New Media Center_kuda.org is an independent cultural organization based in Novi Sad, Serbia, which since 2001 brings together artists, theoreticians, media activists, researchers and the wider public in the research of contemporary art theory and practice, cultural policies, activism and politics. kuda.org tends to make an intervention in the sphere of research and artistic and social experimentation within the field of art and cultural production, from the position of institutional critique and critique of cultural policies. Facing processes of cultural industries and culturalization of politics and art, the collective attempts to map and encourage acts of critique and resistance to comodification of results of art production including attempts of transformation and critique of relations of production which are in the field of art production and outer-art social processes being reproduced through shifts of ideological and „political“ matrixes, which are in the last instance consequence of recuperation of people.
kuda.org creates platform for an open dialogue, experimental education, collaboration and research, and open access to different knowledge resources. Within kuda.org, there have been organised several hundreds public events: lectures and presentations of visiting artists and theorists, workshops, exhibitions, conferences and international publishing project. Over the years, kuda.org has established a wide network of collaborating cultural institutions and individuals, locally, in Serbia, in the region and internationally. In 2007, kuda.org co-established the Youth Center CK13, one of the rare autonomous spaces dedicated to activism, self-organisation and independent cultural production. Since 2012, kuda.org is closely collaborating with the Group for Conceptual Politics – GKP from Novi Sad on projects, theoretical researches, publishing and the politics of housing (within the project Local politics and Urban self-management). (2021)
- Kristian Lukić, "Kuda.org. Mediálni aktivisti z Nového Sadu", trans. Mária Rišková, 3/4 revue 4, Bratislava, 2001, pp 62-63. (Slovak)
- kuda.org, Nat Muller, Stephen Kovats (eds.), Trans_evropski forum: Umetnost i mediji u tranziciji / Trans_European Picnic: The Art and Media of Accession, Novi Sad: Futura publikacije, 2004, 120 pp. [1] (Serbian)/(English)
- kuda.org (eds.), tektonik: Nova društvena ontologija u vreme totalne komunikacije / New Social Onthology in the Time of Total Communication, Novi Sad: Futura publikacije, 2004, 150 pp, PDF. (Serbian)/(English)
- kuda.org (eds.), bitomatik: Umetnička praksa u vreme informacijske/medijske dominacije / Art Practice in the Time of Information/Media Domination, Novi Sad: Futura publikacije, 2004, 168 pp, PDF. (Serbian)/(English)
- kuda.org (eds.), divanik: Razgovori o medijskoj umetnosti, kulturi i društvu / Conversations and Interviews about Media Art, Culture and Society, Novi Sad: Daniel print, 2004, 123 pp, PDF. (Serbian)/(English)
- Felix Stalder, Open Cultures and the Nature of Networks / Otvorena kultura i priroda mreža, eds. kuda.org, Novi Sad: Futura publikacije, Sarajevo: Sarajevo Center for Contemporary Art, and Frankfurt: Revolver - Archiv für aktuelle Kunst, 2005, 91+97 pp, PDF/en, PDF/sr. (English)/(Serbian)
- Oliver Resler, Alternativne ekonomije, alternativna društva, eds. kuda.org, trans. Milica and Orfeas Skutelis and Philip Wattles, Frankfurt: Revolver - Archiv für aktuelle Kunst, 2005, 35 pp. Exh. booklet. [2] (Serbian)
