Boris Groys

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Boris Groys (born Boris Efimovich Groys, East-Berlin/GDR, 1947) is an art critic, media theorist, and philosopher.

1965-71 studies of Philosophy and Mathematics at the University of Leningrad (RUS); 1971-76 scientific collaborator of various scientific institutes in Leningrad and 1976-81 collaborator for the Institute for Structural and Applied Linguistics of the University of Moscow; 1981 emigrates to West-Germany and 1982-85 receives various scientific stipends for Germany; 1986-87 freelance writer living in Cologne (D); 1988 visiting professor at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia (USA); 1991 visiting professor at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles (USA); 1992 Ph.D. in Philosophy at the University of Münster (D); since 1994 Professor for Art History, Philosophy and Media Theory at the Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe (D); member of the Association International des Critiques d'Art (AICA). Lives in Karlsruhe.


Books, catalogues[edit]

  • Gesamtkunstwerk Stalin: die gespaltene Kultur in der Sowjetunion, trans. Gabriele Leupold, Munich: Carl Hanser, 1988, 135 pp. Trans. from Russian. (German)
    • Staline, oeuvre d'art totale, Nîmes: Chambon, 1990, 187 pp. (French)
    • The Total Art of Stalinism: Avant-Garde, Aesthetic Dictatorship, and Beyond, trans. Charles Rougle, Princeton University Press, 1992, ARG. (English)
    • "Stilʹ Stalin", in Groys, Utopiya i obmen, Moscow: Znak, 1993; repr. as "Gesamtkunstwerk Stalin", in Groys, Iskusstvo utopii, Moscow: Khudozhestvennyy zhurnal, 2003; repr. as Gesamtkunstwerk Stalin [Gesamtkunstwerk Сталин], ed. Polina Kanyukova (Полина Канюкова), Moscow: Ad Marginem, and Garage Museum, 2013, 168 pp. [1] [2] (Russian)
    • Lo stalinismo ovvero l'opera d'arte totale: arte e vita, estetica e politica, utopia e fine della storia dalle avanguardie al realismo socialista al postmoderno, trans. Emanuela Guercetti, Milan: Garzanti, 1992, 151 pp; repr., 2018, 151 pp. (Italian)
    • Celostna umetnina Stalin: razcepljena kultura v Sovjetski zvezi, trans. Samo Krušič, afterw. Igor Zabel, Ljubljana: Založba, 1999, 171 pp. (Slovenian)
    • Zentai geijutsu yoshiki Sutarin [全体芸術様式スターリン], trans. Ikuo Kameyama and Yoshiaki Koga, Tokyo: Gendai shicho shinsha, 2000, 262 pp. (Japanese)
    • Obra de arte total Stalin, trans. Desiderio Navarro, Valencia: Pre-Textos, 2008, 229 pp. (Spanish)
    • Stalin - opera de artă totală: cultura scindată din Uniunea Sovietică, trans. Eugenia Bojoga and George State, Cluj: Idea Design & Print, 2007, 99 pp. (Romanian)
    • Stalin jako totalne dzieło sztuki, trans. Piotr Kozak, Warsaw: Sic!, 2010, 156 pp. (Polish)
    • "Gesamtkunstwerk Stalin: rozpolcená kultura v Sovětském svazu", in Groys, Gesamtkunstwerk Stalin: rozpolcená kultura v Sovětském svazu. Komunistické postskriptum, intro. Václav Magid, trans. Martin Ritter, Prague: VVP AVU, 2010, pp 23-124. Excerpt. [3] (Czech)
    • Stalinismi totaalne kunstiteos, trans. Kajar Pruul, forew. Liisa Kaljula, Tallinn: Tallinna Ülikooli Kirjastus, 2019, 243 pp. Trans. of "Stil' Stalin". (Estonian)
  • with Ilya Kabakov, Die Kunst des Fliehens, Munich: Hanser, 1991. (German)
    • Dialogi (1990-1994) [Диалоги (1990—1994)], ed. Yelena Petrovskaya (Елена Петровская), Moscow: Ad Marginem, 1999, 192 pp. [4] (Russian)
