PDF, HTML.
Moskovskii kontseptualizm, 2005, PDF, Log.
  • Andrei Monastyrsky (Монастырский Андрей), Slovar terminov Moskovskoi kontseptualnoi shkoly [Словарь терминов московской концептуальной школы], Moscow: Ad Marginem, 1999. (Russian)
  • Sylvia Sasse, Texte in Aktion. Sprech- und Sprachakte im Moskauer Konzeptualismus, Munich: Fink, 2003. (German)
  • Moskauer Konzeptualismus. Sammlung Haralampi G. Oroschakoff : Sammlung, Verlag und Archiv Vadim Zakharov : Kupferstichkabinett, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Cologne: Walter König, 2003, 176 pp. [1] [2] (German)/(English)
  • Moskovskii kontseptualizm [Московский концептуализм], eds. Ekaterina Degot and Vadim Zakharov, Moscow: WAM, 2005, 415 pp. Special issue of World Art Музей (WAM) journal, 15/16. (Russian)
  • Victor Tupitsyn, The Museological Unconscious: Communal (Post)Modernism in Russia, intro. Susan Buck-Morss and Victor Tupitsyn, MIT Press, 2009, x+341 pp. (English)
  • Boris Groys, History Becomes Form: Moscow Conceptualism, MIT Press, 2010, 224 pp. Review: Weibgen (ArtJournal 2011). (English)
  • Matthew Jesse Jackson, The Experimental Group: Ilya Kabakov, Moscow Conceptualism, Soviet Avant-Gardes, University of Chicago Press, 2010, 336 pp. [3]. Review: Weibgen (ArtJournal 2011). (English)
  • Moscow Symposium: Conceptualism Revisited, ed. & intro. Boris Groys, Berlin: Sternberg, 2012, 176 pp. With essays by Claire Bishop, Keti Chukhrov, Ekaterina Degot, Jörg Heiser, Terry Smith, Anton Vidokle, and Sarah Wilson. [4] (English)
  • Collective Actions: Audience Recollections from the First Five Years, 1976-1981, ed. & trans. Yelena Kalinsky, Chicago: Soberscove Press, 2012, 116 pp. A volume of audience recollections from early Collective Actions performances. Excerpt. [5]. Review: Gerber (Mute). (English)
  • Octavian Eşanu, Transition in Post-Soviet Art: The Collective Actions Group Before and After 1989, forew. Boris Groys, CEU Press, 2013, xvii+357 pp. (English)
  • Victor Agamov-Tupitsyn (Виктор Агамов-Тупицын), Vechnost vechna, potomu chto bespechna. Andrey Monastyrskiy i gruppa “Kollektivnyye deystviya” [Вечность вечна, потому что беспечна. Андрей Монастырский и группа “Коллективные действия”], Moscow: Garage, 2019, 184 pp. Dialogue between Andrei Monastyrsky and Victor Agamov-Tupitsyn. [6] (Russian)
  • Between Spring and Summer: Soviet Conceptual Art in the Era of Late Communism, ed. David A. Ross, Tacoma, WA: Tacoma Art Museum, Boston: Institute of Contemporary Art, and Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1990, 206 pp. Catalogue. Exh. curated by David A. Ross, Elisabeth Sussman, Margarita Tupitsyn, and Joseph Bakshtein. (English)
  • Die Totale Aufklärung: Moskauer Konzeptkunst, 1960-1990 / Total Enlightenment: Conceptual Art in Moscow, 1960-1990, eds. Boris Groys, Max Hollein and Manuel Fontán del Junco, Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz, 2008, 423 pp. Catalogue published in conjunction with the exhibition held at Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt, June 21-Sept. 14, 2008 and Fundación Juan March, Madrid, Oct. 10, 2008-Jan. 11, 2009. (German)/(English)
  • Field of Action: The Moscow Conceptual School in Context 1970s-1980s, eds. Aleksandra Danilova and Elena Kuprina-Lyakhovich, Moscow: Ekaterina Collection, 2010. (English)
  • Empty Zones: Andrei Monastyrski and Collective Actions / Пустые зоны. Андрей Монастырский и Коллективные действия, ed. Boris Groys, London: Black Dog Publishing, 2011, 127 pp. The Russian Pavilion at the 54th International Art Exhibition of la Biennale di Venezia, 2011. [8] [9] (English)/(Russian)
  • Moscow Conceptualism in Context, ed. Alla Rosenfeld, Munich: Prestel, and New Brunswick: Zimmerli Art Museum, 2011, 496 pp. [10]. Review: Audureau (Critique d'art 2012). (English)
  • Moskovskii kontseptualizm. Nachalo [Московский концептуализм. Начало], ed. Yuri Albert (Юрий Альберт), Nizhny Novgorod: NCCA, 2014, 271 pp. Catalogue of the 2012 exhibition at NCCA Arsenal curated by Yuri Albert. (Russian)
  • Thinking Pictures. The Visual Field of Moscow Conceptualism, ed. Jane A. Sharp, New Brunswick: Zimmerli Art Museum at Rutgers University, 2016. [11] [12]
  • Thinking Pictures: Conceptual Art from Moscow and the Baltics, eds. Anu Allas and Liisa Kaljula, Tallinn: Estonian Art Museum, 2022, 208 pp. Exhibition. Exh. review: Janušová (Artmargins). [13] (Estonian)/(English)
Journal issues
  • Iskusstvo [Искусство] 5: "Moskovskii kontseptualizm" [Московский концептуализм], 2008. Special issue of journal. (Russian)
  • Iskusstvo [Искусство] 2: "Kontseptualizm. Obraz zhizni" [Концептуализм. Образ жизни], 2011. Special issue of journal. (Russian)
  • e-flux 29: "Global Conceptualism Revisited", ed. Boris Groys, Nov 2011. (English)
Essays, interviews

