Ekaterina Degot, Vadim Zakharov (eds.): Moscow Conceptualism (2005) [Russian]
Filed under book | Tags: · art, art history, community art, conceptual art, installation art, performance art, russia
“This book collects more than 150 works of twenty leading artists and groups of Moscow conceptual circle, including Ilya Kabakov, Andrey Monastyrsky, Komar & Melamid, Inspection Medical Hermeneutic, and many others. Many installations, art objects and documentations of performances are published for the first time.”
Essays by Vadim Zakharov, Ekaterina Degot, Andrey Monastyrsky, Boris Groys, a.o.
Works by Yuri Albert, Nikita Alexeev, Sergey Anufriev, Ivan Chuikov, Collective Actions Group, Donskoy–Roshal–Skersis Group, Ilya Kabakov, Yuri Leiderman, Igor Makarevich & Elena Elagina, Inspection Medical Hermeneutics, Komar & Melamid, Andrey Monastyrsky, Sabina Hänsgen & Andrey Monastyrsky, Mukhomor Group, Nikolay Panitkov, Pavel Pepperstein, Victor Pivovarov, Dmitry Prigov, Lev Rubinstein, SZ Group, Vadim Zakharov.
Moskovskii kontseptualizm, a special issue of the World Art Музей (WAM) journal, 15/16
Publisher WAM, Moscow, 2005
ISSN 1726-3050
415 pages
via Conceptualism-Moscow.org
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