- kuda.org (eds.), Trajni čas umetnosti, Novosadska neoavangarda 60-ih i 70-ih godina XX veka / The Continuous Art Class: The Novi Sad Neo-Avant-Garde of the 1960s and 1970s, Frankfurt: Revolver – Archiv für aktuelle Kunst, 2005, PDF. (Serbian)/(English)
- kuda.org (eds.), Izostavljena istorija / Omitted History, trans. Nebojša Pajić, Frankfurt: Revolver – Archiv für aktuelle Kunst, 2006, 134 pp, PDF. (English)/(Serbian)/(English)
- Gerald Raunig, Umetnost i revolucija. Umetnički aktivizam tokom dugog XX veka, trans. Relja Dražić, Novi Sad: kuda.org, 2006. Trans. of Kunst und Revolution (2005). Publisher. (Serbian)
- kuda.org (eds.), Pirati na mreži: kultura elektronskog kriminala, trans. Relja Dražić, Dragan Prole and Rade Pujin, Novi Sad: Futura publikacije, 2008, 133 pp. Trans. of Armin Medosch, Janko Röttgers (eds.), Netzpiraten (2001). [3] (Serbian)
- kuda.org (eds.), Public Netbase: Non Stop Future, New practices in Art and Media, Frankfurt: Revolver – Archiv für aktuelle Kunst, 2008. TOC. [4] (English)
- Branka Ćurčić (ed.), ID: Ideology of Design / Ideologija dizajna, New York: Autonomedia, 2009. Review: Sendijarevic. [5] (English)/(Serbo-Croatian)
- Za ideju: protiv stanja. Analiza i sistematizacija umetničkog stvaralaštva Želimira Žilnika / For an Idea: Against the Status Quo. Analysis and Systematization of Želimir Žilnik's Artistic Practice, eds. Branka Ćurčić, Sarita Matijević, Zoran Pantelić and Želimir Žilnik, Novi Sad: Playground produkcija, 2009, 224 pp. With a DVD. [6] [7] (Serbian)/(English)
- WHW, tranzit.hu, Muzeum Sztuki w Łodzi, kuda.org (eds.), Art Always Has Its Consequences, Zagreb: What, How & for Whom/WHW, 2010, 265 pp, PDF. (English)
- Jelena Vesić, Zorana Dojić (eds.), Političke prakse (post)jugoslovenske umetnosti: retrospektiva 01, Belgrade: Prelom kolektiv, 2010, 287 pp. Exh. catalogue. (Serbian)
- Cement, registar urbanog spoticanja, Novi Sad: Centar za nove medije_kuda.org, Dec 2010, 24 pp. Newspaper. (Serbian)
- Ana Vilenica, kuda.org, Na ruševinama kreativnog grada [On the Ruins of Creative City], Novi Sad: Centar za nove medije_kuda.org, 2012, 312 pp. Publisher. (Serbian)
- Umetnik/ca u (ne)radu, Novi Sad: Centar za nove medije_kuda.org, and Novi Sad: Muzej savremene umetnosti Vojvodine, 2012, 111 pp. Publisher. (Serbian)
- Luciano Basauri, Dafne Berc, Aleksandar Bede, Latentnost u gradu: praznine u Novom Sadu, trans. Đorđe Čolić, Novi Sad: Centar za nove medije_kuda.org, 2012, 47 pp. [8] (Serbian)
- Boris Buden, Želimir Žilnik, kuda.org, et al., Uvod u prošlost [Prelude into Past], Novi Sad: Centar za nove medije_kuda.org, 2013, 221 pp, PDF. [9] [10] (Serbian)
- Silven Lazaris, Antropologija imena, trans. Ana Moralić, Novi Sad: Grupa za konceptualnu politiku, and Novi Sad: kuda.org, 2013, 302 pp. Trans. of Sylvain Lazarus, Anthropologie du nom. Publisher. (Serbian)
- Howard Slater, Anomija/Bonomija i drugi tekstovi, trans. Dušan Đorđević Mileusnić, Đorđe Čolić, et al., Novi Sad: Centar za nove medije_kuda.org, 2013, 164 pp. Publisher. [11] (Serbo-Croatian)
- Howard Slater, kuda.org (eds.), Faculty of De-Programming for Obsolescence! Welcome!, Novi Sad: New Media Center_kuda.org, 2014, 150 pp, PDF. (English)
- Fakultet za deprogramiranje zastarelosti! Dobrodošli!, Novi Sad: Centar za nove medije_kuda.org, 2014, 150 pp, PDF. (Serbo-Croatian)