    • Dialogi [Диалоги], Vologda, 2010, 346 pp. (Russian)
  • Zeitgenössische Kunst aus Moskau: von der Neo-Avantgarde zum Post-Stalinismus, Munich: Klinkhardt & Biermann, 1991, 256 pp. Collection of essays previously published in Russian, French, German, and English between 1979 and 1991. (German)
  • Über das Neue. Versuch einer Kulturökonomie, Munich: Carl Hanser, 1992, 194 pp. (German)
    • "O novom" [О новом], in Groys, Utopiya i obmen, 1993. (Russian)
    • Du nouveau: essai d'économie culturelle, trans. Jean Mouchard, Nîmes: Chambon, 1995, 213 pp. (French)
    • in Groys, Teorija sodobne umetnosti, 2002. (Slovenian)
    • Despre nou: eseu de economie culturală, trans. Aurel Codoban, forew. Vasile Ernu, Cluj-Napoca: Idea Design & Print, 2003, 155 pp. (Romanian)
    • Sobre lo nuevo ensayo de una economía cultural, trans. Manuel Fontán del Junco, Valencia: Pre-Textos, 2005, 249 pp. (Spanish)
    • On the New, trans. G.M. Goshgarian, London: Verso, 2014, vi+200 pp. (English)
    • O novom. Opyt ekonomiki kultury [О новом. Опыт экономики культуры], trans. Tatyana Zborovskaya (Татьяна Зборовская), Moscow: Ad Marginem, and Garage Museum, 2015, 240 pp. [5] [6] (Russian)
    • Lun xin: wen hua dang an ku yu shi su shi jie zhi jian de jia zhi jiao huan [论新: 文化档案库与世俗世界之间的价值交换], trans. Lü Pan, Chongqing Shi: Chongqing da xue chu ban she, 2018, xxx+179 pp. (Chinese)
  • with Thomas Strauss, Gibt es eine Ostkunst? / Und trotzdem, die „Ostkunst“, Cologne: Gesellschaft für Moderne Kunst am Museum Ludwig, 1994, 31 pp. Two lectures. [7] (German)
  • VIZIT. Roman [ВИЗИТ. Роман], Moscow: Obscuri Viri, 1995, 80 pp. Novel. (Russian)
  • Die Erfindung Russlands, Munich: Carl Hanser, 1995, 251 pp. (German)
  • with Ilya Kabakov, Die Kunst der Installation, Munich: Hanser, 1996, 169 pp. (German)
  • Logik der Sammlung: am Ende des musealen Zeitalters, Munich: Hanser, 1997, 226 pp; repr., 2009, 226 pp. (German)
    • Logica van de verzameling, trans. Jan Sietsma, Amsterdam: Octavo, 2013, 275 pp. Contains 12 of 16 texts from the German edition, plus another 6 essays. [8] (Dutch)
    • Logic of the Collection, Berlin: Sternberg, 2021, 296 pp. [9] (English)
    • La lógica de la colección y otros ensayos, ed. & trans. Manuel Fontán del Junco, Barcelona: Arcadia, 2021, 251 pp. (Spanish)
    • La Lògica de la collecció i altres assaigs, ed. Manuel Fontán del Junco, trans. Carlota Gurt Daví, Barcelona: Ajuntament de Barcelona, 2020, 237 pp. (Catalan)
  • Kunst-Kommentare, Vienna: Passagen, 1997, 238 pp. (German)
    • Kommentarii k iskusstvu [Комментарии к искусству], Moscow: Khudozhestvennyy zhurnal, 2003. (Russian)
  • Unter Verdacht: eine Phänomenologie der Medien, Munich: Hanser, 2000, 231 pp. (German)
    • Pod podozreniem: fenomenologiia media [Под подозрением: Феноменология медиа], trans. Andrey Fomenko (Андрей Фоменко), Moscow: Khudozhestvennyy zhurnal, 2006, 200 pp. (Russian)
    • Bajo sospecha: una fenomenología de los medios, trans. Manuel Fontán del Junco and Alejandro Martín Navarro, Valencia: Pre-Textos, 2008, 300 pp. (Spanish)
    • Il sospetto: per una fenomenologia dei media, trans. Corrado Badocco, Milan: Bompiani, 2010, 201 pp. (Italian)
    • Under Suspicion: A Phenomenology of Media, trans. Carsten Strathausen, Columbia University Press, 2012, xxviii+199 pp, ARG. (English)
