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Latest revision as of 12:50, 6 September 2015

The journal La testa di ferro was created by the core group of the Rijeka futurist ‘sheave’ (Fascio Futurista Fiumanense), that, during the D'Annunzio administrating of Rijeka and the Quarnaro Republic (Fiume and Republica di Carnarro, 1919–1921), consisted of Mino Somenzi, Guido Keller and the journal editor, the poet, writer, diplomat and publicist Mario Carli. The first issue was published on 1 Feb 1920 and was considered the unofficial bulletin for the city government. Mario Carli, through his paper debated the leading anarchists of the time, while among the participants of the events in Rijeka, he stood out with his ambition for the city to take a larger role in the forthcoming global revolution. The orthodoxy and radical attitude of Carli express themselves in his penchant for the discipline of the spirit, as opposed to the formal discipline; for destruction of all types of supremacy, dogma, parasitism, conservatism; in favor of the new energy and alliance of the working class and artists by establishing of a new world order based on the Soviet communist model. This brought him into conflict with the politically stronger Arditi-fascist faction. On the suggestion from D'Annunzio, on 20 June 1920, Carli transferred the paper's offices to Milan. (Source).

Avant-garde and modernist magazines

Poesia (1905-09, 1920), Der Sturm (1910-32), Blast (1914-15), The Egoist (1914-19), The Little Review (1914-29), 291 (1915-16), MA (1916-25), De Stijl (1917-20, 1921-32), Dada (1917-21), Noi (1917-25), 391 (1917-24), Zenit (1921-26), Broom (1921-24), Veshch/Gegenstand/Objet (1922), Die Form (1922, 1925-35), Contimporanul (1922-32), Secession (1922-24), Klaxon (1922-23), Merz (1923-32), LEF (1923-25), G (1923-26), Irradiador (1923), Sovremennaya architektura (1926-30), Novyi LEF (1927-29), ReD (1927-31), Close Up (1927-33), transition (1927-38).