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G: Material zur elementaren Gestaltung [G: Material for Elementary Construction] was an avant-garde journal edited and published in Berlin by Hans Richter. Five issues were produced in German between 1923-26. El Lissitzky and Werner Graeff were on the editorial board of the first issue, subsequently the architects Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and Kiesler joined Richter as editors.

G's first two issues consisted of a large folded sheet with just four pages, but from June 1924 it became a more conventional magazine. The first rubric changed, with the third issue, to Zeitschrift für elementare Gestaltung [Journal for Elementary Construction]. International in outlook, the magazine was primarily interested in modern constructive form, including buildings, aeroplanes, cars and town planning, and it drew into its orbit film and photomontage. [1]

Contributors: Theo van Doesburg, Ludwig Hilbersheimer, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Raoul Hausmann, El Lissitzky, Hans Arp, Kurt Schwitters, Piet Mondriaan, Viking Eggeling, Naum Gabo, Antoine Pevsner, Ernst Schön, George Grosz, John Heartfield, Tristan Tzara and Man Ray.


G 1 (Jul 1923), 4 pages, 46 cm, PDF (33 mb). EN: 2010, PDF (4 mb).
G 2 (Sep 1923). 45.7 x 29.2 cm.
G 3 (Jun 1924). 25.1 x 17.5 cm.
G 4 (Mar 1926). 25.2 x 17.5 cm.
G 5-6 (Apr 1926). 25.1 x 19.5 cm.

The above PDF of number 1 is assembled from scans in Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library.


  • G - Material zur elementaren Gestaltung, ed. Marion von Hofacker, Munich: Kern Verlag, 1986. Facsimile reprint.
  • [English translation.] Detlef Mertins, Michael William Jennings (eds.), G: An Avant-Garde Journal of Art, Architecture, Design, and Film, 1923-1926, Getty Publications, 2010. TOC, Issue 1 (Jul 1923), Issue 2 (Sep 1923), Issue 3 (Jun 1924), Issue 4 (Mar 1926), Issue 5/6 (1926). [2] [3] [4]


  • Emily Hage, "G", in Dada, Paris: Editions du Centre Pompidou, 2005, pp 440-441. (English)
  • "G", in The Dada Reader: A Critical Anthology, ed. Dawn Ades, London: Tate Publishing, 2006, pp 305-311. (English)
  • Stephen Bury, "'Not to adorn life but to organize it': Veshch. Gegenstand. Objet: Revue internationale de l'art moderne (1922), G (1923-6)", in The Oxford Critical and Cultural History of Modernist Magazines. Vol. 3: Europe 1880-1940, Oxford University Press, 2013. (English)
  • Mies van der Rohe, Richter, Graeff & Co. Alltag und Design in der Avantgardezeitschrift G, eds. Karin Fest, Sabrina Rahman and Marie-Noëlle Yazdanpanah, Vienna/Berlin: Turia, 2014, 191 pp. TOC & Introduction, [5]. (German),(English)
  • Rebecca Uchill, "Mediating", in Experience: Culture, Cognition, and the Common Sense, eds. Caroline A. Jones, David Mather and Rebecca Uchill, MIT Press, 2016, pp 34-55. (English)
  • Erin McClenathan, "Hans Richter’s Rhythmus Films in G: the Collective Cinematographic", InVisible Culture 24, May 2016. (English)


Avant-garde and modernist magazines

Poesia (1905-09, 1920), Der Sturm (1910-32), Blast (1914-15), The Egoist (1914-19), The Little Review (1914-29), 291 (1915-16), MA (1916-25), De Stijl (1917-20, 1921-32), Dada (1917-21), Noi (1917-25), 391 (1917-24), Zenit (1921-26), Broom (1921-24), Veshch/Gegenstand/Objet (1922), Die Form (1922, 1925-35), Contimporanul (1922-32), Secession (1922-24), Klaxon (1922-23), Merz (1923-32), LEF (1923-25), G (1923-26), Irradiador (1923), Sovremennaya architektura (1926-30), Novyi LEF (1927-29), ReD (1927-31), Close Up (1927-33), transition (1927-38).