    • Sumljivost: fenomenologija medijev, trans. Alfred Leskovec, Maribor: Hiša knjig, 2012, 189 pp. (Slovenian)
  • Politik der Unsterblichkeit: vier Gespräche mit Thomas Knoefel, Munich: Hanser, 2002, 207 pp. (German)
    • Politique de l'immortalité: quatre entretiens avec Thomas Knoefel, trans. Olivier Mannoni, Paris: Marin Sell, 2005, 217 pp. (French)
    • Política de la inmortalidad: cuatro conversaciones con Thomas Knoefel, trans. Graciela Calderón, Buenos Aires/Madrid: Katz, 2008, 286 pp. (Spanish)
    • Politica dell'immortalità arte e desiderio nel tardo capitalismo: quattro conversazioni con Thomas Knoefel, pref. Paolo Perticari, trans. Eleonora Florio, Milan: Mimesis, 2016, 188 pp. (Italian)
  • Teorija sodobne umetnosti: izbrani eseji, trans. Špela Virant, ed. & afterw. Janez Strehovec, Ljubljana: Študentska založba, 2002, 253 pp. Selected essays. (Slovenian)
  • Iskusstvo utopii [Искусство утопии], Moscow: Khudozhestvennyy zhurnal, 2003, 319 pp. Review: Matveeva (KM). (Russian)
  • Topologie der Kunst, Munich: Hanser, 2003, 297 pp. (German)
    • Topologia aurei și alte eseuri, trans. Aurel Codoban, George State, Lorin Ghiman, Cluj-Napoca: Idea&Print Design, 2007. [10] (Romanian)
  • editor, with Max Hollein, Traumfabrik Kommunismus: die visuelle Kultur der Stalinzeit / Dream Factory Communism: the Visual Culture of the Stalin Era, Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz, and Frankfurt: Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt, 2003, 461 pp. Catalog of exhibition at Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt, Sept. 24, 2003-Jan. 4, 2004. (German)/(English)
  • Die Muse im Pelz: die Venus im Pelz als Muse der Massenkultur, Graz: Droschl, 2004, 29 pp. (German)
    • Portrait de l'artiste en masochiste: les paradoxes de la culture de masse, trans. Peter Cockelbergh, Paris: Arkhê, 2013, 48 pp. [11] (French)
  • editor, with Michael Hagemeister, Die neue Menschheit: biopolitische Utopien in Russland zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts, Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 2005, 688 pp; repr., 2016, 688 pp. (German)
  • Das kommunistische Postskriptum, Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 2006, 95 pp. (German)
    • Kommunisticheskiĭ postskriptum [Коммунистический постскриптум], trans. Andrey Fomenko (Андрей Фоменко), Moscow: Ad Marginem, 2007, 123 pp; repr., 2014, 112 pp. [12] [13] (Russian)
    • Le post-scriptum communiste, trans. Olivier Mannoni, Paris: Libella - Maren Sell, 2008, 138 pp. (French)
    • Post scriptum comunista, trans. Gianluca Bonaiuti, Rome: Meltemi, 2008, 94 pp. (Italian)
    • Het communistische postscriptum, trans. & forew. Philip Westbroek, Utrecht: Ijzer, 2009, 133 pp. (Dutch)
    • Post-scriptumul comunist, trans. Maria-Magdalena Anghelescu, Cluj-Napoca: Idea Design & Print, 2009, 95 pp. Review. (Romanian)
    • The Communist Postscript, trans. Thomas Ford, London: Verso, 2010, xxiv+127 pp, ARG. (English)
    • "Komunistické postskriptum", in Groys, Gesamtkunstwerk Stalin: rozpolcená kultura v Sovětském svazu. Komunistické postskriptum, intro. Václav Magid, trans. Martin Ritter, Prague: VVP AVU, 2010, pp 125-178. [14] (Czech)
    • Kommunista utóirat, trans. Nagy Edina, Budapest: Műcsarnok, 2011, 63 pp. (Hungarian)
    • ha-Mispaḥ ha-ḳomunisṭi, trans. Adam Ṭenenbaum, Tel Aviv: Pitom, 2014, 156 pp. (Hebrew)
