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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
19:28, 24 February 2015 Žalmanová Zuzana Ivor Diosi homo universale Profil 2002-02.pdf (file) 97 KB   1
18:54, 27 March 2016 ZKM Internationaler Medienkunstpreis 2003 Konstruiertes-Leben.jpg (file) 76 KB   1
00:45, 30 March 2016 ZKM International Media Art Awards 2003 Ivor Diosi Nomination.png (file) 238 KB   1
18:41, 25 January 2015 XMAG-096.pdf (file) 28.66 MB XMAG techno.pop Magazine #98 / 2007 1
17:25, 7 August 2016 VIDA 4.0 Art & Artificial Life International Competition.pdf (file) 194 KB   1
17:43, 11 October 2015 VIDA 13.2 Awarded Projects 2011.pdf (file) 957 KB   1
13:36, 29 January 2015 VIDA 13.2 Art and Artificial Life International Awards Call for entries (Statement of Purpose).pdf (file) 35 KB   1
17:04, 10 October 2015 Transmediale.04 Fly Utopia! Jury Statement 2004.pdf (file) 310 KB   1
00:17, 27 September 2015 Transmediale.04 Fly Utopia! Berlin Diosi Honorary Mention.pdf (file) 137 KB   1
05:08, 29 September 2015 TransGenesis 2006 About.pdf (file) 83 KB   1
07:38, 22 June 2015 The LUMEN Prize 2014 Final Show Curator Statements.pdf (file) 91 KB   1
16:49, 16 June 2015 The British Computer Society The 2014 Lumen Prize Exhibition Catalogue.pdf (file) 3.88 MB   1
07:26, 22 June 2015 Tereza Simandlová CIANT a jeho role v mezinárodní novomediální výměně 2013.pdf (file) 539 KB   1
01:45, 29 January 2015 TIMEin - Umeni + technologie + vase smysly = CIANT @ TIMEin Magazine 05-2007.jpg (file) 118 KB   1
01:47, 26 January 2015 Spinster, Annie (2009) - Virtual Worlds for Virtual Lives.pdf (file) 659 KB Annie Spinster, "Virtual Worlds for Virtual Lives", Master Thesis Research, 2009 (English) A Feasibility Study to Determine the Suitability of Three Different Virtual Environments for Creating an A-Life Art Project using a Virtual Ecosystem and Real-W... 1
23:05, 27 January 2015 Sedlak Pavel 2008 Umeni z krateru A2 Magazine No40-08.pdf (file) 166 KB   1
06:00, 3 March 2015 Post Me New ID The Posthuman Condition of Modern Europeans TOX 2009.pdf (file) 13.23 MB   1
02:09, 26 February 2015 Nebeský Jiří Umění z laboratoře Palác Akropolis Newsletter 2004.pdf (file) 154 KB   1
16:33, 29 January 2015 NIVAF 2006 The 1st Nagano International Video Art Festival Programme makotomaruyama.pdf (file) 59 KB   1
17:51, 2 October 2016 Multiplace 2002 Vladimira Pcolova ID Engines 08.jpg (file) 96 KB   1
00:57, 2 October 2016 Multiplace 2002 Ivor Diosi ID Engines 08.jpg (file) 160 KB   1
11:26, 2 November 2016 Max Ernst L'Ange du Foyeur 1937.jpg (file) 34 KB   1
16:34, 1 September 2016 Laura Boggia Posthuman Body and Interactivity August 2016.pdf (file) 332 KB   1
00:08, 27 September 2015 LUMEN Prize 2014 Final Show London 2015 May Invitation.jpg (file) 390 KB   1
11:04, 2 November 2016 Kurt Schwitters DasUndbild 1919.jpg (file) 387 KB   1
00:15, 27 September 2015 Japan Media Arts Festival Archive 2012 -16th- Jury Selections Art Division - Diosi Molding the Signifier.pdf (file) 246 KB   1
19:28, 30 October 2016 Ivor Diosi Tradeshow 1996 Neon Sign web.jpg (file) 106 KB   2
08:49, 11 November 2016 Ivor Diosi Tradeshow 1996 HUGO Tower building-web.jpg (file) 485 KB   2
18:42, 30 October 2016 Ivor Diosi Tradeshow 1996 HUGO BOSS (reworked 2006) small.jpg (file) 450 KB   1
14:26, 2 November 2016 Ivor Diosi Total Entartete Screenshots Collage.png (file) 96 KB   1
21:26, 2 November 2016 Ivor Diosi Total Entartete PromoPic.jpg (file) 269 KB   4
23:41, 21 September 2020 Ivor Diosi Qualia 2019 BRA1N.IO.jpg (file) 504 KB Qualia driven by brain-computer interface 1
20:27, 2 November 2016 Ivor Diosi Entartete Exhibition InverseProjection.jpg (file) 305 KB   2
15:32, 14 January 2016 Ivor Diosi 2016.jpg (file) 1.97 MB   1
01:35, 28 January 2015 Hrbacek Ladislav 2002 An Anthology of Five Generations of Slovak Photography Fotograf Magazine No1 (Excerpt).pdf (file) 137 KB   1
18:40, 30 October 2016 Gallery Priestor 2006-05-25 runaway - HUGO 1996.png (file) 242 KB   1
23:46, 27 January 2015 EnterMultimediale 2 Festival of Art and New Technologies Catalogue 2005.pdf (file) 4.5 MB   1
11:04, 2 November 2016 Entartete musik poster.jpg (file) 200 KB   1
11:03, 2 November 2016 Entartete Kunst poster.jpg (file) 34 KB   1
11:25, 2 November 2016 Entartete Kunst catalogue Otto Freundlich.jpg (file) 68 KB   1
06:20, 28 January 2015 E-golems II argentinean-czech biennial 2007 agenda.pdf (file) 376 KB   1
05:34, 3 February 2015 Diosi homogene detail02.jpg (file) 2.84 MB   1
05:31, 3 February 2015 Diosi homogene detail01.jpeg (file) 2.94 MB   1
05:33, 3 February 2015 Diosi homogene 1997.png (file) 534 KB   1
16:54, 26 January 2015 Diosi - qualia project lungs wip01.png (file) 6.24 MB   1
09:16, 26 January 2015 Diosi - qualia project interaction.png (file) 1.96 MB The Qualia Project - Interaction 1
09:38, 26 January 2015 Diosi - molding PromoPix Tricolore.png (file) 2.58 MB   1
22:45, 7 May 2015 Diosi - molding Data Flow Scheme Long.jpg (file) 661 KB   2
13:55, 27 January 2015 Diosi - ACA Media Arts Festival 2001 Adjudication.pdf (file) 5 KB   1
03:30, 28 January 2015 Denisa Kera 2005 Teorie joysticku.pdf (file) 3.35 MB   1
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