- Susan Buck-Morss, Predočavanje kapitala, trans. Olja Petronić, Novi Sad: kuda.org, and Zagreb: Multimedia Institute, 2014, 69 pp. PDF spreads. (Serbo-Croatian)
- Gilles Deleuze, Herman Melville, Bartleby ili formula; Perovođa Bartleby, trans. Tomislav Medak and Maja Šoljan, Novi Sad: kuda.org, and Zagreb: Multimedia Institute, 2014, 101 pp. PDF spreads. (Serbo-Croatian)
- Pierre Macherey, Produktivni subjekt, trans. Slavica Miletić, Novi Sad: kuda.org, and Zagreb: Multimedia Institute, 2014, 80 pp. PDF spreads. (Serbo-Croatian)
- Alen Badiju, Teorija subjekta, trans. Olja Petronić, Novi Sad: Grupa za konceptualnu politiku (GKP), and Centar za nove medije_kuda.org, 2015. Trans. of Alain Badiou, Théorie du Sujet (1982). Publisher. (Serbian)
- Maria Lind, Raimund Minichbauer (eds.), Evropske kulturne politike 2015. godine, trans. Orfeas Skutelis i Branka Ćurčić, 2015. Trans. of European Cultural Policies 2015. [12] (Serbian)
- Chris Cutler, Pod oznakom popularno: teorijski i kritički tekstovi o muzici, trans. Ozren Lazić and kuda.org, Novi Sad: Centar za nove medije_kuda.org, 2016, 170 pp. Trans. of Chris Cutler, File Under Popular (1985/1991). Publisher. (Serbian)
- Group for Conceptual Politics (GKP), et al., Look at Hazards, Look at Losses, Novi Sad: kuda.org, and London: Mute Books, 2017, 336 pp. Publisher, Publisher. (English)/(Serbo-Croatian)
- Howard Slater, kuda.org, Conceptual Policy Group Novi Sad (eds.), Anti-Wall: A Contribution to a More or Less Caput Comprehension of Surrealism / Anti-Zid: prilog za manje-više dovršeno razumevanje nadrealizma, trans. Howard Slater, Novi Sad: New Media Center_kuda.org, 2017. Publisher. (Serbo-Croatian)/(English)
- Alphabet of Detilinera, Novi Sad, 2018, [2] pp. Exh. booklet. (Serbian)/(English)
- Nemanja Sovtić, Boris Kovač, Noism: Fragmenti o savremenosti i svevremenosti improvizovane muzike / Fragments of the Contemporary and Contemporaneity of Improvised Music, eds. kuda.org and improstor, Novi Sad: Centar za nove medije_kuda.org, 2019, 54 pp. [13] (Serbian)/(English)
- Darija Medić, Uroš Krčadinac, Tactical Poetics, Novi Sad: kuda.org, and Zagreb: Multimedijalni institut, 2020, [35] pp. (English)
- Uroš Krčadinac, Darija Medić, Optimised Poetics, Novi Sad: kuda.org, and Zagreb: Multimedijalni institut, 2020, [49] pp. (English)
- Ana Vilenica, Darija Medić, Stevan Vuković, kuda.org (eds.), Fragments for Studies on Art Organisations, vol. 1, Novi Sad: kuda.org, 2021, 151 pp, PDF. Online companion. (English)
- Dejan Sretenović, Red Horizon: The Avant-Garde and Revolution in Yugoslavia, 1919-1932, trans. Katarina Radović, Novi Sad: kuda.org, 2021, 228 pp, PDF. (English)
- Ana Vilenica (ed.), Decoloniality in Eastern Europe: A Lexicon of Reorientation, Novi Sad: kuda.org, Mar 2023, 157 pp. Based on a series of webinars held 2022. Texts: Ana Vilenica, Ana Sladojević, Piro Rexhepi, Čarna Brković, Ovidiu Țichindeleanu, Manuela Boatcă, Zhivka Valiavicharska, Bojana Videkanić, Veda Popovici, Ivana Pražić, Danijela Majstorović, Jelena Savić, Emina Bužinkić, Łukasz Stanek, Erin McElroy, Zoltán Ginelli, Olivera Jokić. Publisher. (English)
- Nina Czegledy, "Interview with Zoran Pantelić", Summer 2002.
- Trebor Scholz, "An interview with Kuda", Idc, Nov 2004.
- "Peripheral visions: kuda.org", Zagreb: Booksa, 2024, 52 min. Podcast.
- "Experimenting with Networks, Technologies and Political Hurdles. kuda.org on their Origins and Current Challenges", transversal.at, n.d., 61 min. Audio.