    • La posdata comunista, trans. Griselda Mársico, Buenos Aires: Cruce, 2015, 87 pp. (Spanish)
    • Komyuniseuteu hugi [코뮤니스트 후기], trans. Suhwan Gim, Seoul: Munhak gwa Jiseongsa, 2017, 194 pp. (Korean)
  • Groysaufnahme: philosophische Gedanken zum Kino, Cologne: Schnitt, 2007, 189 pp. With photographs by Natalia Nikitin. (German)
  • Die Kunst des Denkens, ed. Peter Weibel, Berlin: Philo Fine Arts, 2008, 260 pp. (German)
  • editor, with Max Hollein and Manuel Fontán del Junco, Die Totale Aufklärung: Moskauer Konzeptkunst, 1960-1990 / Total Enlightenment: Conceptual Art in Moscow, 1960-1990, Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz, 2008, 423 pp. Catalogue published in conjunction with the exhibition held at Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt, June 21-Sept. 14, 2008 and Fundación Juan March, Madrid, Oct. 10, 2008-Jan. 11, 2009. (German)/(English)
    • La Ilustración total: arte conceptual de Moscú, 1960-1990 / Total Enlightenment: Conceptual Art in Moscow, 1960-1990, Madrid: Fundación Juan March, and Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz, 2008, 424 pp. (Spanish)/(English)
  • Art Power, MIT Press, 2008, 187 pp. (English)
    • Art power, Milan: Postmedia, 2012, 206 pp. (Italian)
    • Arte poder, trans. Virgínia Starling, Belo Horizonte: UFMG, 2015, 238 pp, ARG. (Brazilian Portuguese)
    • Yi shu li [藝術力], Taipei: Yi shu jia chu ban, and Tao yuan shi: Shi bao wen hua zong jing xiao, 2015, 252 pp. (Chinese)
    • Yi shu li [艺术力], Zhangchun: Ji lin chu ban ji tuan gu fen you xian gong si, 2016, 221 pp. (Chinese)
    • Āto pawā [アート・パワー], Tokyo: Gendaikikakushitsu, 2017, 344 pp. (Japanese)
  • Einführung in die Anti-Philosophie, Munich: Hanser, 2009, 289 pp. (German)
    • Uvod v antifilozofijo, trans. Tanja Petrič and Tomaž Grušovnik, Ljubljana: Študentska založba, 2010, 236 pp. (Slovenian)
    • Introduction to Antiphilosophy, trans. David Fernbach, London: Verso, 2012, xxiii+248 pp, ARG. Review: Kunkel (LRB). (English)
    • Wprowadzenie do anty-filozofii, trans. Joanna Gilewicz, Warsaw: Oficyna Naukowa, 2012, 236 pp. (Polish)
    • Introduzione all'antifilosofia, ed. Paolo Perticari, trans. Stefano Franchini, Milan: Mimesis, 2013, 212 pp. (Italian)
    • Introdução à antifilosofia, trans. Constantino Luz de Medeiros, São Paulo: Edipro, 2013, 216 pp. (Brazilian Portuguese)
    • Introducción a la antifilosofía, trans. Tadeo Lima, Buenos Aires: Eterna Cadencia, 2016, 282 pp. (Spanish)
    • Bancheolhak immun [반철학 입문], trans. Gwangyeol Seo, Seoul: Gyeonghui Daehakgyo Chulpan Munhwawon, 2018, 293 pp. (Korean)
  • with Andro Wekua, Wait to Wait: a Conversation / Wait to Wait: ein Gespräch, Zürich: JRP/Ringier, 2009, xvi+159 pp. (English)/(German)
  • editor, Empty Zones: Andrei Monastyrski and Collective Actions / Пустые зоны. Андрей Монастырский и Коллективные действия, London: Black Dog Publishing, 2011, 127 pp. The Russian Pavilion at the 54th International Art Exhibition of la Biennale di Venezia, 2011. [17] [18] (English)/(Russian)
  • Die Vernunft an die Macht. Ein Streitgespräch, Vienna: Turia + Kant, 2011, 110 pp. (German)
    • La razón al poder. Una discusión", trans. Manuel Fontán del Junco and Alejandro Martín Navarro, Valencia: Pre-Textos, 2014, 114 pp. (Spanish)
  • editor, Moscow Symposium: Conceptualism Revisited, intro. Boris Groys, Berlin: Sternberg, 2012, 176 pp. With essays by Claire Bishop, Keti Chukhrov, Ekaterina Degot, Jörg Heiser, Terry Smith, Anton Vidokle, and Sarah Wilson. (English)
  • Politika poetiki [Политика поэтики], ed. Polina Kanyukova (Полина Канюкова), Moscow: Ad Marginem, and Garage Museum, 2013, 400 pp. Selected essays. [20] [21] (Russian)
  • Antología, trans. Saúl Villa, Mérida, MX: Cocom, 2013, 123 pp. Selected essays. (Spanish)
  • Alexander Deyneka / Александр Дейнека, trans. Andrey Fomenko (Андрей Фоменко), Moscow: Ad Marginem, 2014, 64 pp. [22] (English)/(Russian)
  • Kazimir Malevich / Казимир Малевич, trans. Andrey Fomenko (Андрей Фоменко), Moscow: Ad Marginem, 2014, 48 pp. [23] (English)/(Russian)
  • Boris Mikhailov / Борис Михайлов, trans. Anna Aslanyan (Анна Асланян), Moscow: Ad Marginem, 2014, 52 pp. [24] (English)/(Russian)
  • Wassily Kandinsky / Василий Кандинский, trans. Anna Aslanyan (Анна Асланян), Moscow: Ad Marginem, 2015, 52 pp. [25] (English)/(Russian)
  • editor, Russkiy kosmizm. Antologiya [Русский космизм. Антология], Moscow: Ad Marginem, and Garage Museum, 2015, 320 pp. [26] [27] (Russian)
    • Russian Cosmism, New York: e-flux, and Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2018, ix+249 pp, ARG. (English)
    • editor, with Anthon Vidokle, Kosmismus, Berlin: Matthes & Seitz, 2018, 344 pp. [28] [29] (German)
  • In the Flow, London: Verso, 2016, 202 pp, ARG. (English)
    • Arte en flujo: ensayos sobre la evanescencia del presente, trans. Paola Cortés Roca, Buenos Aires: Caja Negra, 2016, 214 pp. (Spanish)
    • Akışta: internet çağında sanat, trans. Ebru Kılıç, Istanbul: Koç Üniversitesi, 2017, 171 pp. (Turkish)
    • V potoke [В потоке], trans. Andrey Fomenko (Андрей Фоменко), Moscow: Ad Marginem, and Garage Museum, 2018, 208 pp. [30] [31] (Russian)
    • In the flow: l'arte nell'epoca della sua riproducibilità digitale, Milan: Postmedia, 2018, 171 pp. (Italian)
    • Nagare no naka de: intānetto jidai no āto [流れの中で: インターネット時代のアート], trans. Aya Kawamura, Kyoto: Jinbunshoin, 2021, 241 pp. (Japanese)
  • Particular Cases, ed. Max Bach, Berlin: Sternberg, 2016, 291 pp. Selected essays. [32] (English)
    • Chastnyye sluchai [Частные случаи], trans. Anna Matveeva (Анна Матвеева), Moscow: Ad Marginem, and Garage Museum, 2020, 220 pp. [33] (Russian)
  • Stati ob Ilye Kabakove [Статьи об Илье Кабакове], ed. Nataliya Nikitina (Наталия Никитина), Moscow: Ad Marginem, and Garage Museum, 2016, 136 pp. Collection of essays on Ilya Kabakov written between 1980-2008. [34] [35] (Russian)
  • Ranniye teksty: 1976-1990. K semidesyatiletiyu Borisa Groysa [Ранние тексты: 1976-1990. К семидесятилетию Бориса Гройса], ed. Nataliya Nikitina (Наталия Никитина), Moscow: Ad Marginem, and Garage Museum, 2017, 496 pp. Collection of essays. [36] [37] (Russian)
  • Philosophy of Care, London: Verso, 2022. (English)

Book chapters, essays[edit]

  • "The Topology of Contemporary Art", in Moscow Art Magazine. Digest 2005-2007, 2007; repr. in Antinomies of Art and Culture: Modernity, Postmodernity, Contemporaneity, eds. Terry Smith, Okwui Enwezor and Nancy Condee, Duke University Press, 2008, pp 71-82. (English)
  • "Kunst im Zeitalter der Biopolitik. Vom Kunstwerk zur Kunstdokumentation", in Documenta 11, Platform 5: Ausstelung, Ostfildern-Ruit: Hatje Cantz, 2002, pp 107